The spring is finally here and the melting snow is making the waterfall more spectacular! Don't miss the chance to reserve spot on our tours!
#sofiagreentour #enjoylife #hiking #tourism #nature #DiscoverBulgaria
Днес е Световният ден на Хемофилията и ние ви каним да облечете нещо червено, да се снимате и да изпратите снимката до Българска Асоциация по Хемофилия ! Така ще подкрепите правото на всички за пълноценен живот!
Ние от София Грийн Тур решихме да отбележим деня с малко велоактивност независимо от времето!
The promised answer to our question yesterday! It was quite windy and our second try to do one minute videos!
#bulgarianhistory #sofiagreentour
The answer will be published tomorrow! Stay tuned!
Or if you know already, write down below!
#bulgarianhistory #sofiagreentour
Soon we will make a new episode about Bulgarian history and nature, but for now enjoy the snow!
#nature #winterwonderland
Why Aleko Konstantinov is so important for Vitosha?
Second attempt to upload our video about a famous Bulgarian writer and our beloved Vitosha mountain! Let us know in the comments what do you think about it!
Cheers and enjoy the nature!
It's first snow for this winter and we have decided to try something new...
It's one-shot, shaky, but it's a start...
Let's us know what do you think and what are your suggestions if we continue with those videos from our guides!
Enjoy the nature!
Join our free hike and bike tours this weekend, at 11 am.
Book your spot on [email protected]
Green moments in the city
In the middle of nowhere, or the мiddle of Sofia?
Всред нищото или в средата на София?
Never give up, it's such a wonderFull life !
"Движението е промяна"
Включваме се във Велопоход "Заедно" в подкрепа на хората с хемофилия, защото ''ДВИЖЕНИЕТО Е ПРОМЯНА''.
Очакваме ви - 21 април 2019, 11 ч., пилоните на НДК
@Българска Асоциация по Хемофилия