ecoNVERGE ecoNVERGE – inspire • balance • harmony
inspire one - 1x = X1 - motivate many! Thrivability is a journey, not a destination!

Shaping a future considering 5Ps of econological thrivability & regenerative economics
People ● Planet ● Progress ● Purpose ● Passion
Think-Tank global reach – glocal motion

Engages as platform for co-creation & co-realisation of Convergent INCISIVE Knowledge into sustainable disseminated solutions, through the practice of Knowledge Mgmt, Change Facilitation & Innovation, improving our lives & wo

rk environment. Shaping our future, considering 5Ps of econological thrivability & regenerative economics: People ● Planet ● Progress ● Purpose ● Passion

Inspired by Econological Lattice Circles (TEAL) & Germane Progressive Economics, ecoNVERGE realizes Convergent INCISIVE Knowledge through transformational changes through the Transition Narrative in social values, resource needs & technological advances, maintaining balance between Planet, People & Progress, adding Purpose & Passion to the mix to move from surviving to thriving, in which people, their capacities & human values matter and are central to the approach:
• from competition to CO-CREATION
• from shareholder to STAKEHOLDER economics
• from profit & growth to

An econological responsible & sustainable approach, inspiring, cultivating, facilitating & engaging dynamic capacity for sustainable PROGRESS and harmonised balanced of life, environment & humanity! Strengthening, connecting & mobilizing people, resources & tools to enhance leadership, innovation & community values, through active participation in strategic partnerships & facilitating market entry for companies adapting the econological model for a sustainable balance in our social & economic life. INSPIRE People to think and lead with Purpose, while acting with Passion for BALANCED sustainable Progress, in HARMONY with the Planet, towards building communities that THRIVE! Past & present engagement, investments, promotion & assimilation of projects, communities & companies around:
• eco-Living, SMART Communities, Green Building & eco-Architecture
• eco-Tourism & Adventure Travel, Entertainment, Leisure, Sports & Arts
• Corp. & Public Sustainability Management, Environmental Awareness and Social & Natural Capital
• eV-mobility & Inteliigent Transportation solutions (ITS), SMARTgrid Infrastructure & RE-mix Optimization
• Technology Advancements & Engineering
• Enterprise CLOUD Integration, Big Data, Semantic Web3.0
• Converged Incisive Knowledge Management

ecoNVERGE – inspire ● balance ● harmony

Join the dialogue – realizing sustainable balance in our social & economic circle of life!

Imagine what could be, to be the future! Co-realize the talk, walk the talk, live the walk, dance the path! INSPIRE people in HARMONY with the planet for BALANCED progress towards building communities that THRIVE!




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