Deep Fried Wagyu Beef Cutlet/ Wagyu Katsu (和牛カツ)
Let’s make a WAGYU KATSU!!
All you need is as below:
✔Kenwest’s Wagyu Beef – $56.00/ pack (5-6oz x 2pcs)
✅Bread crumbs
✅Beaten eggs
✅All propose flour
✅Vegetable Oil for deep frying
More info and more recipes are on our website.
Please check ⇒ link in bio💻⚠
#itadakimasu #katsu #japanesefood #love #meatlover #yvr #カツ #deepfried #wagyubeef #和牛 #さしが最高 #frozen #解凍してお使いください #easy #肉食 #vancouver #enjoy #ビデオお待たせしました #onlineshopping #YVR #foodie #暑いけど #牛カツは別物 #Gyukatuforhotday #newtrend
SEKIMAGOROKU Aofuji Japanese chef knife/Gyuto (牛刀)!!!
Just look at how this gorgeous made in Japan knife works and its sharpness and beauty.
Kenwest_Market item:
✔Chef Knife/Gyuto (牛刀) → $80.00
If you are interested, visit and check our shopping website → link in bio
🌟🍄Kenwest’s TIP🍄🌟
✔What is Chef Knife?🔊🔊🔊
Chef Knife/Gyuto (牛刀) (180mm):
This knife is known to make fine cuts for the food such as meats, fish, vegetables and fruits. This is a type of chef knife with a thinner blade and it holds a sharper edge than regular chef knife.
#japaneseknife #madeinjapan #kenwestmarket #thankyou #見た目も最高 #切る音も最高 #haveasafeweekend #良い週末を
#giveaway #ギブアウェイもやってるよ #日本製ナイフ #関孫六 #sekimagoroku #gyuto #牛刀 #yvr #vancouver #foodie #l4l #シェフナイフ #和包丁 #父の日のプレゼント #fathersdaygift #beautiful
Kenwest_Market recommends “MUST have ECOMPACT bag!!” 🎉
Cold and heat insulation with a large capacity! This is good for shopping and leisure.
Kenwest_Market item:
✔Eco bag (insulated) (くるくる巻きタイプ エコバッグ) → $20.00
*color options: Black and Blue, Black and Purple
👜Shop and more info 💻⚠→ link in bio 🔊
#video #ecobag #foldedtype #yvr #buzzing #エコバッグ #折りたたみ式 #コンパクト #収納に便利 #musthaveitem ##vancouver #kenwestmarket #onlineshopping #オンラインショッピング #productfromjapan #coolerbag #ユニーク#bag #picnic #BBQ #ピクニック#vancouverfoodie #必殺仕事人
#seriousface #follow4follow #forcus #イイネください
This Japanese Sashimi knife features its thread cutting blade. (SEKIMAGOROKU knives) Watch and see how it works!!
Kenwest_Market item:
✔SEKIMAGOROKU Japanese Sashimi knife (210mm) → $70.00
👜Check our shopping website💻 → link in bio✔
#gifu #sinleblade #sekimagoroku #関孫六 #和包丁 #刺身包丁 #糸切刃 #目玉 #日本製 #japaneseknife #thankyou #岐阜県 #刃物の町 #関市
#video #yvr #vancouver #foodie #包丁マニア #ケンウェストマーケット #kenwestmarket #切れ味最高 #シャープナーもあります
Have you tried our “Matsutake Peperoncino Pasta” recipe?
We also want you to try this ONSEN TAMAGO/ soft-boiled egg on top the pasta.
Matsutake/ pine mushroom + ONSEN TAMAGO = HOT IDEA💡😆💡
* You will love this flavourful pasta😇
🌟Kenwest Market item🌟
frozen sliced Matsutake → $12.00/100g pack
Shop and more info ⚠👜💻⚠▶▶▶ link in bio
✔How to make Matsutake Peperoncino pasta recipe idea ➡ check and click the link in bio ➡ go to our RECIPE IDEAS page ➡ check [4]
#kenwestmarket #like4like #arrangerecipeidea #rearrange #ケンウェストマーケット #アレンジしました #mushroomlover #pasta #きのこラバー#松茸 #しめじ #Itadakimasu #いただきます #あなたはどうやってだべるの #umami #旨味 #doyoulikethis #wonderfulideas #instafood #happymonday #温泉卵 #softboiledegg #follow4follow #tagsforlikes #igers #instadaily #絶対旨い#photooftheday #instamood
Matsutake Peperoncino Pasta
New recipe with our frozen sliced Matsutake!
You will love this flavourful pasta😇
Shop and more info ▶▶▶ link in bio
How to make Matsutake Peperoncino pasta ➡ check and click the link in bio ➡ go to our RECIPE IDEAS page ➡ check [4]
#slicedmatsutake #frozen #pasta #松茸 #冷凍 #recipe #lovemushrooms
#kenwestmarket #linkinbio #recipes #checkourshoppingsite #詳細はリンクをご覧ください #パスタ #うまい #リピしたいくらいのうまさ #chefkay #thankyouforwatching #本当に美味しいです
Thank you all for participating in giveaway!!
And the winner for our very first giveaway🎁🎉 is…
Please DM us within 12hours (by February 10th Wednesday midnight) to claim your prize!!
Thank you.
#giveaway #kenwestgiveaway #valentinespecial #2021 #familydayspecial #winner #kenwestmarket #uni #ikura #matsutake #thankyou #dm #うに #ギブアウェイ #ケンウェスト #食卓を華やかに #feb #ourfirstgiveaway
NEW recipe with our Frozen Broken Matsutake!!!
SIMPLE way of cooking!!
“Sautéed Matsutake with butter and soy sauce”
Check this video! All the info you would like to know is in it.
The item we used in this video:
Frozen Broken Matsutake $30/500g
Shop and more info → link in bio
How to make Sautéed Matsutake with butter and soy sauce. →
For the quick access → link in bio → go to our RECIPE IDEAS page → check [3]
Delivery Fee: $10
*If you buy $150 or more, you get FREE delivery!!
Please enter the coupon code when you are purchasing on our shopping website.
Delivery areas: Burnaby, Vancouver, New Westminster, Richmond, Surrey, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Coquitlam and Port Moody
#newidea #recipe #fronzenpinemushroom #Matsutake #松茸 #kenwestmarket #localdeliveryservice #エリア限定 #freshuniもあるよ #frozenikuraもやってる #thankyou #linkinbio #check #youlovethis #bc #followus #please #バター醤油最高 #ソテー #saute
“How to make TEMAKI SUSHI with our IKURA” video is here!!
One of the best way to have uur new item, IKURA/marinated chum salmon caviar!!
*NEW Item*
Frozen IKURA/frozen marinated chum salmon caviar - $25.00/tray (200g)
Shop and more info➡ link in bio
Delivery Fee: $10
*If you buy $150 or more, you get FREE delivery!!
Please enter the coupon code when you are purchasing on our shopping website.
Delivery areas: Burnaby, Vancouver, New Westminster, Richmond, Surrey, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Coquitlam and Port Moody
#chumsalmoncaviar #marinatedikura #味付けいくら #newitem #新商品 #うに #uni #Ikura#ローカル宅配 #エリア限定 #matsutake #カナダ産 #frozen #fresh #localdelivery #pinemushroom #tastykenwestitems #freshuni #freshseaurchin #itadakimasu #2021 #freedelivery #promotion #kenwestmarket #tasty #arigato #video #recipe #thankyouforwatching #staysafe