One of our geosites was just named to a very prestigious Geological Heritage Sites list today!
The “Old Wife” rock formation located in Five Islands Provincial Park was named to the Second 100 International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) Heritage Sites list at the 37th International Geological Congress in Busan, Republic of Korea. The prestigious list was a follow-up to the First 100 IUGS Geological Heritage Sites announced in 2022.
The Old Wife is one of Nova Scotia’s most striking coastal vistas, and one of the best exposures of a monumental event in Earth history – the breakup of the supercontinent Pangea 200 million years ago, and birth of the modern continents and Atlantic Ocean. As Pangea ripped apart, the greatest outpouring of lava in Earth history gave rise to one of the Five (or Six) mass extinction events in the history of Life, wiping out the competitors of the dinosaurs and ushering in the true reign of the famous reptiles.
More than 700 experts from 80 nations and 16 international organizations participated in this global endeavor, which consolidates the recognition of geological heritage by the IUGS. Sites receive recognition for their high scientific value as the world’s best demonstrations of geologic features and processes. They are sites of fabulous discoveries of Earth’s history. The IUGS believe that recognition and visibility of these special places can lead to their further appreciation, use as educational resources, and, to their preservation.
“The Second 100” as well as the “First 100” are attractively illustrated and described in a coffee table book than can be downloaded and purchased on the website of the International Commission on Geoheritage: www.iugs-geoheritage.org.