Machen Zimpon Lopen Namgay Wangchuk, Pungthim Dratshang, 2022
“My name is Namgay Wangchuk and I became a monk at 6 years old. I am currently 62 years old. I was appointed as the Machen Zimpon (Chamberlain of the embalmed body of the Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal) in 2020. Before that, I was the Zung-gi Lopen at Wangdiphodrang, the Neten of Trashigang, Neten of Mongar, Lam of Drakarsum gi Lhakhang and finally served as the Neten of Wangdue prior to my current appointment.
I vividly remember why I joined as a monk at the age of 6 years. It was because I wanted to escape going to the local school to study English. At the time, it was compulsory to attend formal schooling and my father, understanding that I wasn’t interested in studying western education, persuaded me to become a monk. Of course, I did already have some interest in becoming a monk because my father used to tell me stories about fun and enjoyable times in the Dzong. My parents took me to His Holiness the Je khenpo (Je Nyizer Tulku Thinley Lhundrup) to receive my ordination and for the hair cutting ceremony. During my time, we first joined as a Tozey (apprentice wearing Gho). We had to meet the Nyerchen (Mess-in-charge), who is nowadays called a Nyerp. This was in order to get registered for fooding. I joined with about 50 boys at one go during the Third King’s reign.
I joined the monkbody at Wangdiphodrang during Je Nyizer Tulku’s time. I stayed in the Drikha (monastic discipline) till I was 15 years old and after that I stayed in the Lobdra (monastic elementary school) till I was 20. After that I went to Phajoding Monastery, in which His Majesty the 4th Druk Gyalpo, Late Kyabje Gedun Rinchen and the Royal Government had started a formal monastic school. So, in 1981, on the 15th day of the first Lunar month, the most brilliant students were selected from the Dzong and were sent there. I was one of them. The Home minister at the time was Lyonpo Tamzhing Jagar, and our teacher and the principal of the Shedra was, as decided by the Lopen Lhyengye, the late 69th Je Khenpo Geshe Gedun Rinchen. This was the first higher institute in Bhutan and 5 or 3 of the most brilliant monks from each Dzongkhag were selected to study there. From Wangdiphodrang, there were 5 of us. I studied there for 5 years and went to Drolung Goenpa for retreat. I then continued on to stay for another 3 years at Zasi Pokto. I also went to Thuji-Drak and Lungchutse for retreat so in total, I have spent about 10 years in retreat. Then, I received an order from the Dzong and became the Wangdiphodrang Zung Lopen for about 5 or 6 years. In 2002, I became Trashigang Lam Nete, in 2006, Mongar Lam Neten, Drakarsung Lam in 2008, Wangdue Neten in 2014, and finally, Machen Lopen in 2020.
Like many other monks, I began my three years retreat with the preliminary practices (Ngondro) after completing my Shedra studies. Then, I received teachings and empowerments from the late Je Geshe Gedun Rinchen, Je Thrizur Tenzin Dhendup, the current Je Khenpo, Dorlop Kinley and former Dorji Lopen Ngawang Tenzin. While in retreat, I faced several difficulties. The violent anti-government protests had just started. Many told me to not stay all by myself as there were several Nepali woodcutters above where I was meditating but I was not scared and continued while keeping the blessings of my root guru in mind. I only went out of my cave every morning at 6 am and spent the remaining time in the cave.
Ration was a problem due to the lack of a proper road till where I was. Even my family and friends could not visit as often. Once when my rations finished, I prayed to my Lama and slept. Next morning, my three pet mice started squeaking a lot and a man from Kabesa named Azey had sent a bag of flour and chillies. He came that night and told me that he came there to offer that. I sent him back to buy a bag of rice for me. When he went to buy it in Dechencholing, Drimpoen Norbu sent through him a bag of rice, melted butter, and a letter after noticing that there was a hermit in retreat from the smoke (Sang offering) that came out of my cave; he wrote that that year was a bad year for him, and that he wished for me to recite the Dokpa Tsheydrup (longevity prayer). He committed to continually supply me with butter to offer butter lamps. I did not know him before.
There are many differences in the monastic body between now and my time. We had to cook food in the public kitchen by ourselves and at times, we had to wake early in the morning to collect wood. This was accompanied by our own regulated early study hours. All our foot soles would be cracked during the winter due to lack of slippers. Nowadays, one only has the choice to refuse the food which is provided. Back then, we did not really care about these things. We simply thought that was how it just is. Even beatings from our teachers and Lamas didn’t matter to us as we thought that this was done for our own benefit. It's become more dangerous in matters of corporal punishment now.
Zhabdrung Rinpoche entered into retreat in accordance with Guru Rinpoche and Pal Yeshi Goenpo’s prophecy for our benefit in 1651. His son Jampel Dorji also entered into retreat in 1681. The Machen is also called the Mardung. Because of the holy embalmed body of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, Bhutan has been blessed with magnanimous Bodhisattva Kings till now. The peace and stability that we enjoy in the country today is because of his blessings and continued protection.
About 15 or 16 years after Sey Jampel Dorji entered into Thukdam, his first reincarnation was born. His name was Gyelsay Ganapati. After growing up, he came to the Machen and requested the Zhabdrung to either break from his permanent retreat or reincarnate into this world for one week. By then, the Zhabdrung had been in retreat for 56 years. Zhabdrung then spoke and obliged that he would reincarnate. Then, three light rays emanated from the Mardung. The first body reincarnation was then born as a prince in Sikkim. But, due to lack of contact with the Bhutanese, he died in obscurity at the age of 8. No body reincarnation was recognised there after. The second light emanated towards Daga, Nyingdukhar. That is where the first of six speech reincarnation was born. The third light ray emanated towards Boe Drana (Tibet). That was the mind reincarnation named Jigme Drakpa. He would be followed by six more mind reincarnations.
When Zhabdrung Rinpoche entered into retreat, Drung Damchoe was responsible for handing out the decrees that the Zhabdrung gave from his retreat. Eventually, Chogyel Mingyur Tempa was also informed about the retreat. Drung Damchoe and Chogyel Mingyur studied together at Chari Monastery.
Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal spent about 35 years in Bhutan performing his wisdom activities. He arrived in 1616 when he was 23 years old; until which time he lived in Tibet. At the age of 35, he installed a government, administration, monastic body, and even created a unique set of dress to give the people a distinct identity. The very clothes (Gho & Kira) we wear are a gift - as it has the power to sow the seeds of a Bodhicitta mind. He did everything and his subordinates continued with its management.
From the first day of the Zhabdrung’s retreat, Drung Damchoe served him hot water at 3 am, food and tea at 5 am, another at 7:30 am, tea at 11:30 am and dinner at 3:30 pm. Unbroken to this day, we still continue with this custom. Some believe that the Machen Zimpon is the reincarnation of Drung Damchoe. Only the Machen Zimpon, Machen Soelpon, His Majesty and the Je Khenpo can enter this room. It is extremely difficult to become a Machen Zimpon. I, an ordinary person, have the same privilege as the King and Chief Abbot in entering this room. Of course, I also worked very hard and my parents prayed for me. I received the name of Namgay Wangchuk from the Machen Zimpon of my time after three of my elder siblings passed away. By the grace of His Majesty and my root gurus, I am very happy and honored to be the Machen Zimpon for I am able to say my prayers in the Zhabdrung’s holy presence.
On this most wonderful occasion of celebrating 400 years since the establishment of the Zhung Dratshang, I pray for the longevity and prosperity of the activities of His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo, the Royal Government of Bhutan, His Holiness the Je Khenpo, and all other enlightened beings.”