U Tour - Journey with historical contour

U Tour  - Journey with historical contour We are a small and dedicated travel company providing unique tours within Bulgaria. In short – highly qualified service and a lot of fun 

U Tour provides unique tours within Bulgaria, like historical and archaeological tours, archaeological tours with an opportunity to participate in real excavations, dancing tour allowing you to learn the most popular Bulgarian folk dances. Among them are short and detailed historical and archaeological tours, archaeological tours with an opportunity to participate in real excavations, dancing tour allowing you to learn the most popular Bulgarian folk dances.

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Golden jewelry of theThracian high priestess Leseskepra, 1 century BC - 1 century AD, Burgas Archeology Meseum.
The gold and silver jewelry of the priestess Leseskepra from Anchialo (present-day Pomorie) represent the ancient culture of the people, who occupied the lands of Bourgas Bay.
According to the archaeologists, the princess Leseskepra was a noble woman who had the highest position in the social hierarchy. Jewels of the Thracian woman were found in the burial mounds and are considered to be burial gifts.
The found earrings are typical for the Thracian culture. They have five clearly distinguishable elements – a typical Thracian palmette, a circular golden element with a stone in it, a golden band with the name of the person who possesses the earrings, a stand of griffin and a griffin.
Information about the early history of the town Anchialo we receive from Strabo, who wrote about the war between the towns Apollo and Mesambria in the beginning of the II century BC. Between II and I century BC, the independent city Anchialo had developed as a primary economic center. According to an inscription from II century BC, found in Pomorie, a temple of the Egyptian gods Osiris and Isis, was located there.
In I century AD Anchialo was the capital of the Thracian aristocrat Apollo Eptaikent, who ruled vast areas in eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula, on behalf of the Odrisian rulers. Therefore we can be sure that in the late Hellenism, Anchialo was a Thracian city. Many rich burials were found there, dated I - III century AD. From the archeological findings and the epitaphs we know several names of rich landowners, such as Avludzen and the rich woman – Leseskepra, who was probably a priestess. Near the city was found a silver treasure of Egyptian coins of Ptolemy IX, also coins from the last years of I century BC, glassware and import items, and a large number of coins, architectural details, objects and jewelry products from the Roman era.
In 270 AD Anchialo was destroyed by the Goths, and with the reforms of Emperor Diocletian in the late 3rd century it was included in the boundaries of the Roman Hemimont province. At the end of the 3rd century, three kilometers from Anchialo a Thracian tomb was built, where more than 100 Thracian mounds were found. The findings are dated to 1-3 century AD and give evidence for the preservation of a compact group of old Thracian aristocracy.


360°👁️‍🗨️Thracian Tomb of Sveshtari
~ Razgrad, northeast Bulgaria.
▫Discovered in 1982 this Getic (Thracian people who were in contact with the Hellenistic and Hyperborean worlds, according to ancient geographers) tomb from the 3rd century BCE. This tomb clearly reflects fundamental Thracian structural design principles, yet with some wonderful unique elements here as well.
▫The tomb's architectural decor is considered to be unique, with polychrome half-human, half-plant caryatids (sculpted female figure serving as a column or a pillar) and painted murals. In this photosphere we see ten female figures carved in high relief on the walls of the central chamber and the decorations of the lunette (half moon shaped architectural feature) in its vault; these are the only examples of this type found so far in the Thracian lands.
▫In 2012, archaeologists uncovered a significant trove of artifacts nearby. The horde included a golden ring, 44 female figure depictions and 100 golden buttons, found in 150 tombs from the 4th century BCE. It has then been suggested that it is part of the site of the Getan city of Helis.

Photosphere by ©ShareBulgaria Team


Д-р Катя Меламед е археолог към Секцията за средновековна археология в Националния археологически институт с музей при БАН.


Близо 1400 г. преди в Западна Европа да се появят първите замъци, един тракийски владетел си построява дом-крепост. Вдига го сред дъбрава на труднодостъпен рид в Средн...


One of the most important cities in the Eastern Roman Empire was Zeugma: A once flourishing city home to 80,000 inhabitants situated in the present-day province of Gazientep in southern Turkey. Now, researchers are digging up exciting ancient mosaics. Excavations began in 2007 and just seven years e...


Thrace and the Romans (2nd BC to 1st AD)

Kotys II (180-? BC) was King of the Odrysae and allied with Perseas of Macedonia against the Romans. After the Perseas defeat at the battle of Pydna (168 BC) Kotys made a truce with the Romans and acknowledged their sovereignty. Thrace was not a Roman province, but all its kings (Kotys III, Raiskouporis I, Raskos, Roimetalkes I and Raiskouporis II) were their vassals.

In a revolt of the Bessi, led by the priest at the Oracle of Dionysos, Raiskouporis II was killed. Roimetalkes I (7 BC-12 AD) became king of all Thrace with the assistance of the Romans. After the death of Kotys IV (12-19 AD) the Romans divided Thrace between Raiskoupores III and Kotys V.

Roman province (1st AD)

Roimetalkes III (38-46 AD) was given the position by the the Roman Emperor (Caligula), but was to be last King of Thrace. In AD 46 the Romans dissolved the Thracian state and declared Thrace a Roman province. The Triballi continued to cause trouble to the Roman governors of Macedonia and many rebellions against the Roman empire broke out in Thrace.


Те вярват в прераждането, заслужено след праведен живот и геройска смърт


Инвеститорът “Дънди прешъс металс” оказва всяческо съдействие на археологическия екип Археология Ада тепе - рударство на 3500 години Учените ни промениха знанията...


Змийчетата на Богородица отново изпълзяха на остров Кефалония. Мистичните студенокръвни се появяват в района всяка година в периода между 6 и 15 август. Вярващите с....


A gold wreath from the burial of an Odrysian Aristocrat at the Golyamata Mogila tumulus, situated between the villages of Zlatinitsa and Malomirovo Yambol region. Dated to the mid 4th century BC.
National Museum of History
Златен Одриски венец,открит през 2005 година от екип археолози начело с Даниела Агре в Голямата могила между селата Златиница и Маломирово,в могилен гроб на тракийски владетел, датиран към средата на IV в.пр.н.е.
Тракийският владетел, живял около средата на IV в.пр.Хр. В гроба е положено неговото пълно бойно въоръжение - железен меч махайра, 200 бронзови стрели, 7 копия, плетена желязна ризница, бронзов шлем халкидкси тип. Една от най-ценните находки е сребърен наколенник с позлата, покрит с изображения, които представят покойния обожествен тракийски владетел и сцени от тракийската митология.
На главата на покойника е бил поставен великолепен златен венец, а на малкия пръст на лявата му ръка - масивен златен пръстен-печат. Върху него е изобразена Великата богиня-майка, която поднася фиала на царя конник - митологична сцена, позната и от други тракийски паметници. Като гробен дар са били поставени и два сребърни ритона и четири фиали. Ритоните са с глава на елен, моделирана прецизно. В горната част на единия ритон са представени два грифона, които нападат бик (сцена "Терзания"), а на другия ритон - двама млади воини с копия и кучета убиват глиган (сцена "Лов на глигани"). Всички изпъкнали части на ритоните са позлатени.
Владетелят е бил обут в кожени обувки, каквито се откриват за първи път в Тракия, те са тип мокасини. До краката му са поставени два комплекта сребърни мъниста и две желзени юзди, а край него са намерени разнообразни съдове от метал и керамика, както и албастрон от алабастър.
Част от инвентара в гробния комплекс дава индикации за датировка от първата половина на IV в. пр. Хр. (червенофигурните скифос и пелике). Въз основа на по-голямата част от импортната керамика, металните съдове и най-вече на златния венец и амфорния печат с изображение на орлов грифон върху една от амфорите, погребението се датира около средата IV в. пр. Хр.
С множеството великолепни гробни дарове край Маломирово - Златиница е един от най-богатите владетелски гробове от IV в.пр.Хр., откривани в България.
Национален исторически музей,НИМ


Ventsislav (“Ventsi


Само за дни екипът, който работи на терен, е успял да слезе с още няколко метра и гледката на южната фасада на археологическия обект е още по-внушителна


Заради своята уникална архитектура и украса още три години след откриването си – (1985 година) свещарската гробница е включена в списъка на ЮНЕСКО за световното култ...


Два раннонеолитни гроба откриха археолозите от НАИМ-БАН по време на спасителни разкопки в частен терен в столичния квартал "Слатина". Той се намира в непосре...


One of the leading French newspapers, Le Figaro, has dedicated a new feature story to the Bulgarian archaeological exhibition on Ancient Thrace, which will be on display in the Louvre in Paris until July 20th, 2015. Le Figaro‘s new article...


Изключително откритие направиха български археолози - при разкопки на обект в столичния квартал Слатина е...


The Treasure from Borovo(4th century BC)
The rhyton is made of silver with gold coating,and is with protome of winged sphinx.
Interestingly, there are holes in the ears of the Sphinx, probably for earrings. .
The treasure from Borovo was found in the late 1974. It is a splendid table set of five silver-and-gilt utensils: three rhytons, shaped at the base in the form of half-figures: of a horse, a bull, and a sphinx; a big bowl with two handles, and a rhyton jug with images of deities enjoying a feast, scenes from the mythological cycles with Dionysus and Heracles, sphinxes, satyrs and griffons. The finding has been dated to the first half of the fourth century BC. There is an inscription on the sphinx-headed rhyton reading as follows: "[Belongs to] Cotys from [the town of] Beos." This sign gives grounds to assume that the treasure set was a gift from the king of Thrace Cotys I (382-359 BC) to a local Getic ruler. Both the historical sources and the archaeological findings prove the popularity of ritual gift giving in ancient Thrace.
Роговиден ритон с протоме на сфинкс – фантастично животно с глава на жена, тяло на лъв, предни лъвски лапи и триизмерно оформени крила. Ръбът на устието е извит навън и завършва с ивица от овули. Под ръба, над канелюрите е разположена широка гладка лента, запълнена от гравиран бръшлянов клон с лист - един от основните и най-разпространени в тракийското изкуство Дионисови елементи. Снадката между рога и протомето не е прикрита с декоративна лента. Позлатени са главата на сфинкса, перата на гърдите, крилата, горната част на предните лапи до първата става и ноктите.
Съчетанието от протоме на сфинкс и бръшлянова клонка във фриза на рога разкрива функцията на ритона като атрибут на мистериален култ, свързан с Дионис. Надпис на гръцки език на корема на протомето: ΚΟΤΥΟΣ ΕΓ ΒΕΟ
Съкровище – с. Борово, Русенско


The authorities of the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv have opened for visitors the newly restored so called Small Basilica, an Early Christian monument excavated and rehabilitated with funding from the America for Bulgaria Foundation. The project for the excavation...


A golden horse head—an ornament from one end of a long-gone iron horse bit—is part of a 2,400-year-old treasure discovered in an ancient Thracian tomb in Sveshtari, Bulgaria,

The Thracians were ruled by a warrior aristocracy that had access to plentiful gold deposits at the mouth of the Danube River, which contained one of the largest ancient supplies of the metal. They enjoyed a vibrant trade with their neighbors, including the Scythians to the north, and the Greeks to the south—a fact reflected in Thracian art.

"The styles that have been found in Thracian art and Thracian gold represent a mix of Scythian, Greek, and Macedonian cultures, and of course Thracian culture itself," said U.S. archaeologist and National Geographic fellow Fredrik Hiebert, who was not involved in the discovery.

Bulgaria has a long history of gold metallurgy. "There are sites on the Bulgarian coast that are literally thousands of years older than any other culture that used gold in a ritual fashion," Hiebert said.

The artifacts discovered were four bracelets with snake heads, a tiara with reliefs of lions and fantasy animals, a horse-head ornamental piece, a golden ring, 44 female figure depictions and 100 golden buttons.


25 Vladimir Vazov Boulevard

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00


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