UCruising Vancouver

UCruising Vancouver Founded in 2002, UCruising Vacation has established itself as one of the leading cruise specialized agencies worldwide.

With official partnerships with renowned cruise lines, we have gained a reputation for excellence in the industry.

🔥 熱門航線︰12天亞洲香港來回遊日本 🔥今天介紹一條熱門亞洲航線,香港登船及離船,途經多個日本城市,十分適合在香港探親的朋友。現繽紛會員限時優惠價,連溫哥華來回香港機票,內艙房每人加幣$3398含稅、海景房每人加幣$3598含稅、陽台房每...

🔥 熱門航線︰12天亞洲香港來回遊日本 🔥


🛳郵輪公司:皇家加勒比 Royal Caribbean
🚢郵輪船隻:海洋光譜號 Spectrum of the Seas
⭐郵輪評級:5 星
📊噸位:169,379 | 首航日期:2019 年

🗾航線︰12天香港日本航線 (香港來回)
📆出發日期:2025 年 11 月 23 日

🔸內艙房 (Inside):每人加幣 $3398
🔹海景房 (Ocean View)︰每人加幣 $3598
🔸陽台房 (Balcony):每人加幣 $4098


陸地團 (華語領隊) 📢📢
🚩岸上觀光團:每人美金 $648

優惠數量有限,訂滿即止!如想了解更多,請致電 6043598228 聯絡我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問。
🔥 Popular Route: 12-Day Asia Round Trip from Hong Kong to Japan 🔥

Today, we're introducing a popular Asian cruise route, departing and returning from Hong Kong, passing through multiple cities in Japan. This is perfect for you visiting family in Hong Kong. We have an exclusive limited-time offer for members, which includes round-trip flights from Vancouver to Hong Kong.

🛳 Cruise Line: Royal Caribbean
🚢 Ship: Spectrum of the Seas
⭐ Cruise Rating: 5 Stars
📊 Gross Tonnage: 169,379 | Maiden Voyage: 2019
👥 Passenger Capacity: 4,246

🗾 Route: 12-Day Hong Kong to Japan (Round Trip from Hong Kong)
📆 Departure Date: November 23, 2025

🔸 Inside Cabin: CAD $3,398 per person
🔹 Ocean View Cabin: CAD $3,598 per person
🔸 Balcony Cabin: CAD $4,098 per person

The prices above are based on double occupancy and are in CAD, including the cruise fare, round-trip flights from Vancouver to Hong Kong, and taxes. It does not include onboard gratuities or travel insurance.

Land Tour (Bilingual Chinese-speaking tour leader) 📢📢
🚩 Shore Excursion Tour: USD $648 per person
Tour fee is in USD (payment must be made by cash or check), and does not include tips for the tour guide or travel insurance.

Limited spots available, book now before it’s full! For more information, please call 604-359-8228 to speak with one of our professional cruise travel consultants.
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)

🔥 暑假優惠︰7天6晚西加勒比海航線 🔥今次介紹暑假航線,7月中出發,在美國加爾維斯頓來回,經墨西哥及洪都拉斯。現在獨家優惠,淨船價內艙房每人加幣$1298含稅、陽台房每人加幣$1548含稅。當您將世界上最大的船舶之一與海上最驚險刺激結合在...

🔥 暑假優惠︰7天6晚西加勒比海航線 🔥


當您將世界上最大的船舶之一與海上最驚險刺激結合在一起時,您會得到什麼呢?海洋和悅號上的一次挑戰地心引力、打破現狀、激動人心的探險之旅將為家庭度假樹立新的標準。從首次海上壯舉到您熟悉和喜愛的精彩表演,您會發現很多在船上留下美好回憶的方式 - 例如海上最高的滑梯、Ultimate Abyss℠、水上劇場中驚險刺激的特技表演和機器人掌舵的仿生酒吧。更不用說令人眼花繚亂的百老匯表演和從亞洲到地中海及其他地區的環球美食體驗。

🛳郵輪公司:皇家加勒比 Royal Caribbean
🛳郵輪船隻:海洋和悅號 (Harmony of the Seas)
⭐郵輪評級:5 星
📊噸位:226,963 | 翻新日期:2021 年
📆出發日期:2025 年 07 月 13 日
❇航線︰7天6晚西加勒比海 (加爾維斯頓來回)
🔸內艙房 (Inside)︰每人加幣 $1298
🔹陽臺房 (Balcony)︰每人加幣 $1548



數量有限,訂滿即止!想了解更多,快致電 6043598228 與我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問聯絡訂票啦🥰!
🔥 Summer Vacation Offer: 7-Day, 6-Night Western Caribbean Cruise 🔥

This time, we're introducing a summer cruise route departing in mid-July from Galveston, USA, with stops in Mexico and Honduras. We now have an exclusive offer, with the price for an inside cabin at CAD $1,298 per person (tax included) and a balcony cabin at CAD $1,548 per person (tax included).

What do you get when you combine one of the world’s largest ships with the most thrilling adventures at sea? A challenge to gravity, breaking the status quo, and an exciting exploration journey aboard Harmony of the Seas will set a new standard for family vacations. From first-time maritime feats to beloved performances, you'll find countless ways to make amazing memories on board—like the tallest slide at sea, the Ultimate Abyss℠, thrilling stunts in the water theater, and a bionic bar steered by robots. Not to mention dazzling Broadway shows and global culinary experiences from Asia to the Mediterranean and beyond.

🛳 Cruise Line: Royal Caribbean
🛳 Ship: Harmony of the Seas
⭐ Cruise Rating: 5 Stars
📊 Gross Tonnage: 226,963 | Renovation Date: 2021
👥 Passenger Capacity: 5,497
📆 Departure Date: July 13, 2025
❇ Itinerary: 7 Days, 6 Nights Western Caribbean (Round-trip from Galveston)
🔸 Inside Cabin: CAD $1,298 per person
🔹 Balcony Cabin: CAD $1,548 per person

The prices are based on double occupancy and are inclusive of the cruise fare and taxes; tips, travel insurance, and other fees are not included.

*Due to cabin design, some balcony rooms may be interior balcony rooms or rooms with obstructed views.

Limited availability, book now before it’s sold out! For more information, call 6043598228 and contact our professional cruise travel consultants to book your tickets 🥰!
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)

印度航後觀光團已經圓滿結束,希望團友們都 Enjoy!🥰 接下來將會有更多已成團的郵輪航線出發,亞洲、杜拜、歐洲等等,我們一起期待領隊精彩回圖🔥🔥!如果有任何問題,歡迎致電 6043598228 與我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問聯絡📞!------...

印度航後觀光團已經圓滿結束,希望團友們都 Enjoy!🥰 接下來將會有更多已成團的郵輪航線出發,亞洲、杜拜、歐洲等等,我們一起期待領隊精彩回圖🔥🔥!

如果有任何問題,歡迎致電 6043598228 與我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問聯絡📞!
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)

🔥 獨家限時優惠送船上消費每房$60︰短程6天溫哥華來回阿拉斯加 🔥如果想坐短程航線又不想坐飛機,可以考慮這條航線,6天5晚溫哥華來回,經阿拉斯加兩個城市(並不會經過冰川),現在預訂即送每房船上消費$60,淨船價內艙房每人加幣$788含稅、...

🔥 獨家限時優惠送船上消費每房$60︰短程6天溫哥華來回阿拉斯加 🔥


🛳郵輪公司:公主郵輪 Princess
⛴郵輪船隻:加勒比公主號 Caribbean Princess
📊噸位:112,894 | 翻新日期:2019
⭐郵輪評級︰5 星
📆出發日期:2025 年 05 月 05 日

🔸內艙房 (Inside):每人加幣 $788
🔹陽臺房 (Balcony) :每人加幣 $1158


數量有限,訂滿即止!想了解更多,快致電 6043598228 與我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問聯絡訂票啦📞!
🔥 **Exclusive Limited-Time Offer: $60 Onboard Credit per Cabin** – 6-Day Round-Trip Vancouver to Alaska 🔥

If you're looking for a short cruise and want to avoid flying, consider this 6-day, 5-night round-trip from Vancouver. The cruise visits two cities in Alaska (without going through glaciers). Book now and receive $60 onboard credit per cabin. The net price for the inside cabin is CAD $788 per person (including taxes), and the balcony cabin is CAD $1158 per person (including taxes). Limited availability, once sold out, the offer ends!

🛳 **Cruise Line**: Princess Cruises
⛴ **Ship**: Caribbean Princess
📊 **Gross Tonnage**: 112,894 | **Refurbishment Date**: 2019
👥 **Passenger Capacity**: 3,140
⭐ **Cruise Rating**: 5 stars
📆 **Departure Date**: May 5, 2025

🔸 **Inside Cabin**: CAD $788 per person
🔹 **Balcony Cabin**: CAD $1158 per person

The price is per person based on double occupancy, including cruise fare and taxes. It does not include onboard gratuities or travel insurance.

Limited availability, book now before it's sold out! For more details, contact our professional cruise travel advisors at 604-359-8228 to book your tickets today! 📞
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)

🔥 最後召集︰午夜太陽航線17天北歐挪威英國之旅 🔥特別的航線必定要介紹這條6月中出發的「午夜太陽」航線,您可以體驗一整天都看見太陽,「日不落」的景象。這條航線將於南安普敦上落船,經挪威多個城市;現最後召集,內艙房連機票每人加幣$3698含...

🔥 最後召集︰午夜太陽航線17天北歐挪威英國之旅 🔥



🛳郵輪公司:公主郵輪 Princess Cruises
郵輪船隻:翡翠公主號 Emerald Princess
📊噸位:113,561 | 翻新日期:2022 年
📆出發日期:2025 年 06 月 17 日

🔸內艙房 (Inside):每人加幣 $3698 含稅
🔹海景房 (Ocean View)︰每人加幣 $4348 含稅
🔸陽臺房 (Balcony) :每人加幣 $5048 含稅


陸地團安排 (華語領隊) 📢📢 名額有限,先到先得!
🚩3天倫敦航前遊:每人美金 $598
🚩岸上觀光團:每人美金 $1498

數量有限,訂滿即止!如想了解更多,請致電 6043598228 聯絡我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問💗!
🔥 Final Call: 17-Day Northern Europe, Norway & UK "Midnight Sun" Cruise 🔥

Introducing the special 17-day "Midnight Sun" cruise departing in mid-June. Experience the unique phenomenon of having sunlight all day long, a true "never-setting sun" experience. The cruise departs and returns from Southampton, visiting several cities in Norway. This is the final call, with Inside Cabins including airfare at CAD $3698 per person (taxes included), Ocean View Cabins at CAD $4348 per person (taxes included), and Balcony Cabins at CAD $5048 per person (taxes included).

We have also arranged a Bilingual Chinese-speaking lead shore excursion tour and a 3-day pre-cruise London getaway, where you’ll explore London and multiple shore attractions, ensuring a relaxed and enjoyable journey. Limited spots available, first come, first served!

🛳 Cruise Line: Princess Cruises
Ship: Emerald Princess
⭐ Cruise Rating: 5 stars
📊 Tonnage: 113,561 | Renovated: 2022
👥 Passenger Capacity: 3,080
📆 Departure Date: June 17, 2025

🔸 Inside Cabin: CAD $3698 per person (taxes included)
🔹 Ocean View Cabin: CAD $4348 per person (taxes included)
🔸 Balcony Cabin: CAD $5048 per person (taxes included)

The above prices are quoted per person, based on double occupancy in CAD. Prices include the cruise fare, round-trip airfare from Vancouver, and taxes. Tips, airport-terminal transfers, and travel insurance are not included.

Land Tour Arrangements (Bilingual Chinese-speaking tour leader) 📢📢 Limited spots available, first come, first served!
🚩 3-Day London Pre-Cruise Tour: USD $598 per person
🚩 Shore Excursion Tour: USD $1498 per person
Tour fees are in USD (payment must be made by cash or check) and do not include tips for the guide or travel insurance.

Limited availability, book before it’s full! For more information, please call 604-359-8228 and contact our professional cruise travel advisors 💗!
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)

🔥 熱門優惠最後今天:大洋郵輪9天阿拉斯加連機票陽台房$2875 🔥大洋郵輪於5月21日在安哥拉治登船,遊經多個阿拉斯加城市及著名冰川-哈伯冰河,最後在溫哥華離船。限時優惠包括免費溫哥華單程機票及機場碼頭接送、船上小費、無限流量WIFI,陽...

🔥 熱門優惠最後今天:大洋郵輪9天阿拉斯加連機票陽台房$2875 🔥


船上的高質素餐膳為業界所津津樂道,由前法國總統御廚 Jacques Pépin 負責的餐膳設計,為您打造「海上最佳美饌」,多間特色餐廳亦不需額外收費,讓您可無憂無慮享受船上佳餚。 如果想享受一個高級奢華又抵玩的阿拉斯加之旅,今次大洋郵輪優惠就絕對不能錯過!

🛳郵輪公司:大洋郵輪 Oceania
🚢郵輪船隻:海濱號 Riviera
⭐郵輪評級:5.5 星
📊噸位:66,084 | 翻新日期:2022 年
📆出發日期:2025 年 05 月 21 日
❇航線︰9天阿拉斯加之旅 (安哥拉治-溫哥華)
🔸陽台房 (Balcony):每人加幣 $2875 含稅


數量有限,訂滿即止!如想了解更多,請致電 6043598228 聯絡我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問☎!
🔥 Last Day for Popular Offer: 9-Day Alaska Cruise with Flights and Balcony Room for $2875 🔥

Oceania Cruises is offering a 9-day Alaska journey, departing from Anchorage on May 21. The cruise will visit several Alaskan cities and the famous Hubbard Glacier, concluding in Vancouver. This limited-time offer includes free one-way flights from Vancouver, airport-to-port transfers, onboard gratuities, and unlimited Wi-Fi. The all-inclusive price for a balcony room is CAD $2875 per person (including tax)! This offer ends today!

The onboard dining is highly praised in the industry, with meals designed by former French presidential chef Jacques Pépin, offering you "the best gourmet cuisine at sea." Multiple specialty restaurants are included at no extra charge, so you can enjoy the finest meals without worries. If you’re looking for a luxurious yet affordable Alaska trip, this Oceania Cruises offer is absolutely unmissable!

🛳 Cruise Line: Oceania Cruises
🚢 Ship: Riviera
⭐ Cruise Rating: 5.5 Stars
📊 Tonnage: 66,084 | Renovated: 2022
👥 Passenger Capacity: 1,250
📆 Departure Date: May 21, 2025
❇ Route: 9-Day Alaska Cruise (Anchorage - Vancouver)
🔸 Balcony Room: CAD $2875 per person (including tax)

The price is based on double occupancy in CAD, and includes cruise fare, one-way flight from Vancouver, airport-to-port transfers, onboard gratuities, and all taxes. Travel insurance is not included.

Limited availability – book before it’s full! For more details, call 604-359-8228 to speak with our professional cruise travel advisors ☎!
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)

🔥 最後召集︰10天夏威夷郵輪連機票及2晚酒店$1598 🔥除了阿拉斯加,溫哥華另一個受歡迎的航線選擇就是夏威夷,今次介紹這個航線,是在檀香山登船,經希洛、可納兩個夏威夷城市,然後返回溫哥華。今次最後召集優惠包括單程機票到檀香山、2晚檀香山...

🔥 最後召集︰10天夏威夷郵輪連機票及2晚酒店$1598 🔥


🛳郵輪公司:名人郵輪 Celebrity
⛴郵輪船隻:名人極致號 Celebrity Solstice
📊噸位:122,000 | 翻新日期:2021 年
⭐郵輪評級︰5 星
📆出發日期:2025 年 04 月 25 日

🔸內艙房 (Inside):加幣 $1598 每位連稅
🔹陽台房 (Balcony) :加幣 $1698 每位連稅


數量有限,訂滿即止!想了解更多,快致電 6043598228 與我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問聯絡訂票啦
🔥 Final Call: 10-Day Hawaii Cruise with Flights and 2-Night Hotel Stay 🔥

Apart from Alaska, another popular route from Vancouver is to Hawaii. This cruise departs from Honolulu, with stops in Hilo and Kona, before returning to Vancouver. Our final call offer includes one-way flights to Honolulu, 2 nights at a hotel in Honolulu, and prices for the inside cabin starting at CAD $1598 per person (including tax), or a balcony cabin at CAD $1698 per person (including tax).

🛳 Cruise Line: Celebrity Cruises
⛴ Ship: Celebrity Solstice
📊 Tonnage: 122,000 | Renovated: 2021
👥 Passenger Capacity: 2850
⭐ Cruise Rating: 5 Stars
📆 Departure Date: April 25, 2025

🔸 Inside Cabin: CAD $1598 per person (including tax)
🔹 Balcony Cabin: CAD $1698 per person (including tax)

The price is based on double occupancy in CAD, and includes cruise fare, one-way flights, 2-night hotel stay, and taxes. Hotel taxes and travel insurance are not included.

Limited availability – book before it’s full! For more details, call 604-359-8228 to speak with our professional cruise travel advisors and book your tickets now.
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)

🔥 熱門航線︰13天廣洲武漢重慶成都遊(陸地加郵輪) 🔥先前有客人詢問我們有否中國陸地加短線郵輪的三峽團,畢竟大家有經驗都知道我們繽紛的領隊有保證,質素高服務好😎。徇眾要求,13天12晚的廣洲武漢重慶成都遊終於出團了,帶您深入嶺南與川渝地區...

🔥 熱門航線︰13天廣洲武漢重慶成都遊(陸地加郵輪) 🔥


今次行程涵蓋了廣州、武漢、三峽、重慶、成都等地的豐富文化與自然景點。旅程首先從廣州的現代與傳統文化相結合的地點開始,參觀了廣東省博物館、海心沙亞運公園及珠江夜遊,展現了廣州的城市風貌與歷史底蘊。最特別之處就在我們將會帶大家夜遊廣洲著名八景之一【鎮海樓】 ,登樓眺望,景色盡收眼底。接著,遊覽了沙面、荔灣湖公園等具有濃厚地方特色的景點,並品味正宗的粵菜。



🛳郵輪名稱:世紀綠洲號 Century Oasis
⭐郵輪評級:5 星
📊噸位:15,000 | 首航日期:2023 年

📆 2025年10月25日/11月15日出發 美金$2399 起

🔥岸上遊住宿︰2 晚廣洲+ 1 晚武漢+ 2 晚重慶+ 1 晚樂山+ 2 晚成都
🔥4 晚5星級豪華郵輪陽臺房
🔥陸上觀光專屬導遊講解 (跟船及景區)
🔥船上餐廳用餐以及酒吧指定時段 指定酒水暢飲


如想了解更多岸上行程的細節,請致電 6043598228 聯絡我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問☎!
🔥 Popular Route: 13-Day Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chongqing, Chengdu Tour (Land + Cruise) 🔥

We previously had customers asking if we offer a China land and short cruise tour to the Three Gorges. As many know, our vibrant tour guides guarantee high-quality service and an excellent experience 😎. Due to popular demand, the 13-day, 12-night Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chongqing, Chengdu tour is finally here! This journey will take you deep into the Lingnan and Sichuan-Chongqing regions, offering an immersive experience of China’s unique mountainous landscapes and cultural heritage.

This itinerary covers rich cultural and natural attractions in Guangzhou, Wuhan, the Three Gorges, Chongqing, Chengdu, and more. The journey begins in Guangzhou, where modern and traditional cultures blend. You'll visit the Guangdong Provincial Museum, Haixinsha Asian Games Park, and enjoy a Pearl River night cruise, showcasing Guangzhou’s cityscape and history. The highlight of the tour is a night visit to one of Guangzhou’s famous Eight Scenic Views, the "Zhenhai Tower," where you can enjoy panoramic views. Next, explore the Shamian Island and Liwan Lake Park, spots with strong local character, and savor authentic Cantonese cuisine.

In Wuhan, experience the grandeur of Han culture and the Yangtze River. Visit the Yellow Crane Tower, take in the poetic river views, and taste local delicacies. Afterward, embark on a luxurious cruise to explore the Three Gorges and visit world-class landmarks such as the Three Gorges Dam. The Baoding Mountain Stone Carvings in Dazu showcase Buddhist art, and the Leshan Giant Buddha will leave you in awe of the world's largest stone-carved Buddha.

In Chengdu, you’ll visit the Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, marveling at the adorable and precious pandas, and explore the Sanxingdui Museum to uncover the mysteries and splendor of ancient Shu culture. The entire trip is filled with natural beauty, historical landmarks, and local cuisine, offering an in-depth cultural, historical, scenic, and culinary experience.

🛳 Cruise Name: Century Oasis
⭐ Cruise Rating: 5 Stars
📊 Tonnage: 15,000 | Inaugural Sailing Date: 2023
👥 Passenger Capacity: 650

🔸 Deluxe Balcony Room on the 2nd Floor:
📆 Departing on October 25, 2025 / November 15, 2025 starting at USD $2399
*Prices for other floors or room types may vary. Please consult with our advisors.

Value Package All-Inclusive 💫💫💫
🔥 Shore Excursion Accommodation: 2 Nights in Guangzhou + 1 Night in Wuhan + 2 Nights in Chongqing + 1 Night in Leshan + 2 Nights in Chengdu
🔥 4 Nights in a 5-Star Luxury Cruise Balcony Room
🔥 Exclusive tour guide for land sightseeing (with the cruise and at scenic spots)
🔥 All meals during shore excursions and on the cruise
🔥 Onboard dining and unlimited drinks at designated times in the bar
🔥 Entrance tickets to listed attractions
🔥 Wi-Fi phone card for use during the entire trip
🔥 Three days and two nights exploring the Lingnan region in Guangzhou, including an exclusive night tour of Zhenhai Tower with stunning views of the city’s nightscape
🔥 Special local dish: Chongqing Hot Pot

The prices are based on double occupancy in USD, and include the cruise fare, onboard gratuities, port fees, and government taxes. Airfare, tour guide tips, and travel insurance are not included.

For more details about the shore excursions, please call 6043598228 and contact our professional cruise travel advisors ☎!
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)

🔥 獨家優惠︰8天西歐西班牙葡萄牙航線 🔥今次介紹一條西歐雙牙航線,在南安普敦上落船,遊覽西班牙、葡萄牙多個城市。現在獨家優惠,淨船價內艙房每人加幣$1398含稅、海景房每人加幣$1498含稅、陽台房每人加幣$1898含稅。🛳郵輪:海洋獨立...

🔥 獨家優惠︰8天西歐西班牙葡萄牙航線 🔥


🛳郵輪:海洋獨立號 (Independence of the Seas)
📊噸位:154,407 | 翻新日期:2018 年
⭐郵輪評級:5 星
📆出發日期:2025 年 07 月 06 日

🔸內艙房 (Inside):每人加幣 $1398
🔹海景房 (Oceanview):每人加幣 $1498
🔸陽台房 (Balcony)︰每人加幣 $1898


數量有限,訂滿即止!想了解更多,快致電 6043598228 與我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問聯絡訂票啦🥰!
🔥 Exclusive Offer: 8-Day Western Europe Spain and Portugal Cruise 🔥

We are introducing a Western Europe dual-Spain itinerary, departing and returning from Southampton, visiting multiple cities in Spain and Portugal. Take advantage of our exclusive offer with the following prices.

🛳 Cruise Ship: Independence of the Seas
📊 Gross Tonnage: 154,407 | Refurbished in 2018
👥 Passenger Capacity: 3,836
⭐ Cruise Rating: 5 Stars
📆 Departure Date: July 6, 2025

🔸 Inside Cabin: CAD $1398 per person
🔹 Oceanview Cabin: CAD $1498 per person
🔸 Balcony Cabin: CAD $1898 per person

The above prices are per person based on double occupancy, including cruise fare and taxes. Airfare, onboard gratuities, and travel insurance are not included.

Limited availability, book now before it's sold out! For more details, call 6043598228 and speak with our professional cruise travel consultants to book your tickets! 🥰
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)

🔥 最後召集︰10天地中海西班牙意大利連機票$2298 🔥 今次介紹一條超抵玩 last minutes 航線,4月在巴塞羅那來回,經法國、意大利、西班牙多個城市,現時連來回機票、1晚航後巴塞隆那酒店,內艙房每人加幣$2298含稅、陽台房每...

🔥 最後召集︰10天地中海西班牙意大利連機票$2298 🔥

今次介紹一條超抵玩 last minutes 航線,4月在巴塞羅那來回,經法國、意大利、西班牙多個城市,現時連來回機票、1晚航後巴塞隆那酒店,內艙房每人加幣$2298含稅、陽台房每人加幣$2548含稅。另外送4大禮包,每房送300分鐘WIFI、每岸岸上消費$50、酒水套餐及特色餐廳 (需另付小費)。


🛳郵輪:逍遙號 (NCL Breakaway)
⭐郵輪評級:5 星
📊噸位:145,655 | 翻新日期:2020 年
📆出發日期:2025 年 04 月 07 日
🌎路線:10天地中海,西班牙,意大利等三國浪漫之旅 (來回巴塞羅那)

🔸內艙房 (Inside):每人加幣 $2298 含稅
🔹陽臺房 (Balcony) :每人加幣 $2548 含稅


數量有限,訂滿即止!心動不如行動,如想了解更多,請致電 6043598228 聯絡我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問💗!
🔥 Final Call: 10-Day Mediterranean Cruise with Spain & Italy + Flights for $2298 🔥

We’re introducing an amazing last-minute deal! A 10-day Mediterranean cruise in April, departing from Barcelona, visiting multiple cities in France, Italy, and Spain. The package includes round-trip flights, 1-night post-cruise hotel stay in Barcelona, and the following cabin options:
- Inside Cabin: $2298 CAD per person (tax included)
- Balcony Cabin: $2548 CAD per person (tax included)

Additionally, you’ll receive 4 great gift packages:
- 300 minutes of free Wi-Fi per room
- $50 per port for shore excursions
- Drinks package (gratuity not included)
- Specialty restaurant (gratuity not included)

The cruise will stop in Cannes, France, where you can walk the red carpet of the film festival and enjoy the romantic atmosphere and sunshine of South France. It will spend 2 days in Florence, Italy, where you can explore the birthplace of the Renaissance, see the statue of David, visit the Uffizi Gallery, and take photos with the Leaning Tower of Pisa. In Rome, you can visit the Colosseum and the Pantheon, and in Naples, you’ll visit the ancient city of Pompeii, which was buried by a volcanic eruption. Each city has its own unique charm, definitely worth a visit!

🛳 Cruise: Norwegian Breakaway (NCL Breakaway)
⭐ Cruise Rating: 5 Stars
📊 Tonnage: 145,655 | Refurbishment Date: 2020
👥 Passenger Capacity: 3,963
📆 Departure Date: April 7, 2025
🌎 Route: 10-Day Mediterranean Romance Tour, visiting Spain, Italy, and more (Round-trip Barcelona)

🔸 Inside Cabin: $2298 CAD per person (tax included)
🔹 Balcony Cabin: $2548 CAD per person (tax included)

The prices above are based on double occupancy and include cruise fare, round-trip flights from Vancouver, 1-night post-cruise hotel stay, and all taxes. Travel insurance and onboard gratuities are not included.

Limited availability, book before it’s gone! If you want to know more, contact our professional cruise travel advisors 💗!
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)

🔥 早鳥優惠:大洋郵輪11天地中海土耳其意大利航線 🔥最近都介紹了不少抵玩大洋郵輪航線的優惠,大洋郵輪可說是入門版的奢華郵輪,有留意開都知最近優惠難得。今次再介紹這艘2023年新船 Vista 11月份出發,在伊斯坦堡登船,經土耳其、希臘、...

🔥 早鳥優惠:大洋郵輪11天地中海土耳其意大利航線 🔥

最近都介紹了不少抵玩大洋郵輪航線的優惠,大洋郵輪可說是入門版的奢華郵輪,有留意開都知最近優惠難得。今次再介紹這艘2023年新船 Vista 11月份出發,在伊斯坦堡登船,經土耳其、希臘、意大利、法國,最後在巴塞羅那離船,一次帶您遊走五個國家。現在優惠價格一價全包,連來回溫哥華機票(含接送)、小費、WIFI、特色餐廳,陽台房每人$5698含稅。

船上的高質素餐膳為業界所津津樂道,由前法國總統御廚 Jacques Pépin 負責的餐膳設計,為您打造「海上最佳美饌」,多間特色餐廳亦不需額外收費,讓您可無憂無慮享受船上佳餚。

🛳郵輪公司:大洋郵輪 Oceania
🚢郵輪船隻:綺麗號 Vista
⭐郵輪評級:5.5 星
📊噸位:67,000 | 首航日期:2023 年
📆出發日期:2025 年 11 月 09 日
❇航線︰11天地中海土耳其意大利五國浪漫之旅 (伊斯坦堡-巴塞羅那)
🔸陽台房 (Veranda):每人加幣 $5698


數量有限,訂滿即止!如想了解更多,請致電 6043598228 聯絡我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問☎!
🔥 Early Bird Special: 11-Day Mediterranean Cruise through Turkey and Italy by Oceania Cruises 🔥

We’ve recently introduced several great deals on Oceania Cruises, which is considered an entry-level luxury cruise line. For those who have been following, you know that the deals lately are rare. Today, we are introducing the brand new 2023 ship Vista, departing in November. The journey starts in Istanbul, passing through Turkey, Greece, Italy, and France, before ending in Barcelona. This cruise takes you through five countries in one trip. The special price is all-inclusive, covering round-trip flights from Vancouver (with transfers), gratuities, Wi-Fi, and specialty dining. Balcony rooms are available for $5698 per person, including tax.

The high-quality meals onboard are highly praised in the industry, designed by former French presidential chef Jacques Pépin, offering “the best gourmet experience at sea.” Several specialty restaurants are included, with no extra charge, so you can enjoy exquisite cuisine without worry.

🛳 Cruise Line: Oceania Cruises
🚢 Ship: Vista
⭐ Cruise Rating: 5.5 Stars
📊 Tonnage: 67,000 | Maiden Voyage Date: 2023
👥 Passenger Capacity: 1,200
📆 Departure Date: November 9, 2025
❇ Itinerary: 11-Day Mediterranean Turkey and Italy Romance Tour (Istanbul - Barcelona)
🔸 Balcony Room (Veranda): $5698 CAD per person

The prices listed are based on double occupancy, in Canadian dollars, and include cruise fare, round-trip flights from Vancouver, airport-to-pier transfers, onboard gratuities, and all taxes. Travel insurance is not included.

Limited availability, book now before it's full! For more information, please call our professional cruise travel advisors ☎ 604-359-8228
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)

🔥 繽紛郵輪領隊帶團︰十月全新船星辰公主號二航 🔥最近已經不少客人詢問我們10月-11月份出發的航線,今次介紹這艘新船、仍未正式航行的星辰公主號;繽紛郵輪特別安排大家一起乘坐二航航線,於10月中出發,在巴塞隆拿登船及離船,經法國、英國、西班...

🔥 繽紛郵輪領隊帶團︰十月全新船星辰公主號二航 🔥


第三代擁有這個神聖名字的遊輪,星辰公主號將展示新的玻璃穹頂空中花園 (The Dome)、中庭廣場 (The Piazza)上的超凡世界景觀、精選系列 (Signature Collection)高級客艙等。

🛳郵輪:星辰公主號 (Star Princess)
📊噸位:177,500 | 首航日期:2025 年
⭐郵輪評級:5 星
📆出發日期:2025 年 10 月 15 日

🔸內艙房 (Inside):每人加幣 $2898
🔹海景房 (Ocean View):每人加幣 $2948
🔸陽台房 (Balcony):每人加幣 $3248

設有陸地團 (華語領隊) 📢📢

數量有限,訂滿即止!想了解更多,快致電 6043598228 與我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問聯絡訂票啦🥰!
🔥 UCruising Tour leader: October's New Ship, Star Princess on Her Second Voyage 🔥

Recently, many customers have inquired about our October-November sailing routes. This time, we introduce the new ship, Star Princess, which has yet to officially sail. UCruising has specially arranged for everyone to take the second sailing route departing in mid-October, with embarkation and disembarkation in Barcelona, traveling through various destinations in France, the UK, and Spain. This route includes a special arrangement with a Bilingual Chinese-speaking tour leader, who will lead an early 3-day exploration of Barcelona and onshore sightseeing tours, allowing everyone to fully enjoy the maiden voyage journey.

This third-generation cruise ship, named with this sacred name, Star Princess will showcase a new glass dome sky garden (The Dome), extraordinary world views at The Piazza, and the Signature Collection’s luxurious cabins, among other features.

🛳 Cruise Ship: Star Princess
📊 Tonnage: 177,500 | Maiden Voyage Date: 2025
👥 Passenger Capacity: 4,300
⭐ Cruise Rating: 5 Stars
📆 Departure Date: October 15, 2025

🔸 Inside Cabin: CAD $2,898 per person
🔹 Ocean View Cabin: CAD $2,948 per person
🔸 Balcony Cabin: CAD $3,248 per person

The prices above are based on double occupancy, in Canadian dollars, and include the cruise fare, round-trip flight from Vancouver, and taxes, but do not include onboard gratuities and travel insurance.

Land Tour Available (with Bilingual Chinese-speaking tour leader) 📢📢
🚩 Pre-cruise 3-day Barcelona Tour: USD $598 per person
🚩 Onshore Sightseeing Tour: USD $468 per person

Tour fees are in USD (payment must be made in cash or by cheque) and do not include gratuities for the tour guide and travel insurance.

Limited availability, first-come-first-served! To learn more, call and contact our professional cruise travel consultants for bookings 🥰!
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)

🔥 繽紛領隊南美航前團回圖分享 🔥剛結束的南美航前秘魯馬丘比丘團,探索世界七大奇景、50個人生必到之處 — 空中迷城馬丘比丘、遊覽古印加帝國神秘地帶高山鹽田及梯田、乘坐小型觀光飛機高空觀賞世界遺產之一的納斯卡線條等多個精彩景點。如果大家想了...

🔥 繽紛領隊南美航前團回圖分享 🔥

剛結束的南美航前秘魯馬丘比丘團,探索世界七大奇景、50個人生必到之處 — 空中迷城馬丘比丘、遊覽古印加帝國神秘地帶高山鹽田及梯田、乘坐小型觀光飛機高空觀賞世界遺產之一的納斯卡線條等多個精彩景點。

如果大家想了解更多南美航線行程,記得關注我們專頁,或致電 6043598228 向我們專業的郵輪顧問查詢 🥰🥰🥰

🔥 最後召集︰荷美郵輪短線5天溫哥華來回 🔥不少客人詢問比較近期出發又抵玩的短線郵輪,純粹想坐郵輪離開溫哥華散心,今次介紹這個4月底出發的航線,溫哥華來回,方便省心,經西雅圖、維多利亞,現在訂購內艙房每人加幣$568含稅 (送船上消費每房$...

🔥 最後召集︰荷美郵輪短線5天溫哥華來回 🔥

不少客人詢問比較近期出發又抵玩的短線郵輪,純粹想坐郵輪離開溫哥華散心,今次介紹這個4月底出發的航線,溫哥華來回,方便省心,經西雅圖、維多利亞,現在訂購內艙房每人加幣$568含稅 (送船上消費每房$100)、陽台房每人加幣$668含稅 (送船上消費每房$200)。

🛳郵輪:Koningsdam (科林斯丹號)
📊噸位:99,863 | 翻新日期:2,018 年
📆出發日期:2025 年 04 月 22 日
🗾航線︰4晚加西沿岸 (來回溫哥華)
🔸內艙房 (Inside):每人加幣 $568 含稅
🔹有遮擋陽台房 (Obstructed Balcony):每人加幣 $668 含稅


優惠數量有限,訂滿即止!想了解更多,快致電 6043598228 與我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問聯絡訂票啦🥰!
🔥 Final Call: Holland America Line 5-Day Round Trip Vancouver Cruise 🔥

Many guests have been asking for short cruises that depart soon and offer great value, simply to unwind and enjoy a relaxing trip. This time, we’re introducing a 4-night cruise departing at the end of April, round trip from Vancouver, with stops in Seattle and Victoria. It's convenient and stress-free! Now, book an inside cabin for $568 CAD per person, including taxes (with a $100 onboard spending credit per room), or a balcony cabin for $668 CAD per person, including taxes (with a $200 onboard spending credit per room).

🛳 Cruise Ship: Koningsdam
📊 Tonnage: 99,863 | Refurbished in: 2018
📆 Departure Date: April 22, 2025
🗾 Itinerary: 4-Night West Coast (Round Trip Vancouver)
🔸 Inside Cabin: $568 CAD per person, including taxes
🔹 Obstructed Balcony Cabin: $668 CAD per person, including taxes

The above prices are per person, based on double occupancy, and include cruise fare and taxes. Does not include airfare, travel insurance, etc.

Limited availability, so book now before it’s sold out! For more details, contact our professional cruise travel consultants at 604-359-8228 to book your tickets 🥰!
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)

🔥 限時優惠︰2024年首航6星級豪華郵輪品牌 Explora Journeys Explora II 🔥今天介紹的郵輪是全新豪華郵輪品牌 Explora Journeys 2024年全新首航的 Explora II 今年11月頭出發的歐洲...

🔥 限時優惠︰2024年首航6星級豪華郵輪品牌 Explora Journeys Explora II 🔥

今天介紹的郵輪是全新豪華郵輪品牌 Explora Journeys 2024年全新首航的 Explora II 今年11月頭出發的歐洲航線,在巴塞隆那來回,經摩洛哥、葡萄牙、西班牙多個城市,一如以往價格包括酒水套餐、小費、無限 WIFI,現時獨家優惠再送岸上觀光消費券每房加幣$1000,淨船價海景陽台套房每人加幣$6398含稅!

秉承為眼光獨到的奢旅行家重新定義奢華郵輪旅行的願景,Explora Journeys 傳承300年航海世家的豐厚底蘊,結合歐式優雅的待客之道,奉上獨特“海闊心境(Ocean State of Mind)”旅行體驗,帶領追求高端體驗的眾賓客探索遼闊的壯麗的海洋和小精選目的地。

🛳郵輪公司:Explora Journeys
🚢郵輪名稱︰ Explora II
📊噸位:63,900 | 首航日期:2024 年
⭐郵輪評級:6 星
📆出發日期:2025 年 11 月 02 日
🔸海景陽臺套房 (Ocean Terrace Suite):每位加幣 $6398 包稅


優惠房間數量有限,訂滿即止!如想了解更多,請致電 6043598228 聯絡我們的專業郵輪旅遊顧問💗!
🔥 Limited Time Offer: 2024 Inaugural Voyage of the 6-Star Luxury Cruise Brand Explora Journeys - Explora II 🔥

Today, we're introducing the new luxury cruise brand Explora Journeys with its 2024 inaugural voyage on the Explora II. This European itinerary departs in early November from Barcelona, traveling through Morocco, Portugal, and several cities in Spain. As always, the price includes the beverage package, gratuities, and unlimited Wi-Fi. Currently, there's an exclusive offer with a $1000 CAD shore excursion voucher per room. The net cruise price for an oceanview balcony suite is $6398 CAD per person, including taxes!

Explora Journeys aims to redefine luxury cruise travel for discerning travelers. With a heritage of over 300 years of maritime excellence, the brand combines European elegance in hospitality, offering a unique "Ocean State of Mind" travel experience. It invites guests seeking a high-end experience to explore vast, magnificent oceans and carefully selected destinations.

🛳 Cruise Company: Explora Journeys
🚢 Cruise Name: Explora II
📊 Tonnage: 63,900 | Inaugural Voyage Date: 2024
👥 Passenger Capacity: 900
⭐ Cruise Rating: 6 Stars
📆 Departure Date: November 02, 2025
🗾 10-Day Western Europe: Spain, Portugal, and Morocco Tour
🔸 Ocean Terrace Suite: $6398 CAD per person, including taxes

The above price is per person, based on double occupancy, and includes the cruise fare and taxes. It does not include round-trip airfare or travel insurance.

Limited availability for these special rooms, so book now before it's sold out! For more information, please call 6043598228 and contact our professional cruise travel consultants 💗!
☎ 列治文時代坊店 Richmond Aberdeen Center (2nd floor Unit 2080)
☎ 本拿比麗晶廣場店 Burnaby Crystal Mall (1st floor Unit 1212)
☎ 溫哥華城市廣場購物中心店 Vancouver City Square Shopping Center (lower shops Unit K3)


Unit 1212, 4500 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 11am - 6pm
Sunday 11am - 6pm




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