SGL Audio

SGL Audio SGL Audio Is My company I am an Independent Freelance Audio System Tech and Live Sound Engineer with Over 35 years experience.


today i say ouch but tomorrow i say im still here :) so what should i listen to this evening ? Daring Greatly live , Curious George live , Big yellow Van Live , Red mile High live , Richard James Tichelman Live , Awab Paracha live , Play Ground Zone Live , Krank'd Live . April Rush Live , Steve The Steve McQueen Band live , Waisted Nation live , Kim Mitchel live , oh and so Manny more . ? YYC YYC - Calgary's Premier RUSH experience Men without hats live and about 800 hours of Monday and saturday jams from yester year or Police Squad tribute to the police or shall i listen to Phantom of the opera ,or Les Miserable , or Jesus Christ Super Star , or Yanni or Genius live or Pink Floyd , or Ian Tyson live or , The Rest of the hundreds of shows If done in 45 years not Pink Floyd although I did a 3 day sound course with there engineer .. maybe some Chuck Rose .. or Rick Tough , or Harry Cheapen, or some ya you get the drift it's al so amazing and the list will go on forever .... country, jazz, folk , rock, what ever music i have and love live it all :) so my choice ya baby Jean-Michel Jarre Fanclub and yes i met him and have all his music :)


well now for yet even mor distressing news lol Y doc apt next week Schedule Mri and oh ya yet another nerve Ablation on the right lower back :) lol old age sucks :) My doc Across the street saw me limping today and well he has put it in the works Dam, im okay not as bad I was but it's ya coming back ha ha ha ya sorry The whole Back thing :) lol what next ????hmmm :) lol


Well what an incredible start to an amazing September .. now for what may seem like a long winded post but I'll make this short :) . lol .. as the sound tech at The Kings Head Eatery & Music Room I get the pleasure to work with so many talented and gifted Musicians !!!! there is never a show when magic happens that i don't get goose bumps and Not shy to admit tears in my eyes when it happens. My goal as the house Engineer is to make the talent on the stage comfortable and put them in a pocket where they can bring to life the music they play. If the talent is comfortable the magic will and dose happen !!! the next goal is to bring that forth to the Audience. It becomes easy to do so if the talent is comfy on stage, I'm very humbled by all the complements and respect The bands have for me as I do for them. I'm well a Bit of a softy when it comes to emotions But !!!!! I will say this ,Every single day I work as how is another moment we will never forget .. I want to say thanks to all the Musicians and send my love and respect to all . So to close What this month will bring is beyond fun it's so incredible so much to see and hear and dance to and ya Very cool Schedule . Go to the web site trust me this month is just the start of what will be even bigger and better ... Love you all And Happy pride to all.


well time to say good night and Listen to some music and cry a tear for i say good by for 9 months to a talented young man whom will be back in June :) We all In YYC love you Awab Paracha take care and we look forward to next summer when you come home from year 1 of 4 at college/university . night all look out September we be burning down the house to coin a phrase :) love yo all


Saturday of last I had a blast , today Mr Timothy J came by my studio to meet a talented young man and short visit Martin rep Tim is :) but wow so cool Mr Awab Paracha look out Samuel John Coulson he is back in June :)
I so lucky to be able to connect talent with talent .. I have not felt this posative in a long time . The music industry is rebounding lead by the old troopers but the young are grasping it and working at it, there is new life new original music not driven by the arrhythmical algorithm ,,,, these young folks are writing there own and independent and not driven by the big corporations that are dictating , ya I know how it works but dam I love the fact that there is an answer other than the dictators of the industry ...


ya know if i had a firm schedule 4 months out I could have gone to Edmonton for the big Metallica show but nope this will change very soon Trust me but it's way to late so hope all my YYC peeps that were there and a great many at that had an awesome show experiencing , I got the full rundown of the production from industry folks and so freaking cool I have heard from folks that went and all i have heard was it was awesome !!!!!!! :) Meyer Panther Pa ya baby !!!!!!


I never get the chance to say this very often but I am so great-full to have the opportunity to have worked with the thousands of Industry people in Music , Film , System techs ,Musicians , Stage crew , promoters, and the list can go on forever. I want to say one thing that all of us in the industry can relate to. We are a family ! and I love every single one of you I have ever worked with the list is massive going on 61 years old this year I have taken the time to look back at my Carrier. WOW !!! 45 going on 46 years in this industry and I'm in tears even when i mix a Jam at kings or a Band or do some work in my little humble studio, when I look back at all the good and bad, the good out ways the bad 9 times out of ten ..

I love all of you and look out Kings Head The Kings Head Eatery & Music Room we got some fun Stuff coming OMG I can't wait for this month of September . Magic moments in the works folks This will be a blast !!! :) love you all ...


well folks time to begin yet another project :) mixing yet another live show and then mastering for yet another Stunning Band in Calgary . so that Make s i have so much work to do on top of all the other projects im finishing off this week . 2 years to late John BYV ???? you still need to come finish this :) lol ah the life of busy Musicians and Engineers sigh lol..


My brain is officially fried lol Dam computer s**t updates etc 2 days of it erg how ever it's done 5 computers and 3 apple products OMFG my brain hurts lol


what is so cool ya baby the temp for this time of day :) lol chilly 14 c right now us canuks withe the recent heat wave :) ya we can handle this ..
keeps the studio gear cool :)lol


well wholly crap I'm getting caught up in a sense on the studio work , some 3 live recordings done only 8 more to go :) lol many think my house gig at The Kings Head Eatery & Music Room is the just that 4 days a week :) nope >>>> :) lol I have other stuff i do :) . Besides i'd love to do the festivals etc . but at my age I'm a brief case tech :) back issues but hey im in better shape than i was a year ago so that's cool .
So I will have an announcement in a week or so about a very special 2 day how do i put this to recognize and support and a great send of to an Incredible young man as he goes off to a 4 year Universality degree and masters in Music . so I will fill you all in those who know in YYC that have played with this young man will know . But ya I have a big send off for him .. and we He and i start a recording session next week :) be well folks >>>>>:) see ya all soon you know where to find me :)


Folks we as Alberta Folks now more than ever need to unite to help all those displaced by all the wild fires. Let us all Dig deep and do everything we can to support those displaced. we Have the Heart and soul So lets all of us open our hearts to all and help in any way we can . !!!!!!!


well me gots the best mechanics :) and then there is me well im Not to shabby but you have to be 60 years old and own a oh ??? 30 year old vehicle :) and well im real good with a wrench ??? now where is my ten mill ?????? and no thanks to Face book the second i said 10 mill they cold cocked me to re word in real time. like what the f**k ? we are in a world of hurt folks and here we go again :((((


OMG I'm having an or**sm I'm in love with the total sensitivity and accuracy of my analog K 3 OMG I so Love this desk Wow so subtle I can be very creative when mixing on this desk Wow I forgot what it was like to mix on this Beauty ..... time for for more of this mix down on the beast :)

OMG  my gal I loved working with Tina she is a true legend

OMG my gal I loved working with Tina she is a true legend

http://tinaturnerblog.comTina Turner (60 at the time) performing her classic hit Proud Mary live at Wembley stadium in 2000.2020 👉🏽 Order 'That's My Life' ...


Well Next up Matt Beatty live at The Kings Head Eatery & Music Room Sunday Alberta Acoustic Artist show Case , and Well Thee host with the most Mr. Rick Tough as your host and folks I can tell you this Rick has brought such an amassing line up of artists and so many more to come your way Sunday is an incredible immersive experience you will not want to miss I am so Proud to work with Rick and this weekly show It brings me great Pleasure .


Ya baby if i cant go out of town as my plans for this week has gotten sidelined no matter I'm going to immerse my self in self indulgence !!! Yup lock the freaking doors and just spend time in the studio and music !!! unlike you all think im all about rock !! ya nope Country nope not a fan anymore of country but Huge fan of of artist like Yani , Kitaro , and Jean Jean-Michel Jarre Fanclub and so much more .. :) Classical and opera and indie and well oops music that is melodic soothing and relaxing is my gig this week oh and well what ever else happens to cross my path ..

you all see my slow start to unwinding :) you have no clue how the music i have in my collection is so unlike anything you will ever see me do at Kings head .. Used to do it all the Time at the Jubilee, and Jack singer concert hall .. my big homes as a house guy not so much the jack singer as Jack was The House tech God bless him And I miss him RIP Jack . The Jubilee was My home for 25 years and the shows wow of the Charts fun :) and the music OMG so different . Soon that may be the kind of stuff i do before I retire. once again ..

lest I forget the tours of yester year way back :) lol I am a massive Huge Classical music Fanatic and opera as well .. so if you all want a diverse Music night sitting out side in the back yard starring at a fire in the fire pit .. :) sound system is there :) lol trust me I can have a night of total bliss at all levels .. and ya the park across the street go bird watching look for frogs :) lol kid thing . so ya what ever .. While i write this I'm listing to Yani but not something you can find on you tube this was very early years before he broke huge .. and yes 3 studio albums prior to his big break out .there !!!! you all learned something to day :) lol .. love you all and remember this music heals all emotions and speaks the message of life and emotions so pick your music wisely it can evoke a huge range of emotions .. and is also the universal language ..... there is always an interpretation ...


OMG i Just Found recording Of Quest Dream Zone Album wow Talk about a long time ago Loved these boys !! Shel Bar Ryley was there former Name they Had an album out and the #1 track at that time was Called Harder All The Time ... man I miss those days Love you all Boys Miss ya all


hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm music ?? I'm at home in the studio and well I searching for the right music to get me out of a bit of a blue stressed funk .. so what do i do plug in all 4 external hard drives and then stare :) lol so then i go wait a sec !!! off to the Tape storage and boom Baby Nothing better so Now I search through 400 Cassette tapes :) lol ah yes the challenge is real folks :) I did some dam good mixed music tapes in my youth :) lol


folks I have a very important announcement I hit a brick wall today and that said .. after I'm done my shifts at Kings head this Sunday I am taking some time off .. 3 days of golf and living out of my van and being a slob :) lol . For real Folks I need some me time No phone no nothing I have not had a holiday in ten years and I want to also take a drive out to barberry and then a bit west to teapeploe creek, were My child hood friend and I were fishing. we ran out of day light had all the farmers and parents and chopper from oil company looking for us .Well thanks to His Dad Ross Moore and My dad and grandparents and all we two kids Mike and i survived:) very long story But here we are and Mike is the Boss for the Calgary hit men Hockey club :) . so I'm going to take a trip as it were To my world as a kid that i miss so much, was my grounding and Blissful piece away from all the noise ...


well folks I have an announcement.. On Monday June 17th I am of for yet more testing and diagnostics :) this time it's for My eyes. ya ya ya im old lol im 60 and it may be time for some intervention :) those that know me know I use reading Glasses , over the last year I have begun to notice my long range site is getting less so why the hell not get this dealt with !!! :) that way I can catch the drummers and there shot's better so the lights follow the song better :) lol Oh wait I know this song yup instinct click here now :) lol ... Now for the BIG News... yikes !!! today had my ears flushed .. Quite now folks please No whispering..... yelling or any loud music I can hear my cat snore from 30 Feet away :) lol . my audio gram today was a massive shock to me Doc said at 60 you still have better hearing than most teenagers and your frequency responses are stunning yes there are dips here and there but nothing to be concerned about . the doctor was so impressed as was I to say the least I'm celebrating a win at my age this is so cool !!! Thanks to all of you fine people I love so much . ever onward and forward see you at the next show !!


Such and great Jam yesterday Hosted By Hard Drive at The Kings Head Eatery & Music Room So many great folks out Wow !!! love you all


Dam !!!! I Get to work with the top Line Musicians Canada has to offer ... I am Truly Humbled by the awesome talent Over 45 years in My carrier and WOW Factor of all the off the charts talented Young young talent. There is hope folks. Music is the savior we are all looking for , Bless all of you that have the The Kings Head Eatery & Music Room and a cool old sound guy :) Love you all !!!!!!!


you want to know what pi**es me of as as sound guy in a club when you let the band mix there own in ears and they forget to sing and play and i run out of head room cause there in ears are so loud and set for there personal pleasure that they forget they are playing for an audience. Well this will end soon Time for teaching bands! an I have control !!! hint don't play the game with me or else your show will suck and you will loose your spot !!!!! in short trust me the sound guy with 44 year plus dont f**k with me folks Cause i will make you work to play .. so pi**ed with this s**t club bands beware . dont cross me !!!! you will regret it !!!!!! that said I'm making a point Here to teach !!!!not Condemn just be ware we that run the rig well Me :) lol Know our s**t !!!!!~~ so take head ..


Ah the wonderful world Of Life many things going on Back at My club Gig and Working in the studio Getting to the big 60 Date Have Hundreds of pics shows and stuff to share Very little time . soon I will Have the time to post the last 5 years worth of stuff . till then ya way to much going on .


Calgary, AB

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm



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