Hereβs a highlights of our first three days at @ WTM London 2023 ! π€Team Farhat Tours has been hard at work, but we couldn't resist capturing some memorable moments at the show. Our Bahrain β‘οΈ Stand S5 210
From Day 1's grand opening to Day 3's Weβve been meeting with travel agents, tour operators, and potential customers from all over the world, and weβre excited to share Bahrainβs beauty and treasures with them. Weβve had the opportunity to showcase our exclusive travel packages, which are designed to provide our guests with the ultimate Bahrain experience.
Weβre looking forward to the rest of the show, and we canβt wait to see what happens next!
#farhattours #wtmlondon2023 #discoverbahrain #farhattourswtm #powertochange #wordtravelmarket #worldtravelmarketlondon #wtmldn2023 #excellondon #travelindustry #bahraintourism #wtm #wtmldn #wtmlondon #dmcinbahrain #dmc #bahrain #farhattours
We wish every Indian around the globe a Happy Independence Day. May the tri colour always fly high and inspire.
#75thindependenceday #independencedaycelebration #indiaindependenceday #independenceday2022 #celebration #indiaindependence #august15 #india #bahrain #farhattours #farhattoursdmc
On this special day hereβs Farhat Tours wishing for our dreams of a new tomorrow to come true! May your Independence Day day be filled with patriotic spirit!
Greetings from Farhat Tours Team
#15august #celebrations #happyindependenceday #india #freedom #15august2021 #freedomfighters #independenceday #respect #independencedayindia #teamfarhattours #greetings #incredibleindia #indiaday #bahrain #happy75thindependenceday #staysafe #stayunited
Eid al Adha Mubarak! May this auspicious day appear in your life with abundant blessings, everlasting peace, and booming joy! Best wishes from Farhat Tours
#eidaladha #eidmubarak2021 #eid #happyeid #wellwishes #bahrainlife #bahrainlifestyle #eidmubarak #eid2021 #eidwishes #eidblessings #eidbahrain #eidmubarakπ #specialoccasion #peaceandprosperity #joyandhappiness #family #eidinbahrain #farhattours #bahrain #bh
The perfect end of Day-2 WTM London 2018, with so many memories to cheer. Stay with us for more updates for upcoming day-3.
#WTM18 #WTM #WTMLondon #WTMLondon18 #Day2 #Exhibition #BoothME650 #worldtravelmarket #wtmldn #travel #tourism #london
Farhat Tours and Transfers SPC @WTM_London 2018
Farhat Tours and Transfers SPC is ready for the action World Travel Market 2018, Bahrain Stand no. #ME650
Stay Tuned for more Updates & Highlights!!
#Day1Begins #Day1 #wtmlondon #wtmlondon2018 #wtm18 #WTMLDN #travel #traveltrade #traveltradeshow #tradeshow #countdown #event #bahrain #BoothME650 #farhattours Mushtak Abdul Gafoor
Meet Our Team at World Travel Market London 2018
The countdown begins to one of the greatest tourism events of the world! Come and Meet our team at World Travel Market from 5-7 November in BahrainTourism Stand #ME650
To book a meeting with one of the leading Destination Management Company in Bahrain - send us an email to [email protected]
#WTMLondon #wtmlondon2018 #Visitlondon #TradeShow #Travel #farhattours #wtm #wtm18 Farhat Tours #farhattoursandtransfersspc #wtm2018 #london #worldtravelmarket
Al Areen Wildlife Park & Reserve Bahrain
Al Areen Wildlife Park & Reserve : Enjoy the rare view of Arabian Leopard, the Ostrich, the Arabian Gazelle, the Oryx and get close to unique birds parakeet, warbler, sandpiper, and flamingos in Bahrain with Farhat International tours and travels.
For more information click here :
#wildbirdspark #camelfarm #wildanimals #Mammals #wildlifeinbahrain #wildlife #bahrain #birds #Amphibians #Reptiles #travel #flamingo #GreaterFlamingo #AlAreenWildlifePark #FarhatTours
Disneyland Tour
Enter a magical kingdom where you can sail with pirates, explore exotic jungles, meet fairy-tale princesses, dive under the ocean and rocket through the stars - all in the same day! Yes you guessed it right the magical land of #DisneylandPark is calling you and your family member to be a part of the Disney families. Farhat Tours is the gateway to your dreamy land. Collect your Disneyland ticket and be a part of our mission happiness.For more information click @
#tickettodisney #Disneyfun #Funtimeindisneyland #Gatewaytodisneyland #DisneylandHotel #Disneyland #WaltDisneyStudiosPark #DisneyVillage #farhattours
Independence Day
Happy Independence Day
Small is beautiful...
Farhat Tours - Explore Bahrain