An Excellent Life: There is so much to learn from Colossian 1: 10. It gives us as as Christians an idea of a true and balance Christian life - an excellent life. It tells us that we may walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.
It reveals to us that God's will for us as a Christian. He wants our daily life to be worthy of Him -walking His righteousness and pleasing Him.in all things . Jesus always pleased His jn Jesus Christ, we have an Excellent Life.Father.
Read John 8:29 "and He that sent me is with me, the Fatger hat not left me alone,for I do always those things that please Him."
In your life, everything you do should always please our Father In Heaven.
In Jesus Christ, we are fruitful in every good work we do and we have an Excellent Life.
Do not allow our jobs or other things be of distraction to us. We need to find time to pray, study the Scriptures, and growing in the things of God.