Meet the Tucunaré Vazzoleri, come fishing with those who know, Amazon Spirit Fishingmasters, come with us in the 2023 season!
A Amazon Spirit te leva na casa do tucunaré Vazzoleri, venha pescar com quem entende do assunto, venha com a gente na temporada 2023!
#bassfishing #amazonspirit #amazonspiritboat #freshwaterfishing #brazilianamazon #fishwithus #fishingcharters #peacockbassfishing #flyfishing #fishingislife #peacockbassbrazil
#fishingmasters #tucunarevazzoleri #amazonspiritfishingmasters
Essa é a nossa filosofia de trabalho, vamos muito além da pesca, temos como missão valorizar os guardiões da floresta, os povos da Amazônia.
#bassfishing #amazonspirit #amazonspiritboat #freshwaterfishing #brazilianamazon #fishwithus #fishingcharters #peacockbassfishing #flyfishing #fishingislife #peacockbassbrazil
Cruising Amazon, just exclusive spots, be a V.I.P. with us!!!
Venha ser Vip com a Amazon Spirit, pescar em locais exclusivos na Amazônia.
#bassfishing #amazonspirit #amazonspiritboat #freshwaterfishing #brazilianamazon #fishwithus #fishingcharters #peacockbassfishing #flyfishing #fishingislife #peacockbassbrazil
Testando nossos botes para a viagem inaugural!
Testing our new skiffs for our opening trip!
Breaking the mirror, early in the morning!
#peacockbass #bassfishing #brazilianamazon #amazonspirit #amazonspiritboat #freshwaterfishing #fishinamazon
That’s our goal!!!
#peacockbass #peacockbassfishing #peacockbassbrazil #amazonspirit #amazonspiritboat #freshwaterfishing
Fantastic Amazon rain forest!
#comefishwithus #amazonrainforest #amazonspiritboat #peacockbass
At Amazon Spirit we believe in sport fishing. We practice catch and release and we are proud to contribute to the preservation of the most diverse natural ecosystem on the planet. Occasionally we will keep a small number of fish to allow the fishermen to savour the exquisite “Amazon fish”.