Brazil Sensations

Brazil Sensations BRAZIL SENSATIONS est votre DMC dans tout le Brésil : le meilleur service personnalisé!


BRAZIL SENSATIONS est là pour vous procurer le meilleur service personnalisé, créant des projets de voyages à la carte et Incentive au Brésil.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 We are thrilled to share these Recognition Awards with you. A big thank you to all our clients who have entruste...

We are thrilled to share these Recognition Awards with you. A big thank you to all our clients who have entrusted us with their projects for the past 10 years. Our team of passionate individuals is dedicated to providing a truly enriching experience in Brazil, while also contributing positively to a better world. This victory is also yours!

Nous sommes ravis de partager ces Prix de Reconnaissance avec vous. Un grand merci à tous nos clients qui nous font confiance depuis 10 ans pour réaliser leurs projets. Notre équipe de passionnés s'engage à offrir une expérience réellement enrichissante au Brésil, tout en contribuant positivement à un monde meilleur. Cette victoire est aussi la vôtre !

Estamos encantados de compartir estos Premios de Reconocimiento con ustedes. Un gran agradecimiento a todos nuestros clientes que nos han confiado sus proyectos durante los últimos 10 años. Nuestro equipo de apasionados se dedica a ofrecer una experiencia verdaderamente enriquecedora en Brasil, mientras contribuye positivamente a un mundo mejor. ¡Esta victoria también es suya!


Brazil Sensations, a leading name in the Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE) industry, has achieved a remarkable milestone by winning the award for “Latin America’s Best MICE Organiser” at the prestigious 2024 World MICE Awards. Held this week at the Gem Center in Ho Chi ...

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 We are thrilled to share these Recognition Awards with you. A big thank you to all our clients who have entruste...

We are thrilled to share these Recognition Awards with you. A big thank you to all our clients who have entrusted us with their projects for the past 10 years. Our team of passionate individuals is dedicated to providing a truly enriching experience in Brazil, while also contributing positively to a better world. This victory is also yours!

Nous sommes ravis de partager ces Prix de Reconnaissance avec vous. Un grand merci à tous nos clients qui nous font confiance depuis 10 ans pour réaliser leurs projets. Notre équipe de passionnés s’engage à offrir une expérience réellement enrichissante au Brésil, tout en contribuant positivement à un monde meilleur. Cette victoire est aussi la vôtre !

Estamos encantados de compartir estos Premios de Reconocimiento con ustedes. Un gran agradecimiento a todos nuestros clientes que nos han confiado sus proyectos durante los últimos 10 años. Nuestro equipo de apasionados se dedica a ofrecer una experiencia verdaderamente enriquecedora en Brasil, mientras contribuye positivamente a un mundo mejor. ¡Esta victoria también es suya!

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Birdwatching in the PantanalThe Pantanal is a paradise for birdwatching enthusiasts. With over 650 bird species, ...

Birdwatching in the Pantanal
The Pantanal is a paradise for birdwatching enthusiasts. With over 650 bird species, it is the perfect place to observe blue macaws, toucans, herons, and many other exotic birds. The vast flooded plains and diverse habitats provide ideal conditions for close observation. Whether you are a passionate birdwatcher or an amateur, the Pantanal promises unforgettable birdwatching experiences in the heart of the wild.

Birdwatching au Pantanal
Le Pantanal est un paradis pour les amateurs d’ornithologie. Avec plus de 650 espèces d’oiseaux, c’est l’endroit idéal pour observer des aras bleus, des toucans, des hérons et bien d’autres oiseaux exotiques. Les vastes plaines inondées et la diversité des habitats offrent des conditions parfaites pour les observer de près. Que vous soyez un passionné ou un amateur, le Pantanal promet des expériences d’observation d’oiseaux inoubliables au cœur de la nature sauvage.

Avistamiento de Aves en el Pantanal
El Pantanal es un paraíso para los entusiastas del avistamiento de aves. Con más de 650 especies de aves, es el lugar perfecto para observar guacamayos azules, tucanes, garzas y muchas otras aves exóticas. Las vastas llanuras inundadas y la diversidad de hábitats ofrecen condiciones ideales para la observación cercana. Ya seas un apasionado observador de aves o un aficionado, el Pantanal promete experiencias inolvidables de avistamiento de aves en el corazón de la naturaleza salvaje.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Jaguar Watching in the PantanalThe Pantanal is one of the best places in the world to observe jaguars in their na...

Jaguar Watching in the Pantanal
The Pantanal is one of the best places in the world to observe jaguars in their natural habitat. These majestic big cats can be seen patrolling along rivers and wetlands. With boat excursions and guided safaris, visitors have an excellent chance of spotting these fascinating predators in action. The experience of seeing a jaguar in the Pantanal is breathtaking and unforgettable, offering a unique adventure for wildlife enthusiasts.

Observation des Jaguars au Pantanal
Le Pantanal est l’un des meilleurs endroits au monde pour observer des jaguars dans leur habitat naturel. Ces majestueux félins peuvent être vus en patrouille le long des rivières et des marécages. Avec des excursions en bateau et des safaris guidés, les visiteurs ont une excellente chance d’apercevoir ces prédateurs fascinants en action. L’expérience d’observer un jaguar dans le Pantanal est à couper le souffle et inoubliable, offrant une aventure unique pour les amateurs de faune.

Observación de Jaguares en el Pantanal
El Pantanal es uno de los mejores lugares del mundo para observar jaguares en su hábitat natural. Estos majestuosos felinos se pueden ver patrullando a lo largo de ríos y humedales. Con excursiones en bote y safaris guiados, los visitantes tienen una excelente oportunidad de avistar a estos fascinantes depredadores en acción. La experiencia de ver un jaguar en el Pantanal es impresionante e inolvidable, ofreciendo una aventura única para los amantes de la fauna.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿5 Reasons to Discover the Pantanal1.Biodiversity: Discover an incredible diversity of animals, such as jaguars, c...

5 Reasons to Discover the Pantanal
1.Biodiversity: Discover an incredible diversity of animals, such as jaguars, caimans, and blue macaws.
2. Landscapes: Admire varied landscapes with flooded plains and tropical forests.
3. Experiences: Enjoy authentic adventures by staying in eco-lodges and fazendas.
4. Birdwatching: Observe over 650 species of birds in a true paradise for ornithologists.
5. Local Culture: Immerse yourself in the culture of the Pantaneiros and discover their traditions and cuisine.

The Pantanal offers a unique and unforgettable experience for nature lovers.

5 Raisons de découvrir le Pantanal

1. Biodiversité : Découvrez une incroyable diversité d’animaux, comme les jaguars, caïmans et aras bleus.
2. Paysages: Admirez des paysages variés avec des plaines inondées et des forêts tropicales.
3. Expériences : Vivez des aventures authentiques en séjournant dans des lodges écologiques et des fazendas.
4. Ornithologie : Observez plus de 650 espèces d’oiseaux dans un véritable paradis pour les ornithologues.
5. Culture locale : Immergez-vous dans la culture des Pantaneiros et découvrez leurs traditions et leur cuisine.

Le Pantanal offre une expérience unique et inoubliable pour les amoureux de la nature.

5 Razones para Descubrir el Pantanal

1. Biodiversidad: Descubre una increíble diversidad de animales, como jaguares, caimanes y guacamayos azules.
2.Paisajes: Admira paisajes variados con llanuras inundadas y bosques tropicales.
3. Experiencias: Disfruta de aventuras auténticas alojándote en eco-lodges y fazendas.
4. Ornitología: Observa más de 650 especies de aves en un verdadero paraíso para los ornitólogos.
5. Cultura Local: Sumérgete en la cultura de los Pantaneiros y descubre sus tradiciones y su cocina.

El Pantanal ofrece una experiencia única e inolvidable para los amantes de la naturaleza.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Ilha do Ferro, located in the state of Alagoas, is a hidden gem renowned for its rich craftsmanship. This small i...

Ilha do Ferro, located in the state of Alagoas, is a hidden gem renowned for its rich craftsmanship. This small island is famous for its talented artisans who create unique works of art using traditional techniques passed down through generations. The wooden sculptures, hand-woven textiles, and delicate ceramics are all testaments to the creativity and skill of the local artisans. A visit to Ilha do Ferro provides an authentic immersion into the culture and craftsmanship of Alagoas.

Ilha do Ferro, située dans l’État d’Alagoas, est un joyau caché réputé pour son riche artisanat. Cette petite île est célèbre pour ses artisans talentueux qui créent des œuvres d’art uniques, utilisant des techniques traditionnelles transmises de génération en génération. Les sculptures en bois, les textiles tissés à la main et les céramiques délicates sont autant de témoignages de la créativité et du savoir-faire des artisans locaux. Une visite à Ilha do Ferro offre une immersion authentique dans la culture et l’artisanat d’Alagoas.

Ilha do Ferro, ubicada en el estado de Alagoas, es una joya oculta conocida por su rica artesanía. Esta pequeña isla es famosa por sus talentosos artesanos que crean obras de arte únicas utilizando técnicas tradicionales transmitidas de generación en generación. Las esculturas de madera, los textiles tejidos a mano y las delicadas cerámicas son testimonio de la creatividad y habilidad de los artesanos locales. Una visita a Ilha do Ferro ofrece una inmersión auténtica en la cultura y la artesanía de Alagoas.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿The Caminho de Moisés in Alagoas is an experience as magical as a scene from a fairy tale. Imagine yourself walki...

The Caminho de Moisés in Alagoas is an experience as magical as a scene from a fairy tale. Imagine yourself walking on water, between two walls of the sea, as if Moses himself had taken a little Brazilian getaway! This natural phenomenon occurs when the low tide reveals a sandy path, allowing you to stroll right in the middle of the ocean. With the bright sun, crystal-clear water, and curious little fish accompanying you, every step on the Caminho de Moisés is an adventure full of charm and surprises.

Le Caminho de Moisés à Alagoas est une expérience aussi magique qu’une scène de conte de fées. Imaginez-vous marcher sur l’eau, entre deux murs de mer, comme si Moïse lui-même avait fait une petite escapade brésilienne ! Ce phénomène naturel, qui se produit lorsque la marée basse découvre un chemin de sable, vous permet de vous promener en plein milieu de l’océan. Avec le soleil éclatant, l’eau cristalline et les petits poissons curieux qui vous accompagnent, chaque pas sur le Caminho de Moisés est une aventure pleine de charme et de surprises.

El Caminho de Moisés en Alagoas es una experiencia tan mágica como una escena de un cuento de hadas. Imagínate caminando sobre el agua, entre dos paredes de mar, ¡como si el mismo Moisés hubiera hecho una pequeña escapada brasileña! Este fenómeno natural ocurre cuando la marea baja revela un camino de arena, permitiéndote pasear justo en medio del océano. Con el sol brillante, el agua cristalina y los pequeños peces curiosos que te acompañan, cada paso en el Caminho de Moisés es una aventura llena de encanto y sorpresas.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Not being a fan of places designed for tourists, we must admit that this folkloric ballet at the Miguel Santana T...

Not being a fan of places designed for tourists, we must admit that this folkloric ballet at the Miguel Santana Theatre, right in the heart of Pelourinho, is exceptional. The setting is simple, but this performance highlights the richness of the orixás culture and its many facets. The troupe is splendid and conveys their joy of performing on stage with great intensity. The fishermen’s dance is remarkably beautiful, and the Berimbau solo is, in our opinion, a true masterpiece of this ballet.

N’étant pas adepte des lieux conçus pour les touristes, il faut reconnaître que ce ballet folklorique au Théâtre Miguel Santana, en plein cœur du Pelourinho, est exceptionnel. Le cadre est simple, mais ce spectacle met en lumière la richesse de la culture des orixas et ses nombreuses facettes. La troupe est splendide et transmet avec une grande intensité leur joie de se produire sur scène. La danse des pêcheurs est d’une beauté remarquable, et le solo de Berimbau reste, à notre avis, un véritable chef-d’œuvre de ce ballet.

No siendo fanático de los lugares diseñados para turistas, debo admitir que este ballet folclórico en el Teatro Miguel Santana, en pleno corazón del Pelourinho, es excepcional. El entorno es simple, pero este espectáculo destaca la riqueza de la cultura de los orixás y sus muchas facetas. La compañía es espléndida y transmite con gran intensidad su alegría de actuar en el escenario. La danza de los pescadores es de una belleza notable, y el solo de Berimbau es, en nuestra opinión, una verdadera obra maestra de este balé.

# brazilianafroculture

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Sailing through the waters of the Bay of All Saints reveals a fascinating gradient of blues and greens, creating ...

Sailing through the waters of the Bay of All Saints reveals a fascinating gradient of blues and greens, creating an exceptional visual harmony. This adventure showcases the natural and cultural richness of one of the largest bays in Brazil. To enhance this escapade, a stop at Preta’s restaurant offers a poetic setting and refined cuisine that highlights local flavors.

Naviguer dans les eaux de la Baie de Tous les Saints dévoile un dégradé fascinant de bleus et de verts, créant une harmonie visuelle exceptionnelle. Cette aventure révèle la richesse naturelle et culturelle de l’une des plus grandes baies du Brésil.
Pour sublimer cette escapade, un arrêt au restaurant de Preta vous offre un cadre poétique et une gastronomie raffinée mettant en valeur les saveurs locales.

Navegar por las aguas de la Bahía de Todos los Santos revela un fascinante degradado de azules y verdes, creando una armonía visual excepcional. Esta aventura muestra la riqueza natural y cultural de una de las bahías más grandes de Brasil. Para sublimar esta escapada, una parada en el restaurante de Preta ofrece un entorno poético y una gastronomía refinada que resalta los sabores locales.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿A unique experience that blends visual arts and gastronomy. After strolling through the colorful markets to selec...

A unique experience that blends visual arts and gastronomy. After strolling through the colorful markets to select ingredients for our lunch, we will head to Maria Adair’s studio, nestled in her residence. Her home is entirely imbued with her art, with every detail meticulously transformed by the artist. A chef will share his best tips for making the perfect moqueca. Maria will warmly welcome you and invite you to immerse yourself in her world of colors and delicate lines, demonstrating that every moment of our lives holds deep meaning.

Une expérience unique qui marie les arts plastiques et la gastronomie. Après avoir flâné sur les marchés colorés pour sélectionner les ingrédients de notre déjeuner, nous nous rendrons à l’Atelier de Maria Adair, niché dans sa résidence. Sa maison est entièrement imprégnée de son art, chaque détail ayant été méticuleusement transformé par l’artiste. Un chef nous partagera ses meilleures astuces pour réussir une moqueca parfaite. Maria vous accueillera chaleureusement et vous invitera à plonger dans son univers de couleurs et de traits délicats, démontrant que chaque moment de notre vie a un sens profond.

Una experiencia única que combina las artes plásticas y la gastronomía. Después de pasear por los coloridos mercados para seleccionar los ingredientes de nuestro almuerzo, nos dirigiremos al taller de María Adair, ubicado en su residencia. Su casa está completamente impregnada de su arte, con cada detalle meticulosamente transformado por la artista. Un chef nos compartirá sus mejores consejos para hacer la moqueca perfecta. María te dará una cálida bienvenida y te invitará a sumergirte en su mundo de colores y líneas delicadas, demostrando que cada momento de nuestra vida tiene un significado profundo.

The Malandro da Lapa is an iconic figure in Carioca culture, embodying the free spirit and audacity of the Lapa district...

The Malandro da Lapa is an iconic figure in Carioca culture, embodying the free spirit and audacity of the Lapa district in Rio de Janeiro.

Historically, the malandro is recognized for his elegance, cunning, and charisma, moving with ease through the bustling streets of the city.

Lapa, with its famous arches and vibrant nightlife, provides the perfect backdrop for the tales of these charismatic characters. Malandros, often seen as folk heroes, symbolize cultural resistance and the subversion of social norms.

Today, the image of the Malandro da Lapa is celebrated in music, dance, and literature, perpetuating a legacy that captures the very essence of Rio’s identity.

Sugarloaf Mountain, a majestic peak located in Rio de Janeiro, is famous for its unique dome shape and spectacular water...

Sugarloaf Mountain, a majestic peak located in Rio de Janeiro, is famous for its unique dome shape and spectacular waterfront setting. ⛰️☀️

This granite monolith rises 396 meters above Guanabara Bay, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the city and its surroundings. Accessible by cable car, the summit attracts millions of visitors each year who come to witness the sunrise or sunset.

The site is also a popular spot for climbing, with several routes offering varying levels of difficulty. Sugarloaf Mountain remains an iconic symbol of Rio, embodying the natural beauty of Brazil.

A Tropical Paradise 🌴🇧🇷🐠 Ubatuba offers an unparalleled escape for those seeking sun, sand, and nature.Located in the st...

A Tropical Paradise 🌴🇧🇷🐠 Ubatuba offers an unparalleled escape for those seeking sun, sand, and nature.

Located in the stunning North Coast of the state of São Paulo, right on the Tropic of Capricorn, the city of Ubatuba is a paradise for beach lovers and surfers. It is considered the “surfing capital of the state of São Paulo.” Amazing nature, waterfalls and mountains, it is part of the Serra do Mar State Park, which covers 83% of the city.

Ubatuba has over 100 breathtaking beaches, with pristine sands and crystal-clear waters. Each with its own unique charm, surfing beaches, family beaches, deserted beaches, urban beaches, wild beaches, snorkel beaches and some incredible islands… these coastal gems are not to be missed!

Marajó pottery is a precious cultural heritage of the Brazilian island of the same name.  Crafted by local artisans for ...

Marajó pottery is a precious cultural heritage of the Brazilian island of the same name.

Crafted by local artisans for centuries, this pottery is renowned for its elegant shapes and unique patterns inspired by the region’s lush nature. Marajó potters use traditional techniques passed down through generations to create pieces that showcase the artistry and creativity of their people.

Each pottery is an authentic work of art, infused with the spirit and history of Marajó Island, and serves as a vibrant testament to the cultural richness of the Brazilian Amazon.

São João del-Rei, while less visited compared to some of Brazil’s more renowned destinations, is unquestionably a city w...

São João del-Rei, while less visited compared to some of Brazil’s more renowned destinations, is unquestionably a city worth seeing.

Tucked away in the heart of Minas Gerais, this undiscovered jewel exudes a rich historical ambiance, evident in its impeccably preserved colonial architecture and baroque churches.

The city’s dynamic cultural landscape, deeply rooted in its historical origins, offers an unparalleled insight into Brazil’s bygone days. From its quaint cobblestone streets to its spirited festivals, São João del-Rei is more than a mere destination; it’s an enchanting experience, a journey back to a more graceful time.

Its subtle allure and historical importance render it an essential visit for those eager to delve into the authentic heart of Brazil.

The “Maria Fumaça” trains in Minas Gerais are a true celebration of Brazil’s historical and cultural heritage. Operating...

The “Maria Fumaça” trains in Minas Gerais are a true celebration of Brazil’s historical and cultural heritage.

Operating in the picturesque state of Minas Gerais, these vintage steam trains offer an exceptional experience, immersing passengers in the golden age of rail travel. The journeys, connecting historical cities such as Tiradentes and São João del-Rei, unveil the stunning landscapes of Minas Gerais, characterized by lush hills and colonial towns.

Onboard, the atmosphere is festive, often filled with local music, providing an authentic glimpse into the rich culture of the state. For enthusiasts of history, culture, and nature, a journey on a “Maria Fumaça” train in Minas Gerais is an essential experience, a living connection to Brazil’s glorious past.

Tiradentes, nestled in the lush hills of Minas Gerais, is a haven of tranquility where art and the preservation of the p...

Tiradentes, nestled in the lush hills of Minas Gerais, is a haven of tranquility where art and the preservation of the past converge.

The town is marked by its meticulously preserved colonial architecture and cobblestone streets, evoking a rich and lively history. It is also renowned for its film festival, a major cultural event that attracts movie enthusiasts and artists, adding a contemporary dimension to its historical charm.

This festival helps make Tiradentes a unique place, where past and present seamlessly blend in a serene and inspiring setting.

The “Bolo de Rolo” is an exquisite culinary specialty from Brazil, originating from the state of Pernambuco.  This delic...

The “Bolo de Rolo” is an exquisite culinary specialty from Brazil, originating from the state of Pernambuco.

This delicacy is renowned for its unique presentation and refined taste. It consists of thin layers of sponge cake, tightly rolled with a generous filling of guava jam, creating a captivating spiral pattern when cut. The light texture of the sponge contrasts beautifully with the sweetness of the jam, offering a harmonious taste experience. The “Bolo de Rolo” is not just appreciated for its flavor, but also for its delicate aesthetics and meticulous preparation process.

It epitomizes the richness of Brazilian gastronomy and is often served at special occasions, adding a touch of elegance and tradition to celebrations.

Frevo is a traditional musical style originating from Brazil, often associated with the region of Pernambuco and particu...

Frevo is a traditional musical style originating from Brazil, often associated with the region of Pernambuco and particularly the city of Recife. It is characterized by fast and lively rhythms, combining African, indigenous, and European influences.

Frevo is especially popular during Carnival, where it is played by bands known as “orquestas de frevo” using instruments like the trumpet, trombone, and saxophone.

The dance accompanying frevo is dynamic and acrobatic, often involving movements with a colorful umbrella. This musical genre is a vital element of Brazilian culture, reflecting the energy and diversity of the country.

Olinda is a historic city in northeastern Brazil, located in the state of Pernambuco. Known for its well-preserved colon...

Olinda is a historic city in northeastern Brazil, located in the state of Pernambuco. Known for its well-preserved colonial buildings and numerous Baroque churches, the city offers a vivid glimpse into Brazilian history.

Olinda is famous for its colorful and lively street carnival, considered one of the most authentic in Brazil. Perched on hills overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, the city offers picturesque views and an artistic atmosphere with many workshops and art galleries. A UNESCO World Heritage site, Olinda is a charming blend of the old and the modern, attracting visitors from around the world.


The ‘Renda do Ceará,’ the delicate art of lacework in Ceará, is a craftsmanship passed down through generations. Skilled...

The ‘Renda do Ceará,’ the delicate art of lacework in Ceará, is a craftsmanship passed down through generations. Skilled artisans in the region create unique pieces characterized by exceptionally beautiful floral and geometric patterns. This tradition, dating back several decades, is preserved by the talented women of Ceará. The ‘Renda do Ceará’ extends beyond mere artisanal production; it embodies the cultural richness of the region and continues to dazzle with its excellence. It is a living heritage that flourishes over time.

In Brazil, the term”buggy”is generally associated with a specific type of light weight off-road vehicle used primarily i...

In Brazil, the term”buggy”is generally associated with a specific type of light weight off-road vehicle used primarily in coastal and tourist regions.

Brazilian buggies are open vehicles, often without doors or roofs, designed for sandy terrains and beaches.
They are popular for tourist excursions along beaches and dunes.
These Brazilian buggies are typically equipped with wide tires suitable for sand, providing a fun and adventurous driving experience. They are often used to explore picturesque coastal areas, offering tourists a unique way to discover Brazil’s natural landscapes.

In 2024, let’s continue to grow together! Best wishes for happiness and success.The entire team at Brazil Sensations.   ...

In 2024, let’s continue to grow together!

Best wishes for happiness and success.

The entire team at Brazil Sensations.

The trip is only complete when you try the local delicacies. Caiçara gastronomy is marked by the simplicity and flavor o...

The trip is only complete when you try the local delicacies. Caiçara gastronomy is marked by the simplicity and flavor of its fresh ingredients from the region, such as fish, seafood, herbs and fruits typical of the Atlantic Forest.

The term "Caiçara" arose from the genetic miscegenation between Europeans, Indians and blacks. However, it is also a word used to designate the inhabitants of the coast of Paraná, São Paulo and the south of Rio de Janeiro.

It is the basis of the original local cuisine and has specialties such as Caiçara lambe-lambe made with shellfish and crab cakes.
Fish made with green bananas, "azul marinho" is the traditional dish most commonly found in caiçara food. (It got its name due to the bluish color it gets after cooking).
There are also a lot of regional fruits such as uvaia, pitanga, jabuticaba and clove lemon, which are part of our Atlantic Forest biome. As well as juçara palm and ginger plantations.

Paraty is a colonial unique town, a gem in Rio de Janeiro which buildings are completely white with colorful doors and w...

Paraty is a colonial unique town, a gem in Rio de Janeiro which buildings are completely white with colorful doors and windows frames.

The architecture gives the city a colonial super colorful vibe. However, it is not the only element that catches your attention …
With 65 islands and over 200 beaches to explore, Paraty has many many boats, just head over to the old town pier and you'll find countless lined up.

Boats incredible colorful with equally colorful names, colors so bright and different that are impossible to describe.

The cobblestone streets, the colorfully accented buildings and all those truly beautiful boats, make this one of the most picturesque cities in Brazil.

Paraty is a colonial unique town, a gem in Rio de Janeiro which buildings are completely white with colorful doors and w...

Paraty is a colonial unique town, a gem in Rio de Janeiro which buildings are completely white with colorful doors and windows frames.

The architecture gives the city a colonial super colorful vibe. However, it is not the only element that catches your attention …
With 65 islands and over 200 beaches to explore, Paraty has many many boats, just head over to the old town pier and you'll find countless lined up.

Boats incredible colorful with equally colorful names, colors so bright and different that are impossible to describe.

The cobblestone streets, the colorfully accented buildings and all those truly beautiful boats, make this one of the most picturesque cities in Brazil.

Participation in IFTM Top Resa: We are thrilled to announce our presence at this year's Travel DMCs Convention. The even...

Participation in IFTM Top Resa: We are thrilled to announce our presence at this year's Travel DMCs Convention. The event will take place from October 3rd to 5th, and you can find us at our booth number B042. Together, we can share travel stories and valuable tips about Brazil. We hope to see you there! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Participation à l'IFTM Top Resa : Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer notre présence à la Convention des DMCs de Voyage de cette année. L'événement aura lieu du 3 au 5 octobre, et vous pourrez nous retrouver à notre stand numéro B042. Ensemble, nous pourrons partager des histoires de voyage et des conseils précieux sur le Brésil. Nous espérons vous y voir ! 🇫🇷


Avenida Beira Mar 406 Sala 1007
Rio De Janeiro, RJ

Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 09:00 - 18:00
Terça-feira 09:00 - 18:00
Quarta-feira 09:00 - 18:00
Quinta-feira 09:00 - 18:00
Sexta-feira 09:00 - 18:00




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