Thracian travel

Thracian travel This is page for finding your guide in The Valley of Thracian kings 🤴🏻 and roses 🌹



Seuthes III was a king of Odrysia, a part of Thrace, during the late 4th century BC.Bronze Head of Seuthes III found by ...

Seuthes III was a king of Odrysia, a part of Thrace, during the late 4th century BC.

Bronze Head of Seuthes III found by Georgi Kitov in 2004 at his tomb at Golyamata Kosmatka, now at the National Archaeological Museum in Sofia

The waters of the Koprinka Dam cover the remains of a whole Thracian city, SeuthopolisSeuthopolis is still there, hidden...

The waters of the Koprinka Dam cover the remains of a whole Thracian city, Seuthopolis

Seuthopolis is still there, hidden under the silt of the dam.

The Ostrusha mound is a Thracian burial tumulus near the Bulgarian town of Shipka. It was constructed in the middle of t...

The Ostrusha mound is a Thracian burial tumulus near the Bulgarian town of Shipka. It was constructed in the middle of the 4th century BCE. The stone structures under the more than 18 meters high mound form one of the biggest representative tomb-cult complexes with 6 rooms on an area of 100 square meters. It was professionally excavated in 1993.

The Thracians were famous for three main things: waging war, making jewelry and exquisite ornamentation, and producing w...

The Thracians were famous for three main things: waging war, making jewelry and exquisite ornamentation, and producing wine. The Thracians were skillful and insatiable warriors, which is evidenced in the numerous wars they were engaged in. The Thracians were also well-known for producing fine jewelry and ornamentation and there are multiple impressive golden treasures from Thracian origin discovered in Bulgaria. Some theories that support the notion of the Thracians being the original inhabitants of this land point to the Thracians as the creators of the oldest golden treasure in the world discovered in northeastern Bulgaria near the city of Varna and dating back to 6 000 years BC.

The Valley of the Thracian Rulersis a name which was made popular by the archaeologist Georgi Kitov and describes the ex...

The Valley of the Thracian Rulers

is a name which was made popular by the archaeologist Georgi Kitov and describes the extremely high concentration and variety of monuments of the Thracian culture in the Kazanlak Valley in Bulgaria. It is believed that there are over 1500 tumuli in the region, with only 300 being researched so far.


Dionysus - festive God of wine

Dionysus was, in ancient times, a dark and angry god who fertilized the great mother goddess so that the earth could be born. He developed into a more gentle festive god by the 6th century BC. The strange legends of Dionysus' birth and death and his marriage to Ariadne suggest that Dionysus had roots in the early, pre-Greek, people. Each winter Dionysus died and every spring his rebirth was marked by celebrations and lavish festive or**es. Dionysus was also the god of wine for the Thracians were drinking wine long before the Greeks inherited the practice.

As the Greeks expanded into areas previously occupied by the Thracians, the Thracian god was adopted as the Dionysian cult from which Hellenic tragedy and comedy were developed. Later, when the Romans adopted Hellenic culture the Dionysian festivities and or**es became known as Bacchanalia and Dionysus became known as Bacchus. When Christianity was adopted in Bulgaria the church changed the names of pagan gods and holidays and Dionysus became St. Trifon.

There are some surviving references to remains of Dionysian : In early February Bulgarians celebrate by drinking wine, and in the Rhodopes climb a mountain and then drink. In some regions, and occasionally in Romania, traditional ritual figures use a giant phallus to fertilize the soil.

A silver cone-shaped pitcher suggests that the dead were initiated into the Dionysian cult, since the cone was a symbol of Dionysus.

The Rose Valley, defined by Bulgaria’s two major mountain ranges, was a busy trading center throughout ancient times. Ar...

The Rose Valley, defined by Bulgaria’s two major mountain ranges, was a busy trading center throughout ancient times. Around four centuries before Christ, this part of the world was known as “Thrace”. The Thracians were a remarkable civilization. Most of our knowledge about them comes from their tombs. Thracians buried their royalty in fascinating dome-shaped tombs – completely covered in earth. Numerous of these tombs are scattered across the valley, along with many fake/ decoy mounds design to fool the treasure hunters. Buried deep under the piles of soil, the tombs were amazing engineering achievements. For that reason, the area is also called “the Valley of the Thracian Kings”. #:~:text=Thracians%20considered%20wine%20to%20be,give%20it%20to%20the...
14/02/2024 #:~:text=Thracians%20considered%20wine%20to%20be,give%20it%20to%20the%20people.

From the treasury of Ancient Thrace: "Grapes appeared on earth long ago. Their mother was the earth, and their father - the sun. In those times, the grapes ripened not for a month, and not for two as they do now but fast – from the morning till the evening. Those who matured at dawn, took the fres...

Europe's oldest salt mines and prehistoric town - Provadia Salt mines - 7600 years ago, Ancient Bulgaria.  Neolithic far...

Europe's oldest salt mines and prehistoric town - Provadia Salt mines - 7600 years ago, Ancient Bulgaria.
Neolithic farmers from area later called "Thrace" left their homes, crossed the Balkan Mountains and settled around the salt springs near the present-day town Provadia. The settlers marked the beginning of the most ancient salt production center in Europe, with a technology still used today - evaporation of salt spring water in ceramic vessels.
The production is traded in the south, all the way to Aegean Sea (northernmost part of the Aegean Sea is also known as "Thracian Sea"). It starts with the use of specially built dome furnaces located inside the houses. Due to the high demand for salt, two or three centuries later technology was improved and production was exported outside the village, to a production center.

Exploring Thracian Tombs in Bulgaria Two of the best places to explore Thracian history in person are at the Thracian To...

Exploring Thracian Tombs in Bulgaria

Two of the best places to explore Thracian history in person are at the Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak in central Bulgaria, and the Thracian Tomb of Sveshtari, in Bulgaria’s north-east. These ancient tombs are two of Bulgaria’s best UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Despite their incredible age, both mounds were only discovered in the 20th century, and are thus in excellent condition. Entranced by the promise of engaging with the long-lost Thracian civilization.

Trifon Zarezan - the king of the vineyardsThe election of the "king of the vineyards" is an ancient Bulgarian custom, re...

Trifon Zarezan - the king of the vineyards

The election of the "king of the vineyards" is an ancient Bulgarian custom, revered in Northern Bulgaria to this day. The feast of the "King of the Vineyards" is a form of the Thracian Dionysian celebrations. We know that the Thracians used the god of wine Dionysius with great respect. This god and his symbols are often present in the coins of the Thracian rulers, and in the time of Herodotus there is a famous temple of Dionysius in Thrace.

“When Orion and Sirius are come into mid-heaven cut off all the grape-clusters and bring them home. Show them to the sun ten days and ten nights: then cover them over for five, and on the sixth day draw off into vessels the gifts of Dionysus” (from “Works and Days”, translation H.G. Evelyn-White)


🏺На 30 август (сряда) от 17:00 ч. в зала „Иван Милев“ на културно-информационния център в гр. Казанлък проф. д.изк. Ваня Лозанова-Станчева и проф. Сергей Игнатов ще открият изложбата „Египетските култове по Българското Черноморие“ като част от програмата на тазгодишните Празници на долината на тракийските царе🏺🏺🏺Заповядайте!!!


The valley of Kazanlak is known as “The valley of the Thracian Kings”.
Thracian Megalith, dating from 1800-1600 BC called "The door of the goddess" (or "The sun door"). One of the most ancient Thracian sanctuaries found in the Bulgaria, located south of the village of .
It is a group of stone blocks (trilit) which form a window. There are other interesting rock structures around as so called "The Throne" - for the observer of the rituals and "zhervenik" for the bonfires and a short walk from there are the ruins of the glorious Buzovo Kale fortress.
This complex was used not only for cults and rituals, but also for astronomical observations and a calendar.
So now days we continue to celebrate this ancient mystic and on June 21 the many people come to the sanctuary to watch the entry of the solar disk into the the rock hole. Many people still consider the area as a high-energy space especially on th bday of solstice - the sun’s rays passing through the rock hole bringing light to the village below, awakened the earth for a new life.
It is believed that the Thracians saw this megalith as a kind of gateway between the worlds, they used to rejoice when someone died, because it is after death you begin the real life - in the afterlife, the residence on the ground was considered a punishment.
The megalith reviels a view of the capital of the Odritsy Seuthopolis - nowdays submerged under the waters of the Koprinka Dam, the lost city.

sent by Asen C.


Inside view of the Thracian mound tomb at Sveshtari, Bulgaria
The Thracian Tomb of Sveshtari (Bulgarian: Свещарска гробница, Sveshtarska grobnitsa) is situated 2.5 km southwest of the village of Sveshtari, Razgrad Province, which is located 42 km northeast of Razgrad, in the northeast of Bulgaria.


Днес честваме деня на Свети Георги победоносец - мъченик за християнската вяра, загинал през 303 г. при управлението на римския император Диоклециан.
"В житието му е описана именно неговата дълбока вяра и той е един от тези светии, които са наричани великомъченици, тоест велики страдания са претърпели заради Христос - как в нажежени обуща той ходи, в гасена вар го пускат. Именно заради тази дълбока вяра той е така в очите на Бога, има такова голямо дръзновение, именно заради тази молитвена помощ, която получават християните. Затова ще забележите колко много са храмовете в България, които са на Свети Георги Победоносец, колко много хора носят името на Св. Георги Победоносец."
Храбростта и любовта на Свети Георги правят неговия християнски подвиг вдъхновяващ .Гергьовден е най-големия пролетен празник, и през 1880 година се чества като Ден на храбростта и Българската армия.
Гергьовден е най-празнуваният имен ден в България преди Ивановден, отбелязван от около 180 000 души. Той е имен ден на носещите имената Георги и Гергана, Гочо, Габриел и Габриела, Гинка, Ганка и Ганчо, Галя, Галин, Галина и производните им имена. Народните вярвания гласят, че Свети Георги и Свети Димитър са двама братя близнаци, между които е поделена годината. От Гергьовден до Димитровден е нейната лятна половина, а времето от Димитровден до Гергьовден бележи зимната й половина. Така Гергьовден предвещава настъпващото лято и поставя началото на новата стопанска година, поради което на празника се спазват много традиции и обичаи, свързани със земеделието, скотовъдството и здравето.

Благословени да са всички именници!Бъдете силни и непобедими ,като
Свети Георги!



Блог за истинската българска история - от българин за българи с вяра в България!


Цветове на Бузлуджа
Снимка: Aleksander Marinov



Казанлък, България

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00


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