Can't find your decorations? Lights in a giant knot? Closets, Pantries and offices are my specialty but I can help with any type of organizing you need.
Does the thought of opening your boxes of decorations send you to the computer looking for hot destinations to escape to? Are you wondering when and how you are going to set up the tree and decorate between work, soccer/hockey and sc
hool concerts? Do your nightmares feature talking nutcrackers tangled in Christmas lights? I sparkle with excitement to trim a tree and set out your decorations. Or if you are looking for something new - I can help you revamp and add to your new collection.
{PosT pARtY ClEan-uP}
Planning a little get together with libations? Dreading the morning after shuffle to the kitchen for coffee - only to find that your cupboards threw-up all your stemware and dishware... complete with the leftover snacks? I will arrive at your house as you are stumbling to bed. You will awaken to a "Christmas Miracle"... Everything in its place, sparkling clean.
Hate the Mall/fighting for parking/snowy roads? Have counted down - minutes until Christmas Eve shopping closes - while you scramble for gifts for your wife/husband/mother? Give me a list of specifics and I will pick them up for you.
Out of Scotch tape at 2am Christmas morning because your 5yr old wrapped his own gifts with the entire Costco case of tape? Do your presents come out looking like a folded fitted sheet? Look mommy, Santa has the same wrapping paper as you!... oops! You remembered, but where the heck did I hide the Santa Paper? Oh how I love the wrapping! Sparkly, Colourful joy. Pretty Bows and Ribbons. Colour coordinating for each person. Your Paper or mine. Delivery is available.
{mY fEeS}
Promotion for the Holiday Season ~ $30/hr (regular $45/hr)
Post Party Clean-Up ~ $100/hr