Thank you MaryAnn! Without your generosity,visiting this country on my bucket list would have never happened!
Now I only want to sell Jordan!
Yalla Yalla Habibi! Let’s go friends 🇯🇴
Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 798 2232 1791 Passcode: kzY6j6
I ❤️Tuesday’s!
Oh 🎶Baby, Baby, Baby🎶
Our Travelworld family has grown! Congratulations to Beth Storey and family on the safe arrival of her beautiful grandchildren.
What the heck? Plane sightings!!! Transat planes taking off and landing right here in Collingwood! ✈️ 🎄🌴 #transat
✈️I’m so excited to say Happy Travel Professionals Day to all my industry colleagues! In good times and in bad we all continue to rise above #tourismstrong ✈️
A message of encouragement from our colleague Diane Edwards during these unprecedented times. We are still working remotely to do what we do best, serve you, our clients. Although we cannot predict the future, we will be here to help you fulfil your dream vacations when the time is safe to do so. We are committed to our loyal clients. We are resilient. We are your local travel professionals, here for you before , during and after this crisis has passed. All the best and stay safe, Angela Piercey, Shawn Mclean and Maryann Winterton
Push Play 😉
News Flash! Transat’s New Flexibility Policy!
Call us for more information:705 429 4292
We are a little creepy but don’t be afraid to book your winter vacation with us.Happy Halloween Everyone!