Tangible Intuitive Interactive Interfaces

Tangible Intuitive Interactive Interfaces TIII (Tangible, intuitive, interactive interfaces) is an IDC-research unit launched in 2011. Daily p

From an interdisciplinary approach, it investigates the possible interfaces
between the physical and digital world with a strong focus on user experience design (UXD) in cooperation with an interdisciplinary network. The research team wants to promote the possibilities of a TIII, with the concrete implementation of a TIII-network, a TIII design method and a TIII lab.

15 januari 2016 - eindpresentaties Mechatronica om13u30 in C207 te IDC

15 januari 2016 - eindpresentaties Mechatronica om13u30 in C207 te IDC


Marksesteenweg 58


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