The Company will be trading Naturally Organic Products (NOPs), Fresh Products (FPs) and horticultural production inputs. Initially the NOPs will include Cardamom, Cordyceps, and medicinal mushrooms, while FPs will include tomato, cauliflower and few others. The horticultural production input will include hybrid seeds, green house and micro-irrigation (drip and sprinkler). The Company will be selli
ng production inputs to the farmers and purchasing their produce at their farm gate. In NOPs the Company will engage in value addition and in FPs the Company will engage in production. In FPs the Company will have its own production farm but most production will be done with farmers in Contract Farming mode. The farmers will be the Contract Producers and the Company will be the Contract Buyer. To create desired volume, the Company will create Producer Groups and the Producer Groups will be coordinated to have Production Hub. Most purchased products shall be exported. Priority list of export products includes Cardamom, Cordyceps, Tomato, Cauliflower and Asparagus. The best NOPs in raw form shall be packaged and exported under the brand name of the Company; the Druk Organic, while the rest will be used in product development. The value added products of NOPs shall be marketed within the country to the high end tourists in collaboration with tourism industry. Linked with selling production inputs and purchasing farm produce the Company will be providing free technical advisory services with specific focus on production technologies, plant nutrition and soil health. With experience and expertise the business operations are being executed, the Company will take up consultancy services in the fields of agricultural and horticultural development specifically in the area of climate change adaptation, water, agricultural policy analysis, project management, monitoring and evaluation and project completion report writing. The Company will be spearheading in organic farming and in the process the Company will be providing technical advisory services and guidelines in practicing organic farming.