⏳The village is one of the settlements in the Rhodopes, founded by the . Its name is mentioned in early Greek written monuments as the birthplace of the legendary musician 🎶Orpheus and as the sanctuary of Dionysius.
🪙Its ancient history can be followed by the numerous finds-remains of a Thracian fortress and many ornaments as well as amber beads, proof of the cultural ties of the ancient people of the region.
☦The Early-Christian church in the Middle Rhodopes was unearthed in the Manastira area. The basilica is part of a large Christian , erected during the Christianization of the Thracian Besi at the beginning of the 5th century.
😮Near the chapel "St. Ilia", ancient Thracian were discovered during excavations. A mass burial of over 20 Thracians which archaeologists claim was the ritual burial of a prominent Thracian chieftain. Ceramic vessels, ornaments, amber beads were found in the uncovered graves. One of the most remarkable finds is a ring with a dolphin tile, which is tied with the famous sanctuary of Delphi in Ancient Greece. It is this find that inspires the believing that the singer Orpheus is a native of these lands.
🧡The Rhodope region is dotted with ancient stories and cultures. Learn more at www.bulgariatravel.org/?s=thracian&lang=en