Cappadocia is mostly known for balloons in the air... But this time the sky was clear - “thanks” to the covid-19. This inspires even more to explore all the ancient cave dwellings, churches and homes around - there are thousands of them. This area is a gift for the imagination - imagination can help you see how earlier peoples used to live, how things have changed and why saints became “blind”...
More photos -
To explore hidden gems of our part of the world (that’s everywhere Balkan and Caucasus and Central Asia) - write us to [email protected]
#exploringturkey #cappadocia #lyubatours
Magnificent fields of edelweiss flowers in Kyrgyzstan’s mountains. In Bulgaria it is super rare to find an edelweiss - here there are millions of them any way you look!
#edelweiss #highinthemountains #kyrgyzstan #lyubatours
Join us in 2020 and enjoy kyrgyz music surrounded by picturesque nature!
Happy New Year!
May your 2020 become a great start of an adventurous decade!
Keep your hearts and minds open to catch all the beauty around and always be brave to express the inspiration and love!
Happy 2020!
Your faithful travel mate, Lyuba tours team: @y.boyanin @bozadzhiev @dinara801
Mongolian roads! Unpredictable. The gps losing its mind trying to get you to the main road, in the maze of hundreds of other trails. Or sometimes it may not know that there is a new, fast road - and is trying to get you back to the dirt track. #mongolia #exploringmongolia #roadtrip #thelandoffreedom #travelplaylist #mongolianmusic #lyubatours
Preparing for the trip, we read other travellers complaining that Mongolia’s newly paved roads don’t allow you to feel the old nomadic spirit. Wow! So exotic. In any country people should strive for development - that comes first. Perhaps to feel the vastness of the land you need a good Mongolian playlist - rather than having your bum jump for hours on potholed dirt roads? But bad roads are available, too 😉 #mongolia #exploringmongolia #roadtrip #thelandoffreedom #travelplaylist #mongolianmusic #lyubatours
Our humble videos can’t quite reveal the vastness of this land. Amazingly, the Mongolian steppe is not even a tad boring. It speaks of freedom. You want to run, to fly as far as you can. Reach for the horizon - the sky, be it like a sea. #mongolia #exploringmongolia #thelandoffreedom #tothehorizonandbeyond #roadtrip #travelplaylist #bigadventures #lyubatours
#altai #lansdcape #snowscape #beautifulnature #exploringrussia #winterishere #itiscoldhere #russia #roadtrip #lyubatours
Left Barnaul playing hide and seek with the morning sun 🌞😉 #beautifulmorning #morningsun #russianlandscape #winterishere #barnaul #altaikrai #russia #roadtrip #lyubatours
Today, on our big trip to Mongolia, we drove the Altai twice - first in Kazakhstan, and then in Russia, Altai Krai. #altai #bigtriptomongolia #roadtrip #exploringnewareas #kazakhstan #russia #lyubatours
A snowy, foggy morning in the mountains south of Almaty. Here starts our drive to Mongolia. Lots of snow - winter has started! #snowymountains #snowyview #shymbulak #adventurestartshere #headingtomongolia #lyubatours
3000 km from home: crossing a pontoon bridge in Russia.