Feel the Spirits 1914 - 1918

Feel the Spirits 1914 - 1918 Private guiding on the WW1 Battlefields in France and Belgium.

Drie dagen op slagveldreis geweest als organisator en gids voor het St. Patrick's College uit Ballarat, Victoria, Austra...

Drie dagen op slagveldreis geweest als organisator en gids voor het St. Patrick's College uit Ballarat, Victoria, Australië. 50 studenten, 9 leraars (de directeur incluis) en 11 sympathisanten, kortom een hele bende. Gelukkig werd ik uitstekend geassisteerd door een uitstekende collega, Carl Ooghe, en werden we in de watten gelegd met de luxueuze autocars van Reizen Sercu. Het was een hele rijke ervaring voor de Australiërs maar ook voor mezelf !

Gisteren in de voetsporen van twee broers, vandaag en morgen op zoek naar hun neef !

Gisteren in de voetsporen van twee broers, vandaag en morgen op zoek naar hun neef !

On the road with people from Sydney discovering the Aliens area. Stopped in Bertangles at Sir John Monash HQ's but also ...

On the road with people from Sydney discovering the Aliens area. Stopped in Bertangles at Sir John Monash HQ's but also In a cemetery out of the normal battlefield tour to say hello to a common private on behalf of a good Aussie friend. 😍

Back from a long day battlefield touring in Northern France and South West Flanders. Fine weather in the morning but cat...

Back from a long day battlefield touring in Northern France and South West Flanders. Fine weather in the morning but cats and dogs in the afternoon. Can you tell me where we took this picture ?

I recently bought a new book on Gallipoli, "Walking Gallipoli" by Stephen Chambers. Well, I must say I'm very disappoint...

I recently bought a new book on Gallipoli, "Walking Gallipoli" by Stephen Chambers. Well, I must say I'm very disappointed in the content of that book. The title is completely misleading !
This is not a book with in detail described walks all over the peninsula, on the contrary ! It is a book with for 90 % general information on the Gallipoli war and only a little bit of description of walking routes. When I compare that book of Stephen Chambers to those like "Walking the Somme" , "Walking Ypres", Walking Arras" or even "Walking Verdun", then I have to give a mere 1 on 10 !
What I'm missing: a detailed walk on 1. Gully Ravine, 2. Backpost House, 3. Zimmerman's Farm, 4. the Pimple and Cairns walk on Kirech Tepe, and so on ...
In my library on Gallipoli I have books with more detailed walking tours than this one.
Sorry, Stephen Chambers: this is a total failure !


Western Front Remembrance

Me on the right carrying the wreath for Garry Snowden !

Me on the right carrying the wreath for Garry Snowden !

Learn more about our wreath laying at the Menin Gate for our Walking our War Graves fundraisers.

hereby the link to all the photo’s that the official Last Post Association photographer made yesterday evening at the Me...

hereby the link to all the photo’s that the official Last Post Association photographer made yesterday evening at the Menin Gate. He confirmed me that there’s absolutely no problem to publish these pictures anywhere.


102 new photos added to shared album


Writing to his mother at Maryborough, Victoria, 31st August 1915, Pte. Thomas George Thwaites, 5th Battalion Australian Infantry, described some of his recent experiences on the peninsula.

"Things have been a bit, lively here since 4th August. We have been in the fighting line getting on for three mouths. The last four [weeks?] we haven't even had a spell out in the supports, so you can imagine how we are feeling. A letter is the only luxury we have to look forward to. We get a bit lively when we know our mail is in, and we are right for three or four days, We get a mail about every three weeks, and after that is finished all we have to do is mope about the trenches listening to the shells screaming over our heads or flying around our trenches. Occasionally the Turks get a big howitzer shell into our trench; then there are a few more names added to the death roll. They always give us a good shelling during meal hours. I have been buried a couple of times, and bruised a little, but I am still able to shoulder my arms. It pleases us to see the recruits rolling in we only wish there were a few more of them over here; we might have a. chance of getting a spell then. We have plenty of flies to worry us in the day time, and at night they just about eat us alive. They are all sizes and all colors you can see them skirmishing in and out the sand bags." [1]

He had been wounded – a bullet wound in the right thigh – on 13th May 1915, and evacuated to Alexandria for treatment, returning to the peninsula on 1st July 1915.

After landing in France, he transferred to 6th Australian Field Ambulance on 29th April 1916 with which unit he was killed in action on 6th November 1916.

Buried in Thistle Dump Cemetery, High Wood, Longueval, he was the 20 year-old son of Thomas Thwaites and Charlotte E. Fleming, of 607 Armstrong Street, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, originally of Maryborough, Victoria.

[1] 'Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser' (Victoria), 27th October 1915.


Join us for the Official Opening of the British Normandy Memorial on the 77th anniversary of D-Day.Watch this historic moment live from 10am BST on Sunday 6 ...

Zeer vereerd met de vermelding van mijn naam op een tentoonstelling in Ballarat, Victoria, Australië ! Mjn vriend Garry ...

Zeer vereerd met de vermelding van mijn naam op een tentoonstelling in Ballarat, Victoria, Australië !

Mjn vriend Garry Snowden, voorzitter van het Arch of Victory & het Avenue of Honour Comité, vroeg mijn medewerking in verband met een tentoonstelling bij de inwijding van een nieuwe woonwijk in Ballarat. Uiteraard heb ik volmondig toegezegd !

De Lucas-wijk, net gebouwd in de nabijheid van de Avenue of Honour, heeft al zijn straten vernoemd naar Australische soldaten die sneuvelden in Wereldoorlog I op Gallipoli en aan het Westelijk Front in België en Frankrijk.

De Avenue of Honour werd in 1917 ‘opgericht’ op aansturen van Mevr. W.D. Thompson, directeur van de E. Lucas & C° confectiefabriek. Er werd een laan aangelegd in het verlengde van de hoofdstraat van Ballarat. Iedere 11 meter werd langs beide zijden van de avenue een boom geplant waarbij de naam van een soldaat (of verpleegster) uit de Ballarat regio werd vermeld die dienst nam tijdens de Grote Oorlog. De 500 confectiearbeidsters van de firma, gekend als de ‘Lucas Meisjes’, zamelden het geld in (toen zo’n 2.000 pond) om de bomen aan te schaffen. Op 4 juni 1917 werden de eerste 500 bomen geplant. De laatste boom - nr. 3801 - kreeg zijn plaats op het einde van de laan op 3 juni 1919 !

Om de opening van de nieuwe wijk met straatnamen die een aantal soldaten die hun leven gaven tijdens Wereldoorlog 1 blijvend te herinneren, werd een kleine tentoonstelling opgezet waarbij kort telkens het verhaal verteld wordt van de Digger naar wie een straat is vernoemd.

Dat ik daar een bescheiden bijdrage mocht aan leveren, is voor mij een grote eer en iets om zeer fier op te zijn.

Blijven we gedenken !

Very honoured to have my name mentioned at an exhibition in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia!

My friend Garry Snowden, President of the Arch of Victory & the Avenue of Honour Committee, asked for my cooperation on an exhibition at the inauguration of a new residential area in Ballarat. Of course I have agreed wholeheartedly!

Just built in close proximity to the Avenue of Honor, the Lucas neighbourhood has named all its streets after Australian soldiers who died in World War I at Gallipoli and on the Western Front in Belgium and France.

The Avenue of Honor was "founded" in 1917 under the direction of Mrs. W.D. Thompson, director of the E. Lucas & C ° garment factory. An avenue was built as an extension of Ballarat's main street. A tree was planted every 11 meters along both sides of the Avenue, bearing the name of a soldier (or nurse) from the Ballarat region who served during the Great War. The firm's 500 female employees, known as the ‘Lucas Girls’, collected the money (about £ 2,000 at the time) to purchase the trees. The first 500 trees were planted on June 4, 1917. The last tree - No. 3801 - took its place at the end of the Avenue on June 3, 1919!

In order to remember the opening of the new district with street names that permanently remember a number of soldiers who gave their lives during World War 1, a small exhibition was set up, briefly telling the story of the Digger after whom a street is named.

The fact that I was able to make a modest contribution to this is a great honor for me and something to be very proud of.

Lest we forget!







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Reisbureaus in de buurt

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