Surfs Up
Sometimes a beach is not a beach and sometimes it was a beach but now it's gone so it's not a beach.
A colorful view of the Eladesor area .... Happy Halloween.
Day 8 of GeoRoadTrip 2021 - Day 8 - Into the Rockies
Hand Hills Paskapoo Bounlders
Experimenting with 3D Stitching software
Glacial Lakes circa 13,000 years ago. The lakes formed behind ice dams. Periodically the ice dams broke producing a GLOF (glacial lake outburst flood.
The GLOF would sweep down the paleo Red Deer or other drainages picking up windblown rock dust (loess) and deposit it in the next glacial lake downstream. I have counted 25+ flood layers north of Rosedale! I believe these GLOF's did most of the 100 meters of valley downcutting.
These are the tan-colored sediments we see along the rim of the valley.
Cretaceous Seed
Paleobotany is often overlooked in paleontological circles. Kevin opens a whole new adventure in our rocks.
Drumheller is blessed with a lot of great scientists and experts. And many like Kevin are great storytellers.
The Strolling Drumheller Bentonitic Mudballs
Strolling Mudballs
This is a great example of a Catastrophic earth process ... these mudballs were formed and transported in less than an hour.
GIS glacial model mash up is coming together. Glacial lakes: Red Deer, Drumheller and Bassano and edge of ice in white.
Red areas are mega-ripples on the lee side of the rim around GL Bassano - it appears to have been "over topped".
Was it a massive outburst flood from GL Drumheller? Or a influx of a sub glacial mega flood from the retreating Laurentide ice sheet? Or a meteorite impact splash ... the age is between 12.5 and 13,000 bp (12.9 postulated impact)
Stay tuned ...
Virtual GeoTourism: Earthview Google Extention
Every time I open a new tab on the web I am greeted with a beautiful earth image. Then I can explore with zooms and rotations.
Warning: highly addictive to earth scientists.
This spectacular folding is from Petermann, Australia.
#geotourism #3dvisualization #geology #tourism