When I lived in BC I used to watch the Knowledge Network quite a bit.
I took it for granted that BC had a public television network, funded by the provincial government and donors, that produces high quality content that entertains and informs the public.
Then I moved to Alberta, and gradually acclimatized to accepting low quality everything as being the default standard in this province. With the exception maybe being in devoting resources to churning out professional athletes, and producing petroleum scientists to maximize profits for the oil and gas industry. No expense seems to be spared in funding these endeavors. I'm sure there are other endeavors too that Alberta excels at. Maybe writing angry letters to the editor complaining about how too many people like me (i.e. 'woke') are moving to Alberta and voting for the wrong political party, so should g**o asap?
Whether it be the low quality infomercial-like content on CBC Edmonton radio (and what I've heard on CBC Calgary) before turning the station. Or city officials using taxpayer money to subsidize suburban developers and urban sprawl. It seems if there are two choices to decide upon, in just about any field or subject area, nine times out of ten some uneducated clueless MAGA dum dum with too much authority will make the worst choice possible. And we all pay the negative price for decades to come.
People can get used to just about anything. Even normalizing the eating of sh*t-sandwiches day after day after day after day.
Keeping people's expectations exceedingly low seems like 'a thing' in Alberta. It's worked on me. I have very low expectations in just about anything and everything in this provincial MAGA-wasteland.
The first falafel I had at a take-out joint in Edmonton, when I first moved to Alberta, cost about 50% more than what I normally paid in Vancouver, and was one of the most disgusting things I ever bit into. I threw most of it in the trash, and never bought another falafel in Edmonton since.
Anything fresh, new, vibrant, optimistic, creative, seems to be crushed in its crib by crusty & crotchety old rich White men who want to drag Alberta back to the 1950s. And if it’s not immediately crushed and/or ignored, it is eventually and inevitably exploited and ruined to make some parasitic lazy Tory as***le rich. Who produce nothing of value themselves...except maybe letters to the editor whining about how 'Trudeau destroyed Canada so we must now join the United States' - just when the US is being transformed into a dictatorship run by un-elected billionaires.
The best in Alberta lies in its down to Earth people. Who would stop by the side of a road in a snowstorm to help someone in trouble. But then might run them over in their truck and leave them for dead, if they find out the person they just helped voted Liberal or NDP.
Too bad there isn’t a provincial public broadcaster in Alberta that could tell Alberta’s stories, to highlight and celebrate the best that Alberta has on offer, as BC’s Knowledge Network does.
Even Vancouver's The Tyee tells Alberta's stories better than Alberta's own homegrown media does.
It's almost like Alberta is run by corporate lobbyists who don't give af about ANYTHING, except pillaging the province's abundant natural resources to enrich Australian coal baron billionaires, corporate executives, and an assortment of other parasites on humanity who treat Alberta like a desperate crack-whore on the side of the road at 2am willing to do ANYTHING for a 'fix'....or a few tickets to an Oilers game. Or the chance to stab Canada in the back...in the doomed hope of getting preferential treatment and/or being appointed Puppet-Governor of Alberta by President Trump.