#Alberta recently announced its #nominationcertificate limits for the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program #AAIP and highlighted its efforts to invite #healthcare workers. The federal Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada sets annual limits for Provincial Nominee Program candidates that each province can nominate.
On May 22, 2024, Alberta confirmed its AAIP allocation of 9,750 nominations for the year, matching last year's number. In 2023, Alberta issued 10,029 nomination certificates, including 279 through a #federalExpressEntry buffer.
On May 1, 2024, the AAIP invited 40 candidates under the Dedicated #HealthcarePathway with a #minimumscore of 305 points. Additionally, Alberta has invited a total of 499 candidates through the #AAIPExpressEntry streams this year.
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Family means everything, and Canada is a place where families can come together. Discover how you can bring your parents to Canada and create beautiful memories with them. Let's start this journey together!
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#BritishColumbia has recently invited over 77 candidates through various streams of the #ProvincialNomineeProgram. These include Skilled Worker and International Graduate options, which align with the #ExpressEntry British Columbia pathway. The #invitations targeted professionals with experience in sectors like #healthcare, #childcare, #construction, #Technology, and #veterinarycare.
Minimum scores varied from 80 to 120 across different draws, reflecting sector priorities. The International Graduate stream requires candidates to have graduated from a Canadian institution in the last three years and secured a job offer from a British Columbia employer. This initiative supports British Columbia's goal of attracting skilled workers to address industry needs.
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The Government of #Canada has announced a new measure to support #skilledtemporaryworkers in #Manitoba through the #ProvincialNomineeProgram. The policy allows temporary residents whose #workpermits expire in 2024 to continue working in the province while they apply for the Provincial Nominee Program. These workers, mainly post-graduation work permit holders, are in the Manitoba #SkilledWorker Provincial Nominee Program Expression of Interest pool and are contributing to Manitoba's economy and cultural diversity.
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π£ Canada is changing the #StartupVisa and Self-Employed Persons programs to reduce immigration backlogs and improve processing times! Effective April 30, 2024:
The Start-up Visa Program will cap #permanentresidence applications to focus on the best proposals. Priority for those supported by Canadian capital or Canada's Tech Network #business incubators.
The Self-Employed Persons Program is pausing new applications to clear the backlog. This program supports creatives and athletes.
These changes will help ensure a faster and more efficient #immigration process for #entrepreneurs . π¨π¦β¨
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Get in touch with us today to start your journey toward reuniting with your loved one in Canada.
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#IRCC has unveiled the process behind the allocation of #studypermits to #Canadianprovinces for the year 2024. Following the announcement of implementing a cap on study permit applications, IRCC clarified that each province's allocation of study permits would be determined based on its population size. Some regions would see an increase in international students compared to 2023, while others would experience a decline. To mitigate adverse effects, IRCC adjusted allocations for provinces receiving fewer permits. Additionally, provinces expected to receive a surplus of #internationalstudents had their allocations capped at 10% of their population. Furthermore, IRCC provided additional permits to provinces with an approval rate below 60% to meet their targets.
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#Immigration Minister Marc Miller has revealed plans for a reduction in the number of temporary residents over the next three years, marking a notable shift in Canadian immigration policy. The initial #cap is set to be enforced in September, reflecting concerns over the country's heavy reliance on temporary foreign workers to mitigate #laborshortages.
This measure aims to ensure a more sustainable approach to managing the number of #temporaryresidents entering Canada. Recent years have seen a notable increase in temporary #residents, with the current count reaching 2.5 million, a stark rise from the figures recorded in 2021. Additionally, previous restrictions on the admission of international students have been introduced, further highlighting Canada's evolving stance on #immigration. This shift signifies a departure from the nation's historically open immigration policies, indicating a more regulated approach to managing temporary residency in the country.
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The Government of #Canada is adjusting temporary measures under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program #TFWP in response to changing market conditions. Following increased demand in the post-pandemic economy, low #unemploymentrates, and record-high job vacancy rates in 2022, the TFWP implemented several policy changes to address labor shortages. Honourable Randy Boissonnault, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages, announced that certain time-limited measures under the TFWP will not be renewed and will end earlier than planned.
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The #ExpressEntry system in #Canada has remained active in 2024, issuing #invitationstoapply across all three of its programs. Understanding the makeup of the candidate pool is crucial for predicting Comprehensive Ranking System cut-off scores and draw sizes. While predicting these factors accurately is challenging, several trends can assist newcomers in anticipating upcoming draws.
Canada's #immigration levels plan, which outlines the number of immigrants welcomed annually, particularly impacts draw sizes and limits for Express Entry. In 2024, Canada plans to welcome 280,000+ #immigrants through economic streams, with 110,000+ coming through Express Entry.
As of February 27th, 2024, there were 211,487 candidates in the Express Entry pool, exhibiting a diverse range of #CRS scores. The majority of candidates fall below the #CRSscore range of 451-500, indicating the variety within the pool.
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