Fertility Tour and Trek

Fertility Tour and Trek Fertility Tour and Treks, a reputable Bhutan tour company has extensive years of experience in provi

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐚The Buddha himself spoke about four main places worthy of pilgrimage for h...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐚

The Buddha himself spoke about four main places worthy of pilgrimage for his followers.

• Lumbini, his birth place, in Nepal
• Bodh-Gaya, the place in India where he achieved enlightenment
• Sarnath (near Varanasi), where he delivered his first teaching.
• Kusinagar, where he passed into Parinirvana.

Four other sites also became considered to be important places of pilgrimage, thus defining ‟Eight Buddhist Sacred Places”. The four latter ones are:

• Shravasti, where the Buddha spent the largest amount of time and conducted 22 rainy season summer retreats. This is also the place where began performing a series of miracles to convince skeptics.
• Rajgir, where the Buddha taught the Perfection of Wisdom and subdued an angry elephant through his compassion.
• Sankasia, where the Buddha is said to have descended from Tush*ta Pure Land after having taught there his deceased mother during the three month period of a summer retreat
• Vaishali, where the Buddha ordained the first female nuns and where he received an offering of honey from a monkey.

Fertility Tours and Treks is organizing trips Neykor to sacred place at Nepal, we will visit Drapphu Maritika ,Ta ma lue...

Fertility Tours and Treks is organizing trips Neykor to sacred place at Nepal, we will visit Drapphu Maritika ,Ta ma lue gin, Phapasingkun Stupa,Chorten Jaarring khashore,Yanglashay,Chumi Jangchu,lumbini and many more etc.
Duration: 11 days
Cost: 44000/ per person by air
Cost :23000/ per person by road
Date of travel: 15th Feb 25th Feb 2023.
Package includes
Air fare from Paro to Kathmandu (round trip )
By road Phuntsholing to Kathmandu back to Phuntsholing
Fooding and lodging
Visa fees
Document required Passport.
For more information please visit our office at Olakha near Sangay Sale or contact us @ 17772640/17266409
Email:[email protected]

Day 1: Paro to Kathmandu
Day 2: Kathmandu sightseeing Phapa zhinkrn,Lumoganggay
Day 3: Kathmandu sightseeing and attending at chorten Jarungkhashor,Dema Sung-jen
Day 4: Kathmandu Day excursion to Yanglayshey
Day 5: Kathmandu free time for shopping
Day 6: Kathmandu to Lumbini by chumijangchub
Day 7: Lumbini
Day 8: Lumbini to Sarinath
Day 9: Lumbinye to Draphumaratiks
Day 10: Draphumaratika on way vist Tagmaluzin to Kathmandu
Day 11: Kathmandu to Paro international Airport


In Tiger nest

Fertility Tours an Treks Fertility Blessing in Chimi Lhakhang MonasteryIf while visiting a monastery you are stroked wit...

Fertility Tours an Treks
Fertility Blessing in Chimi Lhakhang Monastery
If while visiting a monastery you are stroked with a wooden phallus on the head, it means you have been blessed.

Bhutan is probably one of the last countries on Earth you'd imagine with houses and monasteries decorated with ph***ic symbols. Today this ancient symbol isn't used very often here, but there is one place where phalluses are everywhere!
Chimi Lhakhang Monastery is situated on top of a hill, surrounded by lush green rice fields in the Punakha District. Its origins date back to the 15th century when the site was blessed by a famous Bhutanese saint the Divine Madman.The temple also received its fame as a fertility blessing locale.
It is believed that when a local monk touches your head with a wooden-and-bone phallus, chooses a favourable name, and says a prayer, you will be able to conceive a child. Of course, if you are not looking for such a blessing, visiting Chimi Lhakhang is still worth it as where else on Earth you will see so many painted and carved pen*ses?

Real Story for the year 2018The Fertility Temple in Bhutan changing the life of foreigners.In fertility is one of those ...

Real Story for the year 2018
The Fertility Temple in Bhutan changing the life of foreigners.
In fertility is one of those issues that no one really likes to talk about. We all like to think that when we’re ready to begin a family, conceiving a child will happen just as it’s supposed to. However, we all know that the grand adventure of life throws countless curve balls, and once we found out that adding a new little one to our family wouldn’t be as easy as we thought, it became all consuming.
We had been struggling with infertility for a couple of years, and even though we knew it could always be worse it still didn’t make it any easier to deal with. It wasn’t just the endless trips to the doctor, or the fact that those trips generally ended in tears, but it’s the toll that it takes on you mentally that really makes infertility tough. Going to the doctor usually means having to take time off work – and no matter how supportive your colleagues can be there is always an element of guilt for missing time. It came to a point in our journey where we were willing to try anything. Traditional Chinese Medicine – we’re in! Fertility massages – yes please! Acupuncture, hormone replacement pills, no sugar diet, more exercise, less exercise – you name it, we tried it all. So, it was kismet when we found out that our itinerary in Bhutan included a stop at a famous fertility temple. Sign us up!
Fast forward to March 2017 and we finally made it to Bhutan, a country that had been on the top of our list to visit for ages. Chimi Lhakhang, also known as the fertility temple, is a Buddhist monastery near Punakha. Getting to Punakha is an adventure in and of itself, as the cliff side roads are sketchy and not for the faint of heart. However, if you’re as serious as we were about having a baby, the fear of driving off a cliff shouldn’t keep you from visiting the temple. After all, rumour has it that Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge visited the temple prior to conceiving, as too did Their Majesties King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema of Bhutan.

The temple itself is modest and simple, especially in comparison to many of the grandiose dzongs and majestic monasteries throughout Bhutan. However, we were serious about this baby making thing, so we weren’t about to judge the temple on its size. Our guide, Dorji, knew how committed we were, so he employed the services of a resident monk to guide Katherine through a fertility ritual.
While Thomas looked through the book of past success stories, Katherine began the short but emotional phallus carrying ritual around the temple. At one point, she started to wonder exactly how strange she looked to an outsider. In fact, a small part of her (the immature side) wanted photographic evidence and a record of the exact size of the wooden phallus. On the other hand, there was something so exceptional about this particular experience, Katherine didn’t want to risk anything getting in the way of the magic. Maybe it was the humour in it – after all, carrying a giant wooden phallus is obviously not a normal everyday occurrence. Maybe it was acknowledgement of how much this meant to her and Thomas. Or perhaps it was the reassuring smiles and curiosity of strangers who witnessed her complete the ritual. Whatever it was, this tiny prospect of hope was enough to cause Katherine to really believe this might be the answer to their dreams.

Upon returning from the phallus carrying journey, the next step was to roll a pair of 300 year old bone dice. After much deliberation and thoughtful analysis, several monks concluded that she rolled a 7, which was apparently great news because it meant we had an 85% chance of conceiving within 12 months! For extra measure, we requested the monk’s assistance in naming the yet to be conceived child. To do this, Katherine chose a small card at random from a stack – after which the monks huddled together to confer and interpret the meaning before presenting the name. When all was said and done, we donated a handsome sum to the temple to better our chances even more, and left wishing, hoping, and praying that the day’s good fortune would come true.
Fast forward 12 months later, and here we are today – the proudest and most fortunate parents of Kinley (Kin•lay) Lee Hansen. It’s hard to deny the magic of the fertility temple when Kinley was born just 10 months after our visit. And while it’s easy to be skeptical, it’s just as easy to believe that this special moment in the Kingdom of Happiness really did play a part in the creation of our little boy. For that, we are eternally grateful and can’t wait to bring Kinley to Bhutan to add our own family photo to the album of success stories!

25 April 2018: His Majesty The King, His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen and members of the Ro...

25 April 2018: His Majesty The King, His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen and members of the Royal Family graced the opening of the 4th Royal Bhutan Flower Exhibition at the Thangzona in Punakha yesterday

Fertlity Tours and Treks.Email:intobayyueltravels@gmail.com/fertility90@gmail.com.WatApps:+9717125852.Glance Of Bhutan f...

Fertlity Tours and Treks.Email:[email protected]/[email protected]:+9717125852.Glance Of Bhutan from Bagdora and Shiliguri 7 Nights / 8 Days Open for Regional Tourist 2018 Price
1 PAX60000.00/ per person
2+ 34400.00/ per person
5+ .24000/ per person
10+ 21920.00/ per person
15+ 20800.00/ per person

PACKAGE INCLUDES:A minimum of 3star accommodation(https://www.tripadvisor.com/SmartDeals-g293844-Bhutan-Hotel-Deals.html)(4&5 star may require an additional premium)All mealsAll sight seeingA licensed Bhutanese tour guide for the extend of your tripAll internal transport (excluding internal flights)On the day of departure, the “Local agent” host obligation shall be limited to providing breakfast only
And any extra requirements shall be payable on usage basis.Pick up and drop from Paro
Some of the special local and cultural element would be found more interesting for tourist and will be subject to extra/additional charge. Following are some tourist may consider:

1. Visiting the Sunday market.
2. Picnic at Chelela Pass.
3. Hot stone bath.
4. Make personal head Bhutan stamp at Post Office.
5. Talk on Buddhism, Birding, GNH etc.
6. Rafting, Fishing, Golfing etc
7. Cycling.
8. Personal Expenses

Day01:Arrive Bagdora.
On arrival at Bagdora, received by our representative and drive toward Phuentsholing.
The town of Phuentsholing is the gateway for travelers entering Bhutan by road. A thriving commercial centre on the northern edge (West Bengal) of the Indian plains, Phuenthsoling is situated directly at the Himalayan foothills. This town is fascinating mixture of Indian and Bhutanese, a perfect example of mingling of people and their culture.
Evening as time permits visit Zangtho Pelri: Situated in city centre, this small temple represents the heaven of Guru Rinpoche.
Later explore Phuentsholing town and market.
Overnight at the hotel in Phuentsholing. (Altitude 300m)
Day 02 : Phuentsholing - Thimphu (180km, approx. 6 hours drive)
After breakfast, embark on an interesting journey to Thimphu en route visiting Kharbandi Gompa, the beautiful monastery founded in 1967 by Royal Grand mother, Ashi Phuntsho Choedron. Here you can see the statues of Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal and Guru Rimpoche along with paintings portraying scenes from the life of Lord Buddha. The monastery garden provides great views of the Phuentsholing town and surrounding plains of West Bengal.
Phuentsholing – Thimphu highway was built in 1961further stimulating economic activities between India & Bhutan. Drive further stopping en route at Gedu University for photos. Later after a short tea break nearby Chukha, resume your journey through a small town of Chimakothi and afterwards stop at Chuzom, the confluence of Paro & Thimphu rivers.
On arrival, in Thimphu check-into the hotel. The capital town of Bhutan and the centre of Government, religion and commerce, Thimphu is a unique city with unusual mixture of modern development alongside ancient traditions. Situated in western Bhutan, with the population of about 1,00,000, it is perhaps still the world’s only capital city without a traffic light.
Evening an exploratory walk around Thimphu city centre.Aria hotel 4 star/Galingkha 3 star
Overnight at the hotel in Thimphu. (Altitude 2,320m)
Day03 :Thimphu
After breakfast, drive to visit Memorial Chorten. Also known as Thimphu Chorten, this stupa is located at the heart of the Thimphu city and was built in 1974 to honour the third King of Bhutan, His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuk (1928-1972) popularly known as Father of modern Bhutan.
Afterwards visit to Buddha Point (Kuensel Phodrang). It holds one of the largest Buddha’s statue in the country of 169 feet (51.5m), made of bronze and gilded in gold. Visitors can also get a good overview of the Thimphu valley from this point.
Thenvisit Changangkha Lhakhang. This temple is located above central Thimphu, built in 12th century by Lama Phajo Drukgom Shigpo on a ridge overlooking the town. Local parents traditionally come here to get auspicious names for their newborns or blessing from the protector deity ‘Tamdrin’.
Later drive to upper Motithang in Thimphu to visit Takin Preserve. The Takin is the national animal of Bhutan, and looks like a cross between a cow and a goat. Legend has it that the animal was created by the great Buddhist yogi, Drukpa Kuenley, and it can be found only in Bhutan and nearby areas. Taxonomists place the animal in a category of its own as it is not similar enough to any other animal to fit established categories.
Post lunch, sightseeing in Thimphu valley including visit to the following : the National Library, housing an extensive collection of priceless Buddhist manuscripts; the Institute for Zorig Chusum (commonly known as the Painting School) where students undergo a 6-year training course in Bhutan’s 13 traditional arts and crafts, Textile Museum, which provides deep insight into Bhutan’s one of the most distinct art form, Folk Heritage Museum, dedicated to connect people with the rich Bhutanese Folk heritage and rural history through exhibits, demonstrations, educational programs and documentation of Bhutanese rural life.
Conclude the day’s sightseeing with visit of Trashichhoedzong, or ‘the fortress of the glorious religion’. This is one of the most impressive buildings situated along the right flank of the Thimphu river built in 1641 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel who unified Bhutan and was later reconstructed in 1962 by the third King His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuk. This impressive fortress/monastery houses Secretariat building, the throne room of His Majesty, the King and various government offices.
Evening at leisure in Thimphu city centre. Also explore the Local Crafts Bazaar, to browse through example of Bhutan's fine traditional arts.
Overnight at the hotel in Thimphu. Hotel Galingkha or similler (Altitude 2,320m)
Day 04 : Thimphu – Punakha & Wangdue (75km, approx 3 hours drive)
After breakfast, drive up to Dochu-la pass (3,088m/ 10,130 ft) stopping briefly here to take in the view and admire the chorten, mani wall, and prayer flags which decorate the highest point on the road. If skies are clear, the following peaks can be seen from this pass (left to right): Masagang (7,158m), Tsendagang (6,960m), Terigang (7,060m), Jejegangphugang (7,158 m ), Kangphugang (7,170 m ), Zongphugang (7, 060 m ), a table mountain that dominates the isolated region of Lunana - finally Gangkar puensum, the highest peak in Bhutan at 7,497m.
Punakha was former capital of Bhutan and seat of the Government until 1955 when the capital was moved to Thimphu. While Wangdue located towards south of Punakha is not more than an enlarged village with a few well provided shops.
On arrival check into the hotel.
Afternoon visit Punakha Dzong or ‘Palace of Great Happiness or Bliss, built at the junction of the Phochu and Mochu rivers in 1637 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. This majestic dzong served as both the religious and the administrative center of Bhutan in the past. It measures some 600 by 240 feet and has a six-story, gold-domed tower. Inside are courtyards and religious statuary that hint at the depth of history and spiritual tradition embodied here. Your guide will illuminate your understanding of this intricate culture that is exotic, though long established here.
After exploring Punakha city centre, embark on a short walking excursion to Chimi Lhakhang, located on a ridge surrounded by beautiful paddy fields. From road point, it takes about 10-15 minutes walk through Sobsukha village to reach the monastery. Also known as Fertility temple, it is associated with Lama Drukpa Kuenley, popularly known as ‘Divine Madman’. It is widely believed that couples who do not have children and wanting one, if they pray at this temple, they are usually blessed with a child very soon.
Overnight at the hotel in Punakha
Day 5: Punakha-Wangduephodrang-Paro(145 km, 5 hours)

Morning drive to Wangduephodrang town visiting Dzong and local market
Later drive to Paro
Overnight hotel Olathang or similar, Punakha
Day 6: Paro

Morning visit Drukgyel Dzong (Fortress/monastery), the ruined fortress from where Bhutanese repelled several invasion by Tibetan armies. On a clear day, there is splendid view of Mt. Chomolhari from the approach road to this Dzong
Later visit TA Dzong (National Museum) and walk down the trail to visit Rinpung Dzong, the fortress which has a long and fascinating history
Evening visit Kyichu Lhakhang, one of the oldest and most sacred shrines of the Kingdom
Overnight Dewachen Resort or similar, Paro
Day 7: Paro-Phuentsholing (175km, 6hrs)

Morning transfer to Phuentsholing
Overnight Hotel Park or similar, Punentsholing
Day 8: Depart Phuentsholing

After early breakfast at the hotel, drive to the Hasimara for Train to your onward destination or Bagdora or Shiliguri. Our representative will help you with exit formalities and then bid you farewell.

ItineraryDay 1: Arrive PhuentsholingOn arrival in Phuentsholing, met by our representative followed by check-in and inst...

Day 1: Arrive Phuentsholing

On arrival in Phuentsholing, met by our representative followed by check-in and installation
Evening, as the time permits take a stroll around Phuentsholing market
Overnight Park or similar, Phuentsholing
Day 2: Phuentsholing-Thimphu (180km, 6hrs)

Morning proceed to Thimphu, the modern capital town of Bhutan. 4km ahead of Phuentsholing, visit Kharbandi Gompa, beautiful Overnight monastery situated in garden of tropical plants and flowers.
Nearby Thimphu, visit Simtokha Dzong, the oldest fortress of the kingdom which now houses the School for religious and cultural studies
Overnight Hotel Galingkha or similar, Thimphu.
Day3: Thimphu

Morning drive to BBS Tower for fascinating view of Thimphu valley and later visit mini zoo, Anim Dratshang (nunnery), National Library, Handmade Paper factory & Memorial Chorten (stupa)
Afternoon, as the time permits, visit to School of Arts & Crafts, Textile & Folk Heritage Museum, Zangtho Pelri Lhakhang (Temple) and Handicrafts Emporium
Overnight Hotel Galingkha or similar, Thimphu
Day 4: Thimphu-Punakha (75 km, 2 ½ hrs)

Morning drive to Punakha taking a short stop at Dochula pass (3,080m) that heralds the most enchanting views of Bhutan
Afternoon visit Punakha Dzong and Khamsum Yulley Namgyal Chorten
Evening free in Fascinating Punakha valley
Overnight Hotel Zangtho Pelri or similar, Punakha
Day 5: Punakha-Wangduephodrang-Paro(145 km, 5 hours)

Morning drive to Wangduephodrang town visiting Dzong and local market
Later drive to Paro
Overnight Dewachen Resort or similar, Punakha
Day 6: Paro

Morning visit Drukgyel Dzong (Fortress/monastery), the ruined fortress from where Bhutanese repelled several invasion by Tibetan armies. On a clear day, there is splendid view of Mt. Chomolhari from the approach road to this Dzong
Later visit TA Dzong (National Museum) and walk down the trail to visit Rinpung Dzong, the fortress which has a long and fascinating history
Evening visit Kyichu Lhakhang, one of the oldest and most sacred shrines of the Kingdom
Overnight Dewachen Resort or similar, Paro
Day 7: Paro-Phuentsholing (175km, 6hrs)

Morning transfer to Phuentsholing
Overnight Hotel Park or similar, Punentsholing
Day 8: Depart Phuentsholing

Depart Phuentsholing for onward program
Tour Info
Duration : 7 nights/8 days
Places To Visit : Phuntsholing,Thimphu,Punakha,Wangdue,Paro

ItineraryDay 1: Arrive ParoMeeting & assistance on arrival and transfer to HotelEvening take a stroll around Paro market...

Day 1: Arrive Paro

Meeting & assistance on arrival and transfer to Hotel
Evening take a stroll around Paro market and town
Overnight Dewachen Resort or similar, Paro
Day 2: Paro

Morning visit Drukgyel Dzong (Fortress/monastery), the ruined fortress from where Bhutanese repelled several invasion by Tibetan armies. On a clear day, there is splendid view of Mt. Chomolhari from the approach road to this Dzong
Later visit TA Dzong (National Museum) and walk down the trail to visit Rinpung Dzong, the fortress which has a long and fascinating history
Evening visit Kyichu Lhakhang, one of the oldest and most sacred shrines of the Kingdom
Overnight Dewachen Resort or similar, Paro
Day 3: Paro-Thimphu (55km, 2hrs)

Morning drive to Thimphu en route visit Simtokha Dzong, the oldest fortress of the Kingdom which now houses the school for religious and cultural studies
Afternoon free for shopping and leisure
Overnight Hotel Galingkhaor similar, Thimphu
Day 4: Thimphu

Morning drive to BBS Tower for fascinating view of Thimphu valley and later visit mini zoo, Anim Dratshang (nunnery), National Library, Handmade Paper factory & Memorial Chorten (stupa)
Afternoon, as the time permits, visit to School of Arts & Crafts, Textile & Folk Heritage Museum, Zangtho Pelri Lhakhang (Temple) and Handicrafts Emporium
Overnight Hotel Galingkha or similar, Thimphu
Day 5: Thimphu-Trongsa (200 km, 6 hrs)

Morning drive to Trongsa taking a short stop at Dochula pass (3,080m) that heralds the most enchanting views of Bhutan
Drive further via Wangduephodrang town visiting here Dzong and local market. Further en route cross Pelela pass (3,300m) pass.
In the evening, visit to Trongsa Dzong and Ta Dzong (watch tower)
Overnight Sherubling Lodge or similar, Trongsa.
Day 6: Trongsa-Bumthang (68 km, 3 hours)

Early morning transfer to Bumthang. On the way stop at Zungney village to look at production of Yathra cloths
Afternoon visit Jampa Lhakhang, Kurjey Lhakhang, Chakhar Lhakhang and the Wangdichholing palace near the hotel
Overnight hotel Wangdichholing or similar, Bumthang
Day 7: Bumthang

Explore fascinating Bumthang valley visiting Swiss farm house (walk or hike around), Tamshing Lhakhang, Konchogsum Lhakhang and Jakar Dzong.
Overnight Hotel Wangdichholing or similar, Bumthang.
Day 8: Bumthang to Punakha (205 km, 7 hrs)

Morning transfer to Punakha
Later sightseeing of Punakha Dzong and town
Overnight hotel Zangtho Pelri or similar, Punakha
Day 9: Punakha

Day at leisure in beautiful Punakha valley
Overnight at Hotel Zangtho Pelri or similar, Punakha
Day 10: Punakha-Paro (125 km, 4 ½ hrs)

Morning transfer to paro
Afternoon visit to Paro market and a traditional farm house
Overnight Dewachen Resort or similar, Paro
Day 11: Deapart Paro

Morning transfer to the airport for flight to onward destination
Tour Info
Duration : 10 nights/11 days
Places To Visit : Paro,Thimphu,Trongsa,Bumthang,Punakha

ItineraryDay 1: Arrive PhuentsholingOn arrival in Phuentsholing, met by our representative followed by check-in and inst...

Day 1: Arrive Phuentsholing

On arrival in Phuentsholing, met by our representative followed by check-in and installation
Evening, as the time permits take a stroll around Phuentsholing market
Overnight Park or similar, Phuentsholing
Day 2: Phuentsholing-Thimphu (180km, 6hrs)

Morning proceed to Thimphu, the modern capital town of Bhutan. 4km ahead of Phuentsholing, visit Kharbandi Gompa, beautiful Overnight monastery situated in garden of tropical plants and flowers.
Nearby Thimphu, visit Simtokha Dzong, the oldest fortress of the kingdom which now houses the School for religious and cultural studies
Overnight Hotel Galingkha or similar, Thimphu.
Day3: Thimphu

Morning drive to BBS Tower for fascinating view of Thimphu valley and later visit mini zoo, Anim Dratshang (nunnery), National Library, Handmade Paper factory & Memorial Chorten (stupa)
Afternoon, as the time permits, visit to School of Arts & Crafts, Textile & Folk Heritage Museum, Zangtho Pelri Lhakhang (Temple) and Handicrafts Emporium
Overnight Hotel Galingkha or similar, Thimphu
Day 4: Thimphu-Punakha (75 km, 2 ½ hrs)

Morning drive to Punakha taking a short stop at Dochula pass (3,080m) that heralds the most enchanting views of Bhutan
Afternoon visit Punakha Dzong and Khamsum Yulley Namgyal Chorten
Evening free in Fascinating Punakha valley
Overnight Hotel Zangtho Pelri or similar, Punakha
Day 5: Punakha-Wangduephodrang-Paro(145 km, 5 hours)

Morning drive to Wangduephodrang town visiting Dzong and local market
Later drive to Paro
Overnight hotel Olathang or similar, Punakha
Day 6: Paro

Morning visit Drukgyel Dzong (Fortress/monastery), the ruined fortress from where Bhutanese repelled several invasion by Tibetan armies. On a clear day, there is splendid view of Mt. Chomolhari from the approach road to this Dzong
Later visit TA Dzong (National Museum) and walk down the trail to visit Rinpung Dzong, the fortress which has a long and fascinating history
Evening visit Kyichu Lhakhang, one of the oldest and most sacred shrines of the Kingdom
Overnight Dewachen Resort or similar, Paro
Day 7: Paro-Phuentsholing (175km, 6hrs)

Morning transfer to Phuentsholing
Overnight Hotel Park or similar, Punentsholing
Day 8: Depart Phuentsholing

Depart Phuentsholing for onward program
Tour Info
Duration : 7 nights/8 days
Places To Visit : Phuntsholing,Thimphu,Punakha,Wangdue,Paro

Itinerary Day 1: Arrive PhuentsholingOn arrival in Phuentsholing, met by our representative followed by check-in and ins...

Day 1: Arrive Phuentsholing

On arrival in Phuentsholing, met by our representative followed by check-in and installation
Evening, as the time permits take a stroll around Phuentsholing market
Overnight Park hotel or similar, Phuentsholing
Day 2: Phuentsholing-Thimphu (180km, 6hrs)

Morning proceed to Thimphu, the modern capital town of Bhutan. 4km ahead of Phuentsholing, visit Kharbandi Gompa, beautiful Overnight monastery situated in garden of tropical plants and flowers.
Overnight Hotel Galingkha or similar, Thimphu.
Day3: Thimphu

Morning drive to BBS Tower for fascinating view of Thimphu valley and later visit mini zoo, Anim Dratshang (nunnery), National Library, Handmade Paper factory & Memorial Chorten (stupa)
Afternoon, as the time permits, visit to School of Arts & Crafts, Textile & Folk Heritage Museum, Zangtho Pelri Lhakhang (Temple) and Handicrafts Emporium
Overnight Hotel Galingkha or similar, Thimphu
Day 4: Thimphu-Punakha (75 km, 2 ½ hrs)

Morning drive to Punakha taking a short stop at Dochula pass (3,080m) that heralds the most enchanting views of Bhutan
Afternoon visit Punakha Dzong and Khamsum Yulley Namgyal Chorten
Evening free in Fascinating Punakha valley
Overnight Hotel Zangtho Pelri or similar, Punakha
Day 5: Punakha-Wangduephodrang-Paro (145 km, 5 hours)

Morning drive to Wangduephodrang town visiting Dzong and local market
Later drive to Paro. En route visit Simtokha Dzong, the oldest fortress of the Kingdom which now houses the School for religious and culture studies
Overnight Dewachen Resort or similar, Paro
Day 6: Paro

Morning visit Drukgyel Dzong (Fortress/monastery), the ruined fortress from where Bhutanese repelled several invasion by Tibetan armies. On a clear day, there is splendid view of Mt. Chomolhari from the approach road to this Dzong
Later visit TA Dzong (National Museum) and walk down the trail to visit Rinpung Dzong, the fortress which has a long and fascinating history
Evening visit Kyichu Lhakhang, one of the oldest and most sacred shrines of the Kingdom
Overnight Dewachen Resort or similar, Paro
Day 7: Deapart Paro

Morning transfer to the airport for flight to onward destination
Tour Info
Duration : 6 nights/7 days
Places To Visit : Phuentsholing,Thimphu,Punakha,Wangdue,Paro


Glance Of Bhutan from Bagdora and Shiliguri 7 Nights / 8 Days Open for Regional Tourist 2018 Price
1 PAX60000.00/ per person
2+ 34400.00/ per person
5+ .24000/ per person
10+ 21920.00/ per person
15+ 20800.00/ per person

PACKAGE INCLUDES:A minimum of 3star accommodation(https://www.tripadvisor.com/SmartDeals-g293844-Bhutan-Hotel-Deals.html)(4&5 star may require an additional premium)All mealsAll sight seeingA licensed Bhutanese tour guide for the extend of your tripAll internal transport (excluding internal flights)On the day of departure, the “Local agent” host obligation shall be limited to providing breakfast only
And any extra requirements shall be payable on usage basis.Pick up and drop from Paro
Some of the special local and cultural element would be found more interesting for tourist and will be subject to extra/additional charge. Following are some tourist may consider:

1. Visiting the Sunday market.
2. Picnic at Chelela Pass.
3. Hot stone bath.
4. Make personal head Bhutan stamp at Post Office.
5. Talk on Buddhism, Birding, GNH etc.
6. Rafting, Fishing, Golfing etc
7. Cycling.
8. Personal Expenses

Day01:Arrive Bagdora.
On arrival at Bagdora, received by our representative and drive toward Phuentsholing.
The town of Phuentsholing is the gateway for travelers entering Bhutan by road. A thriving commercial centre on the northern edge (West Bengal) of the Indian plains, Phuenthsoling is situated directly at the Himalayan foothills. This town is fascinating mixture of Indian and Bhutanese, a perfect example of mingling of people and their culture.
Evening as time permits visit Zangtho Pelri: Situated in city centre, this small temple represents the heaven of Guru Rinpoche.
Later explore Phuentsholing town and market.
Overnight at the hotel in Phuentsholing. (Altitude 300m)
Day 02 : Phuentsholing - Thimphu (180km, approx. 6 hours drive)
After breakfast, embark on an interesting journey to Thimphu en route visiting Kharbandi Gompa, the beautiful monastery founded in 1967 by Royal Grand mother, Ashi Phuntsho Choedron. Here you can see the statues of Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal and Guru Rimpoche along with paintings portraying scenes from the life of Lord Buddha. The monastery garden provides great views of the Phuentsholing town and surrounding plains of West Bengal.
Phuentsholing – Thimphu highway was built in 1961further stimulating economic activities between India & Bhutan. Drive further stopping en route at Gedu University for photos. Later after a short tea break nearby Chukha, resume your journey through a small town of Chimakothi and afterwards stop at Chuzom, the confluence of Paro & Thimphu rivers.
On arrival, in Thimphu check-into the hotel. The capital town of Bhutan and the centre of Government, religion and commerce, Thimphu is a unique city with unusual mixture of modern development alongside ancient traditions. Situated in western Bhutan, with the population of about 1,00,000, it is perhaps still the world’s only capital city without a traffic light.
Evening an exploratory walk around Thimphu city centre.Aria hotel 4 star/Galingkha 3 star
Overnight at the hotel in Thimphu. (Altitude 2,320m)
Day03 :Thimphu
After breakfast, drive to visit Memorial Chorten. Also known as Thimphu Chorten, this stupa is located at the heart of the Thimphu city and was built in 1974 to honour the third King of Bhutan, His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuk (1928-1972) popularly known as Father of modern Bhutan.
Afterwards visit to Buddha Point (Kuensel Phodrang). It holds one of the largest Buddha’s statue in the country of 169 feet (51.5m), made of bronze and gilded in gold. Visitors can also get a good overview of the Thimphu valley from this point.
Thenvisit Changangkha Lhakhang. This temple is located above central Thimphu, built in 12th century by Lama Phajo Drukgom Shigpo on a ridge overlooking the town. Local parents traditionally come here to get auspicious names for their newborns or blessing from the protector deity ‘Tamdrin’.
Later drive to upper Motithang in Thimphu to visit Takin Preserve. The Takin is the national animal of Bhutan, and looks like a cross between a cow and a goat. Legend has it that the animal was created by the great Buddhist yogi, Drukpa Kuenley, and it can be found only in Bhutan and nearby areas. Taxonomists place the animal in a category of its own as it is not similar enough to any other animal to fit established categories.
Post lunch, sightseeing in Thimphu valley including visit to the following : the National Library, housing an extensive collection of priceless Buddhist manuscripts; the Institute for Zorig Chusum (commonly known as the Painting School) where students undergo a 6-year training course in Bhutan’s 13 traditional arts and crafts, Textile Museum, which provides deep insight into Bhutan’s one of the most distinct art form, Folk Heritage Museum, dedicated to connect people with the rich Bhutanese Folk heritage and rural history through exhibits, demonstrations, educational programs and documentation of Bhutanese rural life.
Conclude the day’s sightseeing with visit of Trashichhoedzong, or ‘the fortress of the glorious religion’. This is one of the most impressive buildings situated along the right flank of the Thimphu river built in 1641 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel who unified Bhutan and was later reconstructed in 1962 by the third King His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuk. This impressive fortress/monastery houses Secretariat building, the throne room of His Majesty, the King and various government offices.
Evening at leisure in Thimphu city centre. Also explore the Local Crafts Bazaar, to browse through example of Bhutan's fine traditional arts.
Overnight at the hotel in Thimphu. Hotel Galingkha or similler (Altitude 2,320m)
Day 04 : Thimphu – Punakha & Wangdue (75km, approx 3 hours drive)
After breakfast, drive up to Dochu-la pass (3,088m/ 10,130 ft) stopping briefly here to take in the view and admire the chorten, mani wall, and prayer flags which decorate the highest point on the road. If skies are clear, the following peaks can be seen from this pass (left to right): Masagang (7,158m), Tsendagang (6,960m), Terigang (7,060m), Jejegangphugang (7,158 m ), Kangphugang (7,170 m ), Zongphugang (7, 060 m ), a table mountain that dominates the isolated region of Lunana - finally Gangkar puensum, the highest peak in Bhutan at 7,497m.
Punakha was former capital of Bhutan and seat of the Government until 1955 when the capital was moved to Thimphu. While Wangdue located towards south of Punakha is not more than an enlarged village with a few well provided shops.
On arrival check into the hotel.
Afternoon visit Punakha Dzong or ‘Palace of Great Happiness or Bliss, built at the junction of the Phochu and Mochu rivers in 1637 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. This majestic dzong served as both the religious and the administrative center of Bhutan in the past. It measures some 600 by 240 feet and has a six-story, gold-domed tower. Inside are courtyards and religious statuary that hint at the depth of history and spiritual tradition embodied here. Your guide will illuminate your understanding of this intricate culture that is exotic, though long established here.
After exploring Punakha city centre, embark on a short walking excursion to Chimi Lhakhang, located on a ridge surrounded by beautiful paddy fields. From road point, it takes about 10-15 minutes walk through Sobsukha village to reach the monastery. Also known as Fertility temple, it is associated with Lama Drukpa Kuenley, popularly known as ‘Divine Madman’. It is widely believed that couples who do not have children and wanting one, if they pray at this temple, they are usually blessed with a child very soon.
Overnight at the hotel in Punakha
Day 5: Punakha-Wangduephodrang-Paro(145 km, 5 hours)

Morning drive to Wangduephodrang town visiting Dzong and local market
Later drive to Paro
Overnight hotel Olathang or similar, Punakha
Day 6: Paro

Morning visit Drukgyel Dzong (Fortress/monastery), the ruined fortress from where Bhutanese repelled several invasion by Tibetan armies. On a clear day, there is splendid view of Mt. Chomolhari from the approach road to this Dzong
Later visit TA Dzong (National Museum) and walk down the trail to visit Rinpung Dzong, the fortress which has a long and fascinating history
Evening visit Kyichu Lhakhang, one of the oldest and most sacred shrines of the Kingdom
Overnight Dewachen Resort or similar, Paro
Day 7: Paro-Phuentsholing (175km, 6hrs)

Morning transfer to Phuentsholing
Overnight Hotel Park or similar, Punentsholing
Day 8: Depart Phuentsholing

After early breakfast at the hotel, drive to the Hasimara for Train to your onward destination or Bagdora or Shiliguri. Our representative will help you with exit formalities and then bid you farewell.



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00




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