Brazil Adventure Tours

Brazil Adventure Tours Brazil Adventure Tours is a Rio-based tour agency, bringing people from all over the world to Brazil!

Brazil Adventure Tours are a Rio de Janeiro-based tour agency, specialising in bringing people from all over the world to enjoy the many wonders of Brazil!


All the wonderful things about Brazil that we can show you... and we show you an Amazon River Dolphin urinating in the air to impress his friends.

Latest research theory for this is that they are sending messages to the other dolphins. Who knows, it could be information about food, about territory, about who belongs to whom... or it could be just fooling around in the male way.


Just a tapir having a rest on a scooter? Or perhaps not. It is quite obvious when the males of the species - the largest land animal of South America - has romantic intentions! He got the colour right, at least.


A dramatic little video from the Pantanal. A vehicle stops to film a family of peccary, wild pigs, when a jaguar appears out of the bush to grab a piglet. The parents chase it up a dead tree, which then collapses, but the fleet of foot jag still manages to escape with its snack.


Waiting for your bus to set off from the long distance bus station and your driver () does a few exercises and stretches before he takes his seat. It's Brazil, things work differently here sometimes!


Can you guess what type of animal is this? Found in the port building of Prainha, in Para State, part of the Amazon between Belem at the mouth and Santarem, halfway to Manaus.

If you know, can you tell us please! This beautiful little mammal is completely unknown to the people that found it, even the local environmental team who are called in to help with a wide variety of Amazonian wildlife wonders. Amazingly, for a creature that humans have never come across before (possible exaggeration, we'll see!) it seems remarkably calm. Don't worry, if you can watch until the end, you will hear the guys in green say that they are going to 'saltar no mato'... release in the forest.

Some positive news from Rio is always welcome. A great project to continue the reforestation of the mountain slopes arou...

Some positive news from Rio is always welcome. A great project to continue the reforestation of the mountain slopes around the city, and provide employment and shade for the residents of the mountainside communities. The amount of Atlantic Rainforest remaining seems too high though. We've always known it to be 7%, and that mostly on the steep slopes of the Serra do Mar mountains, where agriculture isn't possible. Whatever the numbers, any initiatives such as this are more than welcome. Rio is still home to a wide variety of wildlife and more habitat to support it can keep it that way.

A restoration project to revitalise the Atlantic forest is making the city a much more liveable place in the face of increasingly frequent heatwaves

An Etymological Map of Brazil... Brasil. The state and state capital names with their meanings in English.

An Etymological Map of Brazil... Brasil. The state and state capital names with their meanings in English.


On the Mureta do Leme, the wall under the rocks, you have a great view all the way down the 4km Leme and Copacabana beaches. You can watch people surfing the waves below, or watch the local youngsters jumping off the wall into them. You don't usually get to watch both at once, but it can happen!


Enough of the candiru horrors, let's get back to cute things. A mother spider monkey trying to encourage her little one to make the giant leap from high up in one tall Amazon tree to another Amazon tree.

Brazil Myths? Well we always like to post and repost photos of the wonderful wildlife that Brazil can boast. So it is on...

Brazil Myths? Well we always like to post and repost photos of the wonderful wildlife that Brazil can boast. So it is only fair that we occasionally show you something perhaps not quite so nice.

Some creatures are seen as myths and legends, that don't really exist. This is one of them, and it definitely does! Although its abilities and behaviour are still not fully documented or confirmed, except in the indigenous peoples.

This is the candiru, a species of parasitic freshwater catfish from the Amazon, also known as the vampire fish, or toothpick fish. The smaller versions of it are renowned... feared!... for their ability to swim up a stream of urine and embed themselves in the urethra of the poor creature that decided to relieve itself in the Amazon waters. Once there, it opens fins with spines, like an umbrella, and can lodge inside the cavity to begin its feast. This one was discovered in a co**se found in the Amazon.

So they do exist, but whether they can swim up streams of urine has never been proved. We've never risked it, so we must be believers!


A fotografia capturada retrata um momento impressionante e raro:

(Foto: Gisele Medrado/IML Amazonas)

A perita odontolegista Gisleine Medrado, do Instituto Médico Legal (IML) do Amazonas, alcançou um notável reconhecimento ao vencer IV Concurso FotoForense.
O concurso é voltado para a premiação de fotografias capturadas durante perícias em todo o Brasil e Gisleine Medrado se destacou ao conquistar o primeiro lugar nas categorias Júri Técnico e Voto Popular, este último obtido por meio de votação no Instagram. A fotografia vencedora capturada por Medrado retrata um momento impressionante e raro: um candiru, popularmente conhecido como ‘peixe vampiro’, visível com a cabeça para fora na perna de um cadáver encontrado no rio Negro, em Manaus.

O candiru, uma espécie temida por suas práticas invasivas, é um peixe exclusivo da região amazônica e frequentemente causa apreensão entre banhistas locais devido à sua capacidade de penetrar em orifícios corporais. Em seu agradecimento pela premiação, Gisleine Medrado expressou sua gratidão através da página oficial do concurso. “Quero agradecer a todos que votaram curtindo minha foto! Muito feliz não só com o prêmio e por ter ganhado, mas principalmente por ter representado tão bem a nossa amada Amazônia. Obrigada a todos da Comissão que organizaram o concurso, com o intuito de mostrar e engrandecer o trabalho da perícia criminal”, disse Medrado.

O concurso FotoForense tem como objetivo destacar a relevância e a complexidade do trabalho pericial, trazendo à luz a importância dos profissionais que atuam na área da criminalística. A fotografia premiada de Gisleine Medrado não apenas ilustra um aspecto peculiar da fauna amazônica, mas também ressalta a importância da perícia técnica em contextos desafiadores e únicos como os encontrados na região amazônica.


Vila Guara in Atins, on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean somewhere up towards the equator, and also on the edge of the dunes and lagoons of the Lençois Maranhenses National Park.

What a place to stay.


Rio De Janeiro, RJ


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