Tandem Travel

Tandem Travel Скъпи приятели, добре дошли на страницата на Тандем Тр?

Нашата цел е да Ви разкажем за красивите и интересни места в България да Ви отведем по страничините и непопулярни пътища навътре в същността на нашата малка, но културно и природно богата страна.

Потопете се в топлото гостоприемство, опитайте местната домашна кухня и превъзходното вино, докоснете се до античната култура и се насладете на все още недокоснати от цивилизацията пейзажи.

За тези от

Вас, които предпочитат лукса на модерните ни морски, планински и СПА хотели ще предоставим също богат избор от предложения за почивка.

Всичко това, а и много повече, ще се радваме да орагнизирме за Вас, ние екипът на Тандем Травъл в едно незабравимо и перфектно изпълнено пътуване.


🌍 Happy Earth Day! Let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty and diversity of our planet. As we marvel at its wonders, let's also reflect on our responsibility to protect and preserve it for generations to come.

In a world where tourism has become more accessible than ever, it's crucial that we adopt sustainable practices to minimize our impact on the environment. From choosing eco-friendly accommodations to supporting local communities and businesses, there are countless ways we can ensure our travels leave a positive footprint on the Earth.

🌱 Let's opt for responsible tourism initiatives that prioritize conservation, respect local cultures, and promote sustainable development. Whether it's opting for eco-friendly transportation, reducing our plastic consumption, or participating in community-based conservation projects, every action counts in safeguarding ecosystems and wildlife.

Together, let's commit to making every day Earth Day by embracing sustainable travel practices and advocating for a more environmentally conscious world.

How do you celebrate this day at your company and home? Share below!

Am 1. März feiern die Bulgaren eines der beliebtesten Volksfeste im Lande – das Kommen von Baba Marta, zu Deutsch Oma Mä...

Am 1. März feiern die Bulgaren eines der beliebtesten Volksfeste im Lande – das Kommen von Baba Marta, zu Deutsch Oma März.

Der Brauch, der schon seit der vorchristlichen Zeit in Bulgarien existiert, besagt, dass an diesem Tag spezielle Amuletten, sogenannte "Martenitzi", aus rot-weißen Fäden verschenkt und getragen werden, die Gesundheit und Glück bringen.

Dem Brauch nach werden die sie "Martenitzi"so lange getragen, bis man die erste Schwalbe oder den ersten Storch sieht. Dann bindet man sie an einen Strauch oder einen Baum, damit diese ebenfalls gesund und fruchtbar werden.

Bei uns am Stand 102 in Halle 3.2 auf der bekommen unsere Gäste eine Martenitsa oder können selbst eine ausarbeiten.

Unsere Martenitsa wurden in dem Tageszentrum von Maria’s World Foundation von Menschen mit geistigen Behinderungen ausgearbeitet. Damit unterstützen wir ihre Integration.


It's already that time of the year again - ITB Berlin is coming next week!
Looking forward to seeing all of you - new and well known partners!

If you look for a DMC in Bulgaria for extraordinary service and experience, sustainable and responsible travel you can visit us in:
Hall 3.2 Stand 102 or pre arrange a meeting: [email protected]


Thank you to all visitors at our stand!

Estimados compañeros,Como cada año es un placer confirmarles nuestra presencia en FITUR - Madrid. Les invitamos a conoce...

Estimados compañeros,
Como cada año es un placer confirmarles nuestra presencia en FITUR - Madrid. Les invitamos a conocer nuestros productos del 24 al 26 de enero en el stand de Bulgaria, 4D02 (Pabellón 4). Si prefieren pasar por nuestro stand a las 12 hrs. o las 16 hrs. tendrán la oportunidad de descubrir Bulgaria a través de sus vinos, uno de nuestros productos favoritos.

¡Les esperamos!
Dear colleagues,
As every year we are pleased to confirm our presence at FITUR in Madrid.
We invite you to get to know our products from 24 to 26 January at the Bulgarian stand, 4D02 (Hall 4).
If you prefer to stop by our stand at 12 noon or 4 p.m. you will have the opportunity to discover Bulgaria through its wines - one of our favorite products.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

📣📣📣We are proud to announce:The Travelife Certified award was received today by Tandem Travel Ltd. (Bulgaria). The award...

📣📣📣We are proud to announce:

The Travelife Certified award was received today by Tandem Travel Ltd. (Bulgaria). The award is a recognition for the long-term efforts and frontrunner position of Tandem Travel Ltd. regarding sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility in Bulgaria.

Tandem Travel Ltd. complies with more than 200 criteria, related to an operators’ office management, product range, international business partners and customer information. The Travelife standard is covering the ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility themes, including environment, biodiversity, human rights and labour relations; and is formally Recognised as in full compliance with the UN supported Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria.

Tandem Travel Ltd. participates in the EU-funded SUSTOUR project that runs from 2020 – 2023 and aims to promote sustainability among the European tour operator sector through a business led approach. The project supports over 600 small and medium-sized enterprises from 35 European countries in improving their sustainability performance through training, coaching and peer-to-peer learning opportunities.

Mr. Naut Kusters, manager of Travelife for Tour Operators, “I am delighted to see that sustainability in the tour operator sector is obtaining momentum. The Certified award of Tandem Travel Ltd. will inspire other companies in Europe to follow the same path’.

Travelife is the leading international sustainability certification for the travel sector. More than 35 national travel associations are promoting the scheme to their members including, SMAL, APAVT, UHPA, ANVR, ABTA, PATA and more.


Heute präsentieren wir Bulgarien aus einer anderen Sicht unter dem Motto:

www.Bulgarien - das Land der drei ‚W‘ - Wellenss, Wein und Weltkulturerbe

Obwohl Bulgariens Ruf als touristisches Reiseziehl mit dem Drei S Konzept bekannt ist – Sun, See & Sand, haben wir viel mehr anzubieten und zwar auf einem nicht grossen Territorium und angenehmen Reisedistanzen.
Es giebt viele Sun, See und Sand Reisedestinationen, aber dazu die Kombination Wellness, Wein und Weltkulturerbe in einer Reise kombinieren zu können hat seinen wesentlichen Mehrwert.

💧Bulgarien ist nach Island das zweitgrösste Mineralquellenland Europas. Archäologische Funde belegen die Existenz der heutigen balneologischen Zentren schon in der Zeit der Thraker und im Römischen Reich.

🏛Der bulgarische Beitrag zum Weltkulturerbe liegt and der Lage Bulgariens an der Grenze zwischen Ost und West, die das Land für Tausende von Jahren zur Heimat zahlreicher sich überschneidender Zivilisationen gemacht hat und eine unglaubliche Vielzahl an Kulturschätzen hinterlassen haben. In Bulgarien gibt es 7 UNESCO- sieben Weltkulturerbestätten. Reisende können in Bulgarien alte, mystische Klöster, geheimnisvolle Thrakergräber, einmalige Vor- Renaissance Fresken und vieles mehr entdecken.

🍇Das zweite W – Wiеdersieglet den Wein warum nicht Bulgarien durch seine Weine zu entdecken – eine Liebe auf dem ersten Schluck!🍷

Bulgarien ist das Land der Thraker und des Gottes des Weines Dionysos – die ersten Weinmacher in Europa. Archäologie, Folklore und Literatur liefern zahlreiche Beweise für den Weinbau und die Weinproduktion auf dem Gebiet Bulgariens seit urältesten Zeiten.
Der Weinbau Bulgariens besitzt eine lange, etwa 3000 Jahre alte Tradition, und ist eng mit der gesamten Kultur und Wirtschaft des Landes verbunden. Die Thraker waren begnadete Winzer, wie man schon bei Homer nachlesen kann und ein Völkchen, das einen ausgeprägten Kult zu Ehren des Gottes Dionysos betrieb.
In Bulgarien werden einige autochtone Rebsorten gepflegt.
Mavrud ist eine der wertvollsten bulgarischen Rebsorten für die Herstellung von dunkelroten, trockenen Weinen.
Melnik ist Wein, gemeinsam mit dem Mavrud in der thrakischen Tiefebene, ist der Melniker Wein das Wahrzeichen der bulgarischen Weinkultur. Man sagt sogar Winston Churchill hat sich von Melnik den Wein bestellen lassen.
Gergana – eine Rebsorte die fast verschwunden war, wurde von dem Winzer von Weingut Zarev Brod in Nordost Bulgariens wieder ans Leben gebracht und nach 10 Jahren gab es endlich genügend Pflanzmaterial um einen Weinanbau starten zu können.
Uva Nestum bietet uns eine der alten bulgarischen Weinsorten - die Tamianka die seit den Zeiten der Thraker auf dem Territorium des heutigen Landes Bulgarien angebaut wurde.

Alles das können Sie in einer einizgen Reise durch Bulgarien erleben🍷🏛💧

Der populäre Reiseführer Lonely Planet hat Bulgarien in seine Reiseempfehlungen für 2024 aufgenommen: "Die Festungen und...

Der populäre Reiseführer Lonely Planet hat Bulgarien in seine Reiseempfehlungen für 2024 aufgenommen: "Die Festungen und Siedlungen entlang der antiken Grenze des Römischen Reiches - der Donaulimes" wurde für die Aufnahme in die UNESCO-Welterbeliste 2024 nominiert. Obwohl der Schutz der Weltorganisation Stätten in vier Ländern umfassen wird, ist der bulgarische Abschnitt vielleicht der beeindruckendste, da viele der Stätten mit dem Fahrrad oder auf einem Weg entlang des Flusslaufs erkundet werden können. Sie können von jedermann kostenlos besucht werden", ist im Reiseführer zu lesen. Besonders hervorgehoben werden die Festung "Baba Wida" in Widin und die archäologischen Ausgrabungen des römischen Hafens "Sexaginta Port" in Russe.
Die bulgarischen Altertümer wurden in der Kategorie "wertvoll" eingestuft, zu der auch Polen, der amerikanische Nordwesten, die Normandie in Frankreich, Ägypten und andere gehören.

Lonely Planet reveals its top picks of places to travel in 2024.

Днес, в навечерието на Деня на будителите имахме удоволствието да посрещнем в нашия офис 15 студента от Софийски универс...

Днес, в навечерието на Деня на будителите имахме удоволствието да посрещнем в нашия офис 15 студента от Софийски университет, изучаващи туризъм.
Запознахме ги със спецификата на туроператорската дейност в сферата на входящия културен туризъм, процесите на работа, създаването на продукта и маркетинга на дестинацията. Надяваме се да сме запалили у тях искрата на интереса към професията и скоро да станат част от професионалната общност на туроператорите.

🎼July is our music tour month!Sofia is "music"  with a lot of festivals:A to JazZ FestivalSofia National Opera and Balle...

🎼July is our music tour month!
Sofia is "music" with a lot of festivals:
A to JazZ Festival
Sofia National Opera and Ballet
Allegra Festival and Academy

Today our “Holidays with Music” tour starts with Richard Wagner's The Ring in Sofia Friday 7th to Friday 14th July 2023. Our guest will enjoy a high level culture tour in Sofia and Plovdiv and will discover Bulgaria as a valuable destination for opera.

In a week's time we look forward to welcoming our guests from Switzerland for the next music and culture experience in Bulgaria: The concert program of Allegra festival and academy.



Today is Bulgaria’s National Day. Честито 🎉

Bulgaria has been a member of our European Union family since 2007. Let’s celebrate today together with Европейската комисия в България / European Commission in Bulgaria! 🇪🇺🙌🇧🇬

Bulgarien ehrt heute heiligen Märtyrer Tryphon🍷🍷🍷Dem Volksglauben nach ist der heilige Tryphon der Hüter der Weinberge u...

Bulgarien ehrt heute heiligen Märtyrer Tryphon
Dem Volksglauben nach ist der heilige Tryphon der Hüter der Weinberge und der Schutzpatron der Weinbauern, Winzer und Gastwirte. Am heutigen Tag werden die Reben zum ersten Mal im Jahr rituell beschnitten.

Die Bulgarische Orthodoxe Kirche ehrt heute das Andenken an den heiligen Märtyrer Tryphon, der einer der berühmtesten Heiler unter den Heiligen ist. „Da er seit seiner Kindheit ein sehr starker Gläubiger war,...


Bunte Street-Art, grüne Parks, deftige Küche, vielfältige Architektur und dazu noch ziemlich günstig – das ist Sofia. Wir verraten dir zehn gute Gründe, warum du Bulgariens Hauptstadt besuchen solltest.


🥳Happy ! ✨May it be filled with new , good , new and .

🤩Excited for 2023? Make it the year that you discovered !


Александър Невски в бяло, след последния снеговалеж ❄❄❄️

🎄🍾Silvester in Sofia – warum nicht?Wir erwarten Sie für ein buntes Silvesterprogramm in Bulgarien: Lassen Sie sich von d...

🎄🍾Silvester in Sofia – warum nicht?

Wir erwarten Sie für ein buntes Silvesterprogramm in Bulgarien: Lassen Sie sich von den farbenfrohen Fresken im Rila-Kloster 🏛und der Boyana Kirche Geschichten erzählen, entdecken Sie in Plovdiv die vielleicht älteste Stadt Europas, fühlen Sie sich gemütlich in der winterlichen Atmosphäre eines Weinguts und verkosten den guten Bulgarischen Wein🍷 und staunen Sie über die goldenen Kuppeln der Alexander-Newski-Gedächtniskathedrale in Sofia!

Und während wir das alte Jahr mit einem Konzert 🎼in der Nationaloper verabschieden, begrüßen wir 2023 bei einem Dinner mit Musik und Tanz💃.

Bis bald!
🎄🍾New Year's Eve in Sofia - why not?

We are waiting for you for a colourful New Year's Eve programme in Bulgaria: Let the richly frescoes in the Rila Monastery🏛 and the Boyana Church tell you stories, discover Plovdiv, perhaps the oldest city in Europe, feel cozy in the winter atmosphere of a winery and taste the good Bulgarian wine🍷 and and be amazed by the golden domes of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Sofia!

And while we say goodbye to the old year with a concert🎼 at the National Opera, we welcome 2023 with a dinner and music and dance💃.
See you soon!

Villa Yustina
Sofia National Opera and Ballet
Visit Sofia
Visit Plovdiv

Sofia - Winter Tale ❄️☃️❄️

Sofia - Winter Tale ❄️☃️❄️

Christmas mood in Sofia 🎄☃️🎁🎄

Christmas mood in Sofia 🎄☃️🎁🎄


👕Textiles have been a main for the people living in the Bulgarian lands for millennia. The city of Sliven bears an important significance for the textile industry for the region. ☀As the of the first textile factory of the Balkan peninsula it hosts the local museum of textile industry. It hosts exhibitions showing the development of the craft from the Neolithic period to recent times. A special exhibition can at the museum is dedicated to the life and work of Dobri Zhelyazkov the creator of the factory well know as the first Bulgarian industrialist.

🔎Special is placed on the Industrial in Europe which began in 1733 with the flying shuttle invented by John Kay. Another invention that gave revolutionary birth to technique and technology was made in 1800 by Frenchman Joseph Marie Jacquard. He applied a programme to the weaving loom – the so-called Jacquard apparatus through which every warp thread could be controlled individually. There is a working Jacquard loom displayed at the museum and visitors have the opportunity to witness Jacquard’s invention in person. A separate is dedicated to related to textile production, such as silk-production, frieze-weaving (production of coarse woollen fabrics), cord-making, cotton-printing, goat’s hair-processing, carpet production, etc.

👉Find more interesting museums and landmarks here www.bulgariatravel.org/?s=museum&lang=en.

You can taste Bulgaria on one of our Food & Wine tours:www.tandem-travel.com

You can taste Bulgaria on one of our Food & Wine tours:

🍽The traditional Bulgarian is rich in spices, with specific and unique . Most Bulgarian meals are easy to prepare – if you follow a traditional recipe to prepare an authentic Bulgarian meal, you will feel the Bulgarian spirit and cosy atmosphere. The spices, fruit and vegetables used are organic.

Bulgarian cuisine is and . It is rooted in centuries-old traditions and practices. In some places recipes have been passed down from generation to generation and have remained unchanged for hundreds of years. Characteristic of Bulgarian cuisine is the simultaneous heat treatment of most products. The recipes include a large number of vegetables and spices, among which are garlic, black pepper, thyme, spearmint, savory, bay leaf and paprika. Some dishes are prepared for specific Bulgarian holidays – Christmas Eve, Easter, St. George’s Day and St. Nicholas Day.

📌Only in Bulgaria one can experience the taste of the world-famous Bulgarian yoghurt, as well as delicacy prepared with it. Bulgaria produces the rich flavoured white cheese and rich tasting herbal honey. One of the most famous and most popular breakfast items in the country is . It is a made of dough with various fillings, such as cheese, spinach, rice, and meat.

▶Follow us for more insight into the wonders of Bulgarian traditional cuisine. Find out more at www.bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/wine-and-cuisine/.


🤍💚❤The of good and the interest in local varieties has brought about an increase of wine tourism in Bulgaria. Here are some of the most famous bulgarian wine grape varieties:

Mavrud is a very old local variety grown mainly in the foothills of the Rhodope Mountains. The wine produced from Mavrud is saturated ruby purple, pronounced rich texture and a luscious aroma with strong overtones of ripe wild berries and spices.

Rubin is a local variety created by cross fertilisation from two varieties – Nebbiolo and Syra. Its wines have a deep colour and a fullbodied flavour with a soft finish. Its aroma is intense, fruity, with a predominance of ripe blackberry. In contact with oak it develops a hint of fruit jam.

Cherven Misket is mostly cultivated in the Sub-Balkan region. It is the Bulgarian grape variety that is most highly resistant to cold. Wine made from it has an interesting pink tint. It has an oil-bearing rose, quince and honey aroma. Except for dry white wines the variety is very suitable for dessert semi-dry and sweet wines and for the production of distillates (rakia, brandy, etc.) with a huge cultivation and ageing potential. As a distillate, it shows good results when ageing in oak, acacia and cherry barrels.

Dimyat is a Bulgarian white grape typical of the Black Sea Region used for the production of dry white and aromatic wines and distillates. Its flavour is mild with a pleasant freshness. The grape grows best in the region of Varna but is also grown in other parts of the country. like Shumen, Burgas and Pomorie.

▶Discover more about local wine and cuisine culture at www.bulgariatravel.org/?s=wine&lang=en


🍁Every season brings its own beauty and charm and November is the time when autumn offers its best - the golden leaves make the landscape a breathtaking sight to see and the cold winds bring cozyness. In Bulgaria, autumn stands out with its cuisine. Here are some traditional bulgarian recipes to enjoy the season.
🍂Pork wine kebab - www.bulgariatravel.org/recipe/pork-wine-kebab/
🍂Stuffed peppers with minced meat and rice - www.bulgariatravel.org/recipe/stuffed-peppers-with-minced-meat-and-rice/
🍂Colorful lean stew - www.bulgariatravel.org/recipe/colorful-lean-stew/
🍽What are your favourite recipes for the autumn season? Share your cooking experience in the comments!

WTM day 1Meet us at stand EU1400

WTM day 1
Meet us at stand EU1400


⏳WTM is approaching!

✈🚉🚢🏖🏞🏛 Restoring confidence in travel!

👉Together, let’s inspire one another with the passion that makes this the ultimate industry to be in!

👉WTM London is bringing the world of travel back together for a face-to-face event.
And we, Tandem Travel will be there to present Bulgaria as a fascinating travel destination.

🤝You can visit us at Stand EU1400.


✝The Boyana Church was built in the eighteenth and the twelfth centuries, the time of the earliest extant frescoed fragments. The church was extended and painted in the mid-thirteenth century, its murals were unanimously recognised as
a masterpiece of Orthodox art and it is a ✨UNESCO World Heritage Site✨. The unknown by name master painter of the Boyana Church depicted the entire history of Christianity: the Nativity and Passion of Christ; the lives of the Theotokos and of the patron saint of the church, St Nicholas. Fortunately, an extant building inscription at the Boyana Church shows that the painting of the church was commissioned by 👑Sebastokrator Kaloyan in 1259.

🖌Apart from the incredibly for that time consummate artistry in portraiture, the representations provide ample opportunities to gain some insight into the everyday life, details of the clothing and regalia worn by the medieval rulers and the nobleman.

Find out more:


, one of the most beautiful Bulgarian cities, is steeped in history.
📌 https://bulgariatravel.org/?s=plovdiv&lang=en

The place name of the earliest fortified settlement built there as far back as the days of the Trojan War was Eumolpia (Sweet-sounding), based on the myth of Orpheus, a legendary Thracian poet.

The place was initially inhabited by the Thracian tribe of the Bessoi to then become part of the Odrysian kingdom to be captured by Philip II of Macedon in 342 BC. He developed the city in the same vein as the Hellenistic urban planning and gave it his name. Varro Lucullus Terentius seized Philippopolis in 72 BC, and the city was renamed Trimontium (or Trium Montium – three hills). Within the Roman Empire the city was autonomous and granted the right to mint its own coins.

The prosperity of Trimontium came to an end in the third throughout the fifth century, when barbarians sacked the Balkan Provinces of the Roman Empire. Centuries after its establishment in the seventh century, the Bulgarian state waged wars against Byzantium for the city named Plovdiv. The Ottomans captured the city in the late fourteenth century and gave it the name Filibe.

One becomes mesmerised by the unique archaeological monuments that have survived in Plovdiv. The ancient amphitheatre, seating up to 3,500, built under Emperor Trajan (98–117), is the city’s gem. It is a semicircle with an outer diameter of 82 m and 28 rows of marble seats providing stunning views of the Rhodopes dimly visible in the distance. No less imposing is the ancient stadium, which had a seating capacity of 30,000; 240 m in length and 50 m in width



🔎An archaeological discovery near the coastal city of Varna unveiled a hoard of finds dated to the turn of the fourth century BC. Over 300 artefacts of pure gold feature prominently among them: sceptres, axes, massive bangles, decorative pieces, bull-shaped plaques. Even the beautiful pottery was inlaid with gold. Remarkable is the funeral of a high priest/king buried with a gold sceptre and regalia. Studies show that these are the world’s earliest gold artefacts exchanged for what is referred to as ‘white gold’, i.e. salt.

Find out more: https://bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/cultural-tourism/

/ Photo credit: Yelkrokoyade


❔✅❓ DO YOU KNOW...
is a country with thousands of years of history and a cultural heritage that embraces ancient civilizations. Visitors will find much to interest them in the country’s history, culture, ethnography, religion, architecture and arts.


🧭 Cultural monuments from the Bulgarian Revival period can be found in many of its cities, towns, and villages, such as those in Kotel, Koprivshtitsa, Karlovo, Kalofer, Sopot, Elena, Tryavna, Bansko, Melnik. the Old Plovdiv, Gela, Shiroka Laka, Momchilovtsi, Orehovo, Smilyan, Arda, Dolen Leshten, Kovachevitsa, Pletena, Bozhentsi, Ribaritsa, Zheravna, Oreshak, Medven, Skandalo, Arbanasi, Balgari, Kosti, Brashlyan, Mladezhk, Bozhentsi, Varosha, Chesh*tska mahala and many more!


2, Yantra Str

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00


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Our Story

Нашата цел е да Ви разкажем за красивите и интересни места в България, да Ви отведем по страничините и непопулярни пътища навътре в същността на нашата малка, но културно и природно богата страна. Потопете се в топлото гостоприемство, опитайте местната домашна кухня и превъзходното вино, докоснете се до античната култура и се насладете на все още недокоснати от цивилизацията пейзажи. За тези от Вас, които предпочитат лукса на модерните ни морски, планински и СПА хотели ще предоставим също богат избор от предложения за почивка. Всичко това, а и много повече, ще се радваме да орагнизирме за Вас, ние екипът на Тандем Травъл в едно незабравимо и перфектно изпълнено пътуване.

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