Bhutan Travel Agent- Amedewa Tours And Treks

Bhutan Travel Agent- Amedewa Tours  And Treks We are Bhutanese tour and travel agency. Services:
Bhutan tour packages and flights.

Paro Tiger’s nest monastery.

Paro Tiger’s nest monastery.


Highlights of Bhutan tour | Travel agency in Bhutan

Dochula pass

Dochula pass


Mask dance | Festival tour of Bhutan

Mask dance | Festival tour of Bhutan

Let’s try archery at Simply Bhutan Museum

Let’s try archery at Simply Bhutan Museum

At Dochula pass with group from Brazil

At Dochula pass with group from Brazil

Kurjey Lhakhang | Things to see in Bumthang Kurjey Lhakhang is one of the must see temple in Bumthang, it consist of thr...

Kurjey Lhakhang | Things to see in Bumthang

Kurjey Lhakhang is one of the must see temple in Bumthang, it consist of three temple , the first one is where Guru Rinpoche meditated during the 8th century, the second is considered the most holly which contains the imprint of Guru’s body and third one was built by queen grandmother, Ashi Kesang Wangchuck in the 90’s.

The first of the three temples is the Guru Lhakhang built in 1652. Just below the cave is the figure of a snow lion with Jachung ( Garuda ) above it.

The second temple, the Sampa Lhendup Lhakhang was built by Ugyen Wangchuck, the first king of Bhutan. It has an imprint of Guru Rinpoche’s body.

The third temple was built in 1984 by Ashi Kesang Wangchuck, the queen mother to the third king of Bhutan.

It is also the final resting place of three great kings of Bhutan and those temples are enclosed by 108 chortens.

Bumthang Bhutan

Bumthang Bhutan


Bhutan tour packages | Bhutan Tour And Travel Guide |


Things to see in Paro Bhutan | Kyichu Lhakhang

Punakha Dzong | Things to see in Punakha

Punakha Dzong | Things to see in Punakha

Kyichu Lhakhang | Things to see in Paro Kyichu Lhakhang is one of the most beautiful and the oldest temple in Bhutan. Th...

Kyichu Lhakhang | Things to see in Paro

Kyichu Lhakhang is one of the most beautiful and the oldest temple in Bhutan. The temple was initially smaller in size but it expanded over the years. In the 8th century, Guru Rinpoche was believed to have visited the Kyichu Lhakhang and hidden a variety of treasures in the temple as well as other parts of the region which were later to be discovered on auspicious and certain times by Tertons (Treasure revealer ).

The treasures consist of relics and Buddhist teachings which would benefit all sentient beings.

Kyichu Lhakhang is also one of the 108 monasteries established by King Songstsen Gampo, 12 of the 108 monasteries were built to subdue a demoness and flourish Buddhism.

The temple underwent many renovations in the 1830s, and in 1968, The royal queen mother of Bhutan, Azhi Kesang Choden Wangchuck ordered its further expansion and the temple houses the statue of Guru Padmasambhava and Kurukulla, a peaceful to semi- wrathful female deity. The temple also contains the painting of King Kesar of Ling, who was a great Tibetan warrior.

The main temple consists of Jowo Lhakhang with a statue of Jowo Jamba and nearby statue of Chenrezig, a deity embodying compassion of all Buddhas and it is believed that he listens to prayers of all sentient beings in time of difficulties.

The temple is surrounded by prayer wheels which is circumambulated by the monks and locals and a sacred orange tree that bear fruits throughout the year.

Timing for KyIchu Lhakhang

Travelers can visit Kyichu Lhakhang anytime from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Chorten Kora  | Attraction in TrashiyangtseChorten Kora lies on the east of Kholong chhu river and it resembles the famo...

Chorten Kora | Attraction in Trashiyangtse

Chorten Kora lies on the east of Kholong chhu river and it resembles the famous Boudhanath stupa in Nepal. Chorten Kora was built in the 18th century by Lama Ngawang Lodro and it took 12 years to construct the stupa. The Lama conceived the idea of building the Chorten to honor his late uncle, Lama Jangchub Gyeltshen and to subdue the demon that inhabited the site. Initially the lama lacked definitive design of the stupa, so he travelled to Nepal with his friend from Arunachal Pradesh to view the Boudhanath stupa in person.

To get the design right, the lama carved the model from the flesh of a radish and bought the vegetable back with him to Bhutan. However the radish dried out during the journey back home and as a result the Chorten underwent some changes from its design especially in the level of galleries.

it is also believed that a Dakini princess from Arunachel Pradesh in India entombed herself alive within the stupa to meditate on behalf of all sentient beings.

The Stupa now held two important festivals, the Dakpa Kora which is held on the 15th of the first lunar month and the Drukpa Kora held at the end of the first lunar month. Locals as well as people from Arunachal Pradesh come to attend the festival and pay their respect to the princess and circumambulates the Chorten.

In front of the Chorten kora lies Serto, a stone stupa which is considered holy and sacred by the people of Trashiyangtse and a small Goempa to offer butter lamps and a chance to go on a fascinating spiritual journey in the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan.

Tango Monastery Tango Monastery is located near the northern end of the Thimphu valley, on a south-facing cliffside. The...

Tango Monastery
Tango Monastery is located near the northern end of the Thimphu valley, on a south-facing cliffside. The word “Tango,” or more accurately “Rtamgo,” refers to the god Hayagrva (Tamdrin), who is a manifestation of either the Bodhisattva Avalokitevara or one of his or her attendants.

Phajo Drugom Shigpo (1184-1251), one of Bhutan’s most influential religious figures, founded the temple, and his descendants were instrumental in the establishment of many other sites of worship throughout Bhutan. Phajo wanted to spread the Drukpa sect of Buddhism throughout the “southern lowlands” after arriving in Bhutan from the remote Ralung monastery in west-central Tibet (present-day Bhutan). For the following couple hundred years, the monastery’s history is a mystery.

When Ngawang Namgyal (1594-1651), the future unifier of Bhutan, who was eventually named the first Zhabdrung Rinpoche, visited Bhutan, Mipham Tshewang Tenzin was in charge of Tango monastery. Zhabdrung accepted his host’s offer to use the facilities at Tango and entered a deep cavern to meditate, where he “propitiated the black-foreheaded wrathful Mahakala,” a formidable defensive force. He used the deity’s might to stop his rival, the Tseng Desi, from invading Bhutan via southern Tibet. Bhutan’s independence was aided by the defeat of the Tseng Desi and his allies.

Jangchub Chorten Begana | Attraction in ThimphuJangchub Chorten at Begana is a miniature duplicate of the 14th-century B...

Jangchub Chorten Begana | Attraction in Thimphu

Jangchub Chorten at Begana is a miniature duplicate of the 14th-century Bodnath stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal, while the Jangchub chorten was built in the late twentieth century, the location is also known by its Tibetan name, Jarumhkhasor, which is also used to refer to the Bodnath. The Lokpalas, the guardians of the four directions, are represented by the eyes of the “Mystic Buddha” gazing from each face of the chorten. Legend has it that this form of chorten (or stupa) is linked to pathways that marked the early introduction of Buddhism, though this may be mythical.

Paro Taktsang | Trekking in Paro, Bhutan | Travel guide to Bhutan | Local Bhutan tour operator | Bhutan tour and travel ...

Paro Taktsang | Trekking in Paro, Bhutan | Travel guide to Bhutan | Local Bhutan tour operator | Bhutan tour and travel services | Bhutan tour and travel agency | Bhutan Tour Packages | how to book Bhutan tour | Bhutan visa | Trekking in Bhutan | Luxury Bhutan tour | Private guided Tour to Bhutan | solo travel to Bhutan | Best Bhutan travel agency | Flight to Bhutan | Travel tips to Bhutan | Day hikes in Bhutan |

The Jungshi Handmade Paper Factory is situated on a hilltop with a panoramic view of Thimphu’s landscape. The word “jung...

The Jungshi Handmade Paper Factory is situated on a hilltop with a panoramic view of Thimphu’s landscape. The word “jungshi” literally means “natural,” and this is reflected throughout the entire paper-making process.

The authentic Bhutanese paper known as Desho is created at the Jungshi handmade paper factory using traditional processes. This age-old Bhutanese custom is being preserved and promoted by the Jungshi paper plant. It also makes a variety of other items, including stationery and greeting cards. The paper business exemplifies the government’s commitment to bolstering the local economy by conserving traditional arts such as papermaking. On a daily basis, Jungshi makes roughly 1,500 sheets of paper.

The paper is manufactured with Himalayan materials such as the bark of the Daphne Papyri (found at altitudes of 3,000 feet and above), the bark of the Edgeworthia Papyri (found at altitudes of 3,000 feet and above), and different additional components such as flowers and leaves to provide textures and patterns.

Steps included in the paper making process:

The bark of the shrubs is soaked in water to break down its structure, then strained and sent into the factory. The stringy material is put into a grinder, which spits the pulp into a large vat, similar to a massive bowl of oatmeal.

The magic happens in the next phase. The screen is lifted out, aligned with the rising stack of wet paper, released on top of it, and peeled off from the opposite edge, leaving the fresh sheet of paper behind.

Stacks of paper may be found all over the plant, some wet, some dry, and some stacked and pressed for flatness. Dry paper is hung sheet by sheet from an easel, brushed off, and inspected for quality.

After being stamped with the Jungshi brand, the completed paper is either delivered from the factory or placed in the site’s paper shop. According to the United Nations, the majority of demand for Bhutanese handmade paper originates from Sweden and the United Kingdom. Greeting cards, gift wrap, stationery, books, and certificates are all made of paper.

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The authentic Bhutanese paper known as Desho is created at the Jungshi handmade paper factory using traditional processes.

Khoma villageThe beautiful history of the Kishuthara kira in Khoma. It is a type of Kira with the most intricate pattern...

Khoma village
The beautiful history of the Kishuthara kira in Khoma. It is a type of Kira with the most intricate patterned silk textile weaved by the women of this village. The weaving culture of Kishuthara in this village started during the time of the most famously known business man of Himalayan region called “Tshongpoen Norbu Zangpo”. It was during the trade fair at Tibet; Tshongpoen Norbu Zangpo gave his intricate patterned cloth to Yoesel Dema to wear during the trade fair, a woman from Khoma village staying at his home as a guest. When she reached back to her village, she first started to weave similar patterned cloth from the fibre extracted from nettle plant and named the cloth piece “Kishuthara” derived from the local term “Ki-shu” ( Fiber extract of nettle plant) and “Tha-ra”( weave).

Due to high demand from the market almost all women of Khoma village are engaged in weaving Kishuthara, which is the main source of income. Besides the income from Kishuthara and agriculture product, the handloom weaving culture of Kishuthara and village being surrounded by secret religious site “Nye Sangay Drado” (end Nye of Sangay Dzong). The village has now become the centre of attraction for Domestic and International Tourists which increases their source of income through providing services to the tourist like home stays. The home-stays in Khoma village provides a clear sky above our heads, as well as an aura of tranquillity and serenity away from the usual city chaos. It is surrounded by pine trees on mild slopes and is ornamented by delicious-looking orange trees and other flowers, adding to the beauty of the location.

List of Things to see in Thimphu | Amedewa Tours And Trek

List of Things to see in Thimphu | Amedewa Tours And Trek

Here are the top list of popular landmarks in Thimphu. Consider this list of the things to see in Thimphu during your trip to Bhutan.


Chimi Lhakhang also known as the Fertility Temple is a Buddhist monastery in the district of Punakha famous for miracles and marvels.

Simtokha DzongSimtokha Dzong is the oldest of Bhutan’s dzongs (fortified monasteries), having been built in 1629 in the ...

Simtokha Dzong

Simtokha Dzong is the oldest of Bhutan’s dzongs (fortified monasteries), having been built in 1629 in the archetypal style pioneered by Zhabdrung Rinpoche, Bhutan’s national unifier. Despite various restorations and remodels throughout the years, its current appearance is regarded to be roughly compatible with its original appearance. The site is often referred to as the Sangag Zabdon Chho dzong—the “Palace of Profound Meaning of Secret Mantras,” though it is most commonly known as Simtokha Dzong.

According to legend, Zhabdrung was recognized as the reincarnation of the former Drukpa lineage leader, which resulted in a power struggle in Tibet over succession. Various prophecies, on the other hand, forewarned the Zhabdrung of the enemy’s impending arrival. One prophecy was of a dream of a black raven flying southward, which he took to be a manifestation of Yeshe Gonpo (a protective deity) advising him to seek sanctuary in the southern valleys, was one of the prophecies he received.

Zhabdrung heeded the warning and traveled south to western Bhutan, where he found allies among local magnates who were also Drukpa lineage members. He gathered under his power the heads of numerous important families, particularly those from Thimphu, Punakha, Wangdi Phodrang, and Paro. With Zhabdrung at the head, the basis of the present state of Bhutan was born.

The soldiers of Zhabdrung were attacked at Simtokha in 1629, some thirteen years after fleeing Tibet, by a coalition of five opposing Buddhist schools, the so-called “five groups of lamas,” who were united in their desire to see Drukpa rule reduced. The coalition’s first onslaught failed, and there was an uneasy period of nearly five years while the coalition bided its time.

The Tibetan soldiers crossed into western Bhutan and encountered Zhabdrung’s forces at Simtokha dzong, but were repulsed after a bloody struggle. Nonetheless, the dzong’s damage was readily restored, and Zhabdrung’s prestige was significantly strengthened, assisting his upcoming unification of the rest of Bhutan.

Bhutan Tour Discount | Amedewa Tours And Trek We are offering 10% discount on all Bhutan tour packages. The minimum dail...

Bhutan Tour Discount | Amedewa Tours And Trek

We are offering 10% discount on all Bhutan tour packages. The minimum daily package rate is set by the Tourism Council of Bhutan which must be paid only in USD prior to the trip.

The minimum daily package rate is set as below:

USD 200 per person per night for the month of January, February, June, July, August and December.
USD 250 per person per night for the month of March, April, May, September, October and November.
On the day of departure, tourist are limited to breakfast only and chargeable for any extra requirements on usage basis.
We are registered under Tourism Council of Bhutan.

Discounts on Bhutan Tour

Children below 5 years accompanied by their guardians are not chargeable.
Children from 5 to 11 years are given 50% discount on the minimum daily package rate.
Full time students below 25 years with valid identity card from the institutions are 25% discount from the sustainable development fee.
In a group of 11 to 15 people, 50% discount is given to 1 person and 100% discount in a group of 16 persons or more.
After the 8th night of the tour, 50% discount is given on the sustainable development fees.
After the 14th night of the tour, 100% discount is given on the sustainable development fees.
Children and full time students are not eligible for this discount.

USD 40 per person per night for one person
USD 30 per person per night for a group of two persons.
No surcharges for a group of three person and above.
In a group of 3 persons with a child of 5 years and below, it shall be treated as a FIT group of two persons and surcharges will be applicable.
Airfare discount

Please mail us at [email protected] or Phone/WhatsApp at +97517306726 for children and students discount.

Tashichho Dzong, the Buddhist monastery and castle in the capital, is the summer residence of the Je Khenpo, the country...

Tashichho Dzong, the Buddhist monastery and castle in the capital, is the summer residence of the Je Khenpo, the country’s chief abbot of the central monastic body, and the seat of the Druk Desi, the leader of Bhutan’s civil government, which has been integrated with the monarchy since the monarchy was established in 1907. The lovely fortification was destroyed four times by fire and severely damaged by an earthquake. It was reconstructed by the leader of the monastic body at the moment each time. After the capital was moved from Punakha to Thimphu, the current Dzong was rebuilt as the seat of administration by the third King, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, using a different plan from the old one.

From the older Dzong, only the central Utse tower, the Lhakhang Sarp (new temple), and the main Gönkhang (protector temple) remain. Thirty temples, chapels, and shrines, as well as the annual Thimphu Tshechu festival, are located within the Tashichho Dzong, which is surrounded by beautiful gardens and well-kept lawns at the present day. The dzong now houses the King’s throne room and offices, the cabinet secretariat, and the ministries of home affairs and finance, with other government offices to the south. A tiny tower known as Ney Khang Lhakhang is west of the dzong and houses a statue of Shakyamuni Buddha as well as guardian deities.

Mail us at [email protected] or visit for any assistance.

Suspension Bridge in Punakha Amedewa Tours & TreksPunakha, Bhutan’s former capital, is a charming hamlet nestled in the ...

Suspension Bridge in Punakha
Amedewa Tours & Treks

Punakha, Bhutan’s former capital, is a charming hamlet nestled in the Punakha-Wangdue Valley. Among the elegance of this small town is the magnificent Punakha suspension bridge, which connects the old administrative centre of Punakha Dzongkhag to the rest of the valley and is Bhutan’s second longest suspension bridge. It stretches 160-180 meters in length and is located high over the fast river Pho Chu.

It is said to have been constructed by a Buddhist monk Thangthong Gyalpo and refurbished several times over the years, but it was once one of the eight bridges that acted as a forerunner to many of our modern suspension bridges.

The bridge connects the villages of Shengana, Samdingkha, and Wangkha to the Wangchuk Kings’ Palace, is an important element of Bhutan’s architectural heritage. Because the Dzong being located at the confluence of the rivers Pho Chu and Mo Chu, it is susceptible to flash floods generated by glacial lakes. It is, nonetheless, astonishingly stable for a 520-foot-long suspension bridge. The east side of the river is a suitable starting place for multi-day treks in the neighbouring mountains, and the bridge provides a wonderful view of the river and valley.

Though crossing the bridge is an adventure in and of itself, it connects Punakha to a number of important and holy sites worth seeing. This Bhutanese hanging bridge is draped with colourful prayer flags and makes a great place for bird viewing and nature photography, not to mention the panic attacks it causes some tourists when it sways slightly due to the strong winds from the running river below. Because the bridge is suspended, it has some inherent elasticity that causes it to sway in heavy winds, although not as much as you might imagine. Unlike the others, it is supported by cables anchored to large cement blocks on the banks. This is owing to the bridge’s stabilizing cables, which taper off at both ends. The deck is constructed of solid wood planks that are nested within the deck truss.

Dechenphu Lhakhang History Dampa, the son or possibly the grandson of Phajo Drugom Zhigpo, who propagated the Drukpa sch...

Dechenphu Lhakhang

Dampa, the son or possibly the grandson of Phajo Drugom Zhigpo, who propagated the Drukpa school of Buddhism throughout Bhutan, constructed Dechenphu monastery in the 12th century on the western slope of Thimphu valley. The monastery was established on land that has been associated with Genynyen, a warrior god, since ancient times. Kunga Singye, the 7th abbot of the Ralung monastery in Tibet, who came to Dechenphu with Damtrul Loden Gyalpo, the illegitimate grandson of Dampa and also the reincarnation of the founder himself, appointed Geynyen, the spirit guardian of Thimphu valley, as the official protector of the Drukpa Kagyu teachings. The Gönkhang, a fortified tower that still stands as the centre of Dechenphu Lhakhang, was built by Kunga Singye. The majority of goenkhangs are built to house powerful protective deities.

According to legend, Kuenga Sangay was required to subjugate the spirit and transform the god into a protective deity. The spirit of Jagpa Melen (another name for Geynyen, meaning "Fire Fetching Brigand and Supreme Warlord") withdrew into a large stone known as the Thimphu, which means 'Disappeared into the Stone'. It is believed that when Bhutan is most in need, the warlord will return from the stone and rescue the country.

The Dechenphu Lhakhang was rebuilt between 1996 and 1998. Despite the fact that the demolished structures were from the early to mid-twentieth century, their arrangement was representative of the original plan. With the growing number of pilgrims visiting the monastery, the present layout provides for a considerably greater courtyard space. Most of the visitors are Bhutanese residents, as international tourists are not permitted to enter this sacred site. Pilgrims visit the monastery to seek the deity's protection before embarking on a new venture, or to seek Genyen's blessing for their infants in general.


Chorten stupas in Bhutan

Chortens can be seen almost everywhere, from hilltops to the valleys and along the highways, stupas are worshiped by walking around in clockwise direction.Stupas were built to house the remains of Buddha or other saintly person. The eight main events of Buddha’s life from birth to his death is commemorated through eight different kind of stupas known as “Desheg chorten gye” or eight stupas of the Buddha.
Eight Stupas of the Buddha:
Stupa of heaped lotus Commemorate the Buddha’s birth and symbolise the lotus which sprung during his birth.
Stupa of enlightenment built in Naranjana to celebrate his enlightenment and defeat of the inner demons.
Stupa of many doors built in Varanasi to remember his first sermon and path to enlightenment.
Stupa of miracle built in Sravasti to buddha’s victory over comtemporary teachers.
Stupa of descent from heaven built in Sankyasya to represent Buddha’s return from the celestial world.
Stupa of reconciliation built in Rajagrha to celebrate his success in bringing together his followers after Devadatta tried to split them into factions.
Stupa of victory built to represent his victory over evil forces.
Stupa of Nirvana symbolises the death of Buddha.


Thimphu Memorial Chorten

The Memorial Chorten of Thimphu dates back to the year 1974 when it was erected in memory of the third King of Bhutan, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, who had passed away in 1972. The stupa is located in the southern central part of the capital city of Bhutan, Thimphu.

The breathtakingly beautiful stupa otherwise known as the Jangchup Chorten has been designed to show how beautiful and visible religious structure can be. The rich architectural designs in the interior of the stupa as well as the exterior makes it even more attractive to not only tourists and foreigners, but even locals seem to be in awe of its beauty despite the existence of many other such stupas around the country.

People from around the country visit this religious site and circumambulate only in a clockwise direction reciting prayers for not only one self but for the benefit of all sentient beings who are suffering in samsara. People of all ages can be seen around the chorten either praying, circumabulating or prostrating or whirling the large red prayer wheels. Good-natured people visit the chorten to offer old people and monks food and snacks to encourage them to gain strength to accumulate more merits, cool and fresh fruit drinks to quench their thirst from the scorching heat, and clothes to keep them warm on cold windy days, medicines and money as well. It is these small acts of kindness that spreads smiles on people’s faces and makes Bhutan an even more happier country.

Mail us for Bhutan tour services at [email protected] or WhatsApp at +97517306726

Gasa festival | Highlander festival of Bhutan

Gasa festival | Highlander festival of Bhutan

Gasa Festival held in Gasa Dzongkhag in northwest of Bhutan. This unique festival is accompanied by mask dances and other cultural programmes.

Bhutan festival tour packages |

Bhutan festival tour packages |

Paro Festival is one of the most important religious festival in Bhutan which is held for 5 days. The tour includes both festival and cultural tour.

Bhutan Festival Tour | Bhutan festival

Bhutan Festival Tour | Bhutan festival

Are you excited to travel Bhutan? Use this Bhutan festivals calendar to plan your upcoming trip and enjoy a festival when you are in Bhutan. Visit us now.


Welcome to Bhutan - the land of happiness!

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Amedewa Tours & Trek is well known Bhutanese tour company, head office based in Thimphu, Bhutan. All tours and tourism activities related works are managed from Thimphu directly. We offer a wide range of tours, treks and tourism activities at various locations in all twenty districts of Bhutan. Trekking and Cultural Tours are on high demand beside couples holiday, friends tours, family tours, large group tours, honeymoon holiday, cycling tour, motor biking tours, photography tours, community based tourism, village tours, bird watching, wild life safari in the south, hiking tours and educational tours.

For us, every client is a friend whom we accompany to show the best of our country and hence send them home with endless new memories and good vibes. Our Bhutan travel agency hires the guides, who are best-chosen locals which will help you to explore every bit of beauty. We are dedicated to becoming one of the most comprehensive information resources to help you effectively plan your holiday in Bhutan.

Book Your Tour now with Amedewa Tours & Trek - most trusted Bhutan tour company and tour operator. Talk with us now at +97517306726 and you can mail to us at [email protected]

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Stupas in BhutanChortens or Stupas in Bhutan can be seen almost everywhere, from hilltops to the valleys and along the h...

Stupas in Bhutan

Chortens or Stupas in Bhutan can be seen almost everywhere, from hilltops to the valleys and along the highways, stupas are worshiped by walking around in clockwise direction. Stupas were built to house the remains of Buddha or other saintly person. The eight main events of Buddha’s life from birth to his death is commemorated through eight different kind of stupas known as “Desheg chorten gye” or eight stupas of the Buddha.
Eight Stupas of the Buddha
Stupa of heaped lotus Commemorate the Buddha’s birth and symbolise the lotus which sprung during his birth.
Stupa of enlightenment built in Naranjana to celebrate his enlightenment and defeat of the inner demons.
Stupa of many doors built in Varanasi to remember his first sermon and path to enlightenment.
Stupa of miracle built in Sravasti to buddha’s victory over comtemporary teachers.
Stupa of descent from heaven built in Sankyasya to represent Buddha’s return from the celestial world.
Stupa of reconciliation built in Rajagrha to celebrate his success in bringing together his followers after Devadatta tried to split them into factions.
Stupa of victory built to represent his victory over evil forces.
Stupa of Nirvana symbolises the death of Buddha.


First snowfall in Thimphu valley


Dechenphu Lhakhang | Brief history and festival

Dechenphu lhakhang is located at the north end of Thimphu, capital city of Bhutan. Dechenphu monastery is a sacred home of Gyenyen Jakpa Melan, powerful protective deity of Bhutan. According to the legend, the protective deity Gyenyen Jakpa Melan is believed to have sunk or entered into a rock in front of the lhakhang which is now safeguarded inside a small stupa and has a shape of hill, hence “Thimphu”, Thim (sink) and Phu (hill).
The one who seeks protection from the powerful deity is believed to be bestowed instantly and hence Dechenphu lhakhang is one of the most important temple in the country.

Dechenphu lhakhang also houses annual festival which is mainly dedicated to Gyenyen Jakpa Melan. Some of sacred dances performed during the festival include Shazam Cham (dance), Gyenyen Kunchaam and Zhananga Cham.

Book tour to Bhutan with us today by visiting our website at or mail us directly at [email protected]

Changangkha Lhakhang | Attraction in Thimphu.

Changangkha Lhakhang | Attraction in Thimphu.


Chogyal Lam


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