Choose For Your Next Trip. It's simple, of course. Our agents understand your needs, and work hard to help you plan the perfect escape. We know what Hotels, Airlines and Resorts are friendly. Even better, our LGBT Travel Specialists want to help you make friends in a safe and welcoming environment. can help with LGBT friendly vacations tailored to LGBT travel. Travel co
nfidently and mingle with people of like mind and spirit in some of the most beautiful destinations in the world while saving money with our amazing vacation packages, tours and cruises. Warm sun, art and culture, ethnic restaurants, adventurous activity, exciting nightlife--any and all are available to the LGBT traveler, complete with a more open and LGBT-friendly vibe. No matter what the vacation preferences, there is something sure to meet the desires of LGBT's looking for the perfect vacation spot. Why We Need LGBTtravel.Ca? Choice is a beautiful thing, you can choose to support destinations, hotels, tour companies and even airlines that that have pride in the LGBT community and in return you will enjoy an amazing friendly vacation. These days, many destinations qualify as LBGT-friendly vacation spots. Business-savvy hotels, resorts and restaurants are eager to welcome LGBT travelers who, according to Community Marketing Inc.'s 2010 LGBT Tourism Study, spend over $60 billion annually in the United States alone. As a result, LGBT vacationers have more travel options than ever before. We create the ultimate personalized friendly travel experience you will never forget. Contact us by phone (855.464.8787), email ([email protected]) or visit us at our Edmonton Location (180-4211-106 Street)
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