Crucial steps to audit and improve topical authority of website :
To improve the topical authority of an SEO Project, in the context of entity-oriented search, the methods below can be used.
- Compare the entities within different web pages.
- Compare the context and content angle for these entities.
- Compare the facts, prepositions, and semantic role labels for these entities.
- Compare the questions on the competing web pages.
- Compare the Site-wide and Page-level N-Grams of the web pages.
- Compare the web page layout of the web pages (web page design can affect the meaning and context of the entities within the web page)
- Compare the anchor texts from outgoing, and incoming links for these web pages.
- Take all of the attributes of the specific entity, and give them an order based on the relatedness of the attribute for the source, and the popularity of the attribute to generate better questions.
- Use a clear sentence structure for all of the prepositions.
- Do not dilute the context of the web page with irrelevant opinions, or analogies, and other types of entities.
- Process the same entity or same entities from the same type with the same context from start to end.
Courtesy: Tugberk GUBUR