After a break, Serra dos Tucanos Birding Tours is once again back out in the field sharing the wonderful birds of the Atlantic Rainforest! This usually hard to see Such’s (or Cryptic Antthrush) was very cooperative in the Itororo lodge grounds on Saturday!
Jaguar on one of our Pantanal tours in 2023! Several new trip reports added to our website this week. Please visit and have a read and join us on one of our tours in 2024!
A beautiful Puma caught on one of the camera traps at Itororo lodge in south east Brazil a few weeks ago. This footage was captured just a 10 minute walk from the lodge!
Leaving Rio towards São Paulo. Next stop Cuiaba in search of Jaguars and birds on our current photographic tour.
Join us in 2023 for a birding or photographic tour at Itororo lodge in south east Brazil. Experience this wonderful part of the world for yourself!
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Itororo lodge, the base for our south east Brazil Atlantic rain forest tours. Imagine having this view in the morning! Now taking bookings for our 2023 and 2024 photographic and birding tours.
Atlantic rain forest birding at its best at Itororo lodge! Join us on one of our birding or photographic tours here in 2023!
#birdphotos #birdphotography #birdphotographer #beautifulbirds
Breakfast time at Itororo lodge, day 5 of our custom photographic tour.
#birdphotos #birdphotography #birdphotographer #beautifulbirds
The beautiful Blond-crested Woodpecker on the Itororo feeders.
Finally...Spot-winged wood quails!
After a prolonged period of trying to lure the Spot-winged wood quails into the Itororo Lodge corn feeder, we have had success! These Atlantic forest endemics are now regular visitors and with time will no doubt gain confidence and become much easier for our visiting birders to observe!
More feeder action from Itororo Lodge!
This video shows some recent footage taken from one of the Itororo Lodge feeders, it shows Golden-chevroned Tanager, Brassy-breasted Tanager, Magpie Tanager and Dusky-legged Guan (lurking in the background)!
The wonderful feeders at Itororo lodge. Ruby crowned Tanager, Brassy-breasted Tanagers and Gilt-edged Tanagers