We've managed to organize another iteration of our very popular on-line weather forecasting course. The last time we offered this it filled up in about 24 hours so don't delay in registering if you want to take it.
Everything we do in the outdoors relies more on one variable than any other: THE WEATHER.
As professional guides and avalanche forecasters some of the most common questions we get are "where do you get your weather" or "which website is best to get my weather information from".
Most of the weather forecasts that people look at these days are output from numerical weather models about which users know little of the strengths and limitations. To really get a handle on the weather you need a basic grasp of how weather works and access to resources other than just numerical model outputs.
Join meteorologist Matt Macdonald for a short training that will significantly up your weather game. In two, one hour, online sessions separated by a week for you to practice in between them, Matt will teach you a forecasting process that will improve your weather predicting capabilities many fold.
It's All About the Weather! Everything we do in the outdoors relies more on one variable than any other: THE WEATHER. Join meteorologist Matt Macdonald for a short training that will significantly up your weather game. In two, one hour, online sessions separated by a week for you to practice in betw...