Shredpack is a tribe of shredders who ultimately share the same passions for the snow and adventure, a vision of a united mountain communities and goals to inspire adventure, happiness, health and wellbeing. Services Provided:
Mountain to mountain tours. The Shredpack team offers a unique road trip to various mountains in canada. 1 day, 3 day and 5 day trips to mountains of your choice. Organiza
tion of accommodation, meals, tickets, van and driver provided. Have a crew and want to experience other ski resorts send us a message and we can organize a quote. Designed to accommodate the budget of a traveler. Grocery online ordering and delivery from Costco. Mountain information - Whats good to eat!, where to shred in terms of the snow, up and coming events. Create a Mountain vibe with a true Apres, on hill event planning, and fresh party experiences. Sharing the knowledge of the vast amount of skiing/boarding opportunities in the interior of British Colombia
Our dream is to have all the resorts working together, allowing all to participate in the magic of the snow, inspire healthy eating, adventure and travel on a budget. Are you Working, Living or even Travelling to British Colombia? Come Shred with the pack! Send us an email. Official Website coming soon!