La grande Finale de Miss Queen Ngoma partie 1
Directed in Fleet Photography
Nouru Fleet
Iratiro Ryacu Burundi
Province Gitega Burundi On The Map Gitega
Clinique Wakize
Iratiro Ryacu Burundi
Présidence - République du Burundi Iratiro Ryacu Burundi
#burundionthemap #drum #kazeiburundi #burundian #Burundi #visitburundi #visitafrica #tourisme
Kibira National Park
Perched on the Congo-Nile ridge with 40,000 hectares of preserved forest, this park is the largest unspoiled natural region in Burundi.
Rich in plant life, the park is home to several families of chimpanzees, baboons, cercopithecines and black colobus. The 180 km of trails allow motorized surveillance of the forest massif and easy access for tourists.
Inside the massif there is also a source of thermal water. Access to the park is through the huge tea plantations of Teza and Rwegura.
Iratiro Ryacu Burundi #visitburundi #TembeaNyumbani #the_heart_of_africa #Burundi #burundionthemap
Ingoma Burundi
Tambourinaires de Gishora
Iratiro Ryacu Burundi
#Gishora #visitburundi #journée_nationale_du_tambour_sacré
Ingoma Burundi
Le passage des tambourinaires #BATIMBO en Kirundi de Gitega exactement a #Gishora qui ont remporté la première place au niveau du pays dans la compétition de ce 20 Décembre 2021 avec d’autres tambourinaires des 18 autres provinces du Burundi
Iratiro Ryacu Burundi #journée_nationale_du_tambour_sacré #tourismeburundi #visitburundi #Gishora #INGOMA #drum #Burundi
#Burundi #Drum
Ingoma Burundi
Tambours du Burundi
Gitega Burundi
#Ingoma #Tambour #Drum
Iratiro Ryacu Burundi #Burundian #Africa
#Burundi #Drum
Ingoma Burundi
Tambours du Burundi
Gitega Burundi
#Ingoma #Tambour #Drum
Iratiro Ryacu Burundi #Burundian #Africa
#Burundi #Drum Sanctuary
Gishora Drum
Gitega Burundi
#Ingoma #Tambour #Drum
Iratiro Ryacu Burundi #Burundian #Africa
#Burundi #Drum Sanctuary
Gishora Drum
Gitega Burundi
#Ingoma #Tambour #Drum
Iratiro Ryacu Burundi #Burundian #Africa