I agree....No to LBGTQ+ agenda. I won't allow them to destroy our future sons
America into homos*xuality and freedom of s*xuality. And I support that. I am a visitor in America so I must appreciate that's what they do.... If I don't like it then I don't visit America. It's that simple. That's no problem or issue that's mutual respect....
But it's morally and spiritually destroying themselves.
Harris and Obama and the others want push this lifestyle and religion on the rest of the world. Why? That's their choice but don't get mad if the rest of the world disagrees.... Atleast you can keep all the LBGTQ+ people and kick out of he rest if you want to. That's your country you can do what you want.... We will still love you for it.... Atleast you would be living your truth and allowing others to live theirs.
I am happy my uncle Walter hanchell stood up and took such a stance..
I stand with him.
Go to America.
Why didnt she invite all the lbgtq+ to move to America why try to change others to accept what we know is naturally wrong
Sticking a man p***s in another man a**s is wrong
... And it's offensive to think they can push that as normal into the minds of boys.
What goes into your mouth comes out the a**s.
That's what it's for.
If that was the case what goes in our mouth would of came back out our mouth like snakes...
Sissies mustbe snakes.
They nanny out the mouth.aye.. And their a**s is their virgina
Pure darkness..... And only fools would accept unnatural act of s*x as right....
I independent Kareem Hanchell can decide to speak truth in the midst of lies.
If they telling you that homos*xuality is natural no it's not.
It's a condition of the mind to accept and to disobey to try and to define a act that if you think about knows it's not right....
Show me the first human that eats from the mouth and s**ts from the mouth..... And no s**t comes out the a**s it's just their a spare hole.....
Let's discuss.... Science, and natural
Agrees on the purpose of the a**s and it's natural intended use