Indulge with Maya Cacao. A true taste of fruity and organic drink.
Add spices as an option, Mayan style of hot chocolate.
Open to walk ins 8am to 6pm
#adminAC #ajawchocolatebelizecayo #ajawchocolatesanignaciobelizecentralamerica #ajawchocolatesanignancio #organicchocolatedrink #puremayanchocolate #hotchocolate #paleofood
Cultural and Traditional Belizean Maya activities in western Belize.
We are open to walk in guests. A bean to bowl cacao tasting class.
8am to 6pm
#adminAC #ajawchocolatebelizecayo #ajawchocolatesanignaciobelizecentralamerica #ajawchocolatebelizecayo #organicfoodbelize #organicchocolatedrink #belizeanadventure #chocolatetour
Are you looking to spend an hour in San Ignacio.
Belizean Cacao Tasting can be a great way to learn about Maya Cacao
We are open to walk in guests. 8am to 6pm
#adminAC #ajawchocolatebelizecayo #ajawchocolatesanignaciobelizecentralamerica #organicchocolatedrink #hotorganic #hotchocolate
Walking in the jungles of Belize. Especially where Theobroma Cacao Trees is growing.
Diverse companion trees surround cacao trees.
Experience this unique adventure. Booking at
#adminAC #ajawchocolatesanignaciobelizecentralamerica #ajawchocolatebelizecayo #ajawchocolatebelize #tastecacao #travelsafe #tastingtour #adventurebelize #puremayanchocolatebelize #hotchocolate
Achiote, a long time Maya food coloring commonly use for soups, meat and Maya rituals purposes. Considered native to the Americans and a tropical tree. Also known as Lip Stick Tree
Out standing tree at our 2 acre cacao farm.
#adminAC #ajawchocolatebelizecayo
#tropicalbean #tropicaltrees #flowersofbelize #organicfoodbelize #handtomouthfood #locallygrown #belizefood #mayafood #ajawchocolatebelizecayo
This fruit is so big, with 30 tasty bean taking 6 months to turn yellow.
Let us teach you more. World's chocolate came from a fruit.
Booking to learn and taste them.
#adminAC #ajawchocolatesanignaciobelizecentralamerica #tastecacao #tastingtour #chocolateliqueurs #chocolatetour #organicchocolatedrink
Half day soft Belizean adventures.
2.5 hour Cacao Farm & Chocolate Making tour.
Experience a pinch of Maya this season.
Booking at
#ajawchocolatebelizecayo #ajawchocolatesanignaciobelizecentralamerica #belizeanadventure #cookingclass #puremayanchocolate #ajawchocolatesanignancio #farntours #cocoatour
When chocolate is soo good....
Book yours
#adminAC #handmadechocolate #tastingclass #tastecacao #organicchocolatedrink #beanofthegods #foodofthemaya #drinkingchocolate #ritualchocolate #puremayanchocolatebelize
Drink of the Gods.
Hot cacao drink used for Maya cermonies.
Experience this unique drink made by us here in western Belize.
Open for tasting 8am to 6pm.
Close Sundays. Booking
#adminAC #ajawchocolatebelizecayo #ajawchocolatesanignaciobelizecentralamerica #tastingclass #puremayanchocolate #puremayanchocolatebelize #organicfoodbelize #mayatour #hotchocolate #ceremonialdrink
Why do we need to sun dry Chocolate Bean??
#adminAC #foodofthemaya #belizeanfood #beanofthegods #tropicalbean
Looking for chocolate tasting?
Don't miss out. Book your chocolate adventure with us.
We're just a bean throw away.
Open Monday to Saturdays 8am to 6pm.
Close Sundays & December 25th Christmas Day.
#adminAC #ajawchocolatebelizecayo #ajawchocolatesanignaciobelizecentralamerica #bestofbelize #foodtour #foodofthemaya #foodofbelize #puremayanchocolate #organicfoodbelize #drinkingchocolate #chocolatetasting #familyfriendly #walkingtour #thingstodosanignacio #funthingstodobelize