PIRGtopia--11:00 am – 2:00 pm (Mills Plaza) A showcase of the various OPIRG working groups that cover a range of social and environmental issues. We assure you that you will find a group which will interest you!
From 11:15-12:15pm: a drum circle. If you can, bring your own rhythm instruments!
From 12:30-1:30pm, “Many Hands” Puppet Group , an amazing visual display!
FairTrade Brunch--12:30pm-2:30pm (MUSC 230) A delicious assortment of fairtrade food for FREE. A great opportunity to learn more about the importance of fairtrade. Co-sponsored by MACycle, MACgreen & Camino.
Rebellion 1A03- 3:30-4:30pm (MUSC 230)
In this discussion, we're gonna talk about rebellion; why we do it, and why you should, too! We'll touch on recent events such as the Quebec Student Strike, Occupy Wall Street, and the Toronto G20 summit and branch out into brainstorming on how to reclaim our lives from the misery and boredom of industrial capitalism. Come chat! (or listen or whatever).
Dub Poetry Workshop/Open Mic Night—8-10:30pm (Bridges Cafe)
8-9pm- Poetry Workshop with Louis Stroud:What is a quote? Why are some so important to us? Here we will play around and create our own "famous" quotes. -One day i hope my writing will become so infamous... that even i will quote them- me
9-10:30pm- An open mic night facilitated by Hamilton’s legend, Klyde Broox! Bring your talent or support our local poets!^