This album will take you on a to the highest art sites in Bulgaria’s capital – . Even when the decorations and ornaments are attracting the eye of the walkers, they remain distant. One of our will take us on the same level as these art pieces, so we can enjoy them as they are right in front of us.
There are many in Sofia, which deserve to be presented in this album and we will try to add all of them. Most of the buildings are dated in the beginning of the 20th century, but there are some modern examples as well.
С този албум ще ви пренесем над софийските улици , за да се срещнете с изкуството, което се крие високо над нас. Не е достатъчно да вдигнем поглед, за да се насладим на скулптурите и декорациите по покривите, защото остават далече. Един от дроните ни ще ни приближи към тях , за да ги разгледаме, все едно са пред нас.
София крие много архитектурни шедьоври и постепенно ще добавим всички сгради с впечатляващи орнаменти по високите етажи. Повечето от тях са от началото на 20ти век, но има и няколко по-модерни образци, както и някои прекрасни, но занемарени.
This album will take you on a journey to the highest art sites in Bulgaria’s capital – Sofia. Even when the wonderful decorations and ornaments are attracting the eye of the street walkers, they remain distant. One of our drones will take us on the same level as these beautiful art pieces, so we can enjoy them as they are right in front of us.
There are many buildings in Sofia, which deserve to be presented in this album and we will try to add all of them. Most of the buildings are dated in the beginning of the 20th century, but there are some modern examples as well.