More than a quarter of a century later it seems that the world continues its exponential descent into ecological poverty, darkness and loneliness. In Africa, the western Black Rhino is officially extinct; the northern White Rhino is extinct in the wild; the southern White Rhino is being poached at the alarming rate of 1200 per annum; African Wild Dog numbers have decreased by 20% in the last fifte
en years; the great apes are under threat from armed conflict and habitat destruction; the insatiable appetite for ivory is consuming 30,000 elephant lives a year; the big cats are targeted for exotic medicinal concoctions and canned hunting practices. The silver lining to this cloud is the army of caring individuals that continually battle to swing the odds back into favour for wildlife. These people are the last defence; the last chance that many species have to continue existing in their natural environments. Last Chance Safaris offers the passionate safari traveller the opportunity to see a variety of iconic and threatened animals in remote and wild settings. But, more importantly, it provides the means for the traveller to contribute in a significant way to combating the decline. Through direct interaction with the driving individuals from ‘coal face’ not-for-profit organisations our clients learn first-hand what the conservation challenges are and what successes are achieved. Our strategy is simple: through the experience of an indelibly imprinted safari we create awareness, make meaningful contributions to sustaining Africa’s wildlife numbers, and ultimately turn every traveller into a conservation disciple.