Montage de médailles Patrick Lachance Medal Mounting

Montage de médailles Patrick Lachance Medal Mounting Medal Mounting Service, situated in Kingston, Ontario, professional work and guaranteed. more than 10 years into business. Service offert a travers le canada.

Service de montage de médailles situé au Kingston, Ontario. travail professionnel et garanti, plus de 10 ans d’expérience. Service de montage de médailles, mini médailles, vétérans, légion, première et deuxième guerre mondiale, cadets, shadow box. plus de 10 ans d'expérience et de travail de qualité. Vos médailles seront parfaites! Medal mounting service, mini medals, veterans, cadets, legion, ww1

, ww2, shadow box. morr than 10 years of quality and experience. Offering our service canada wide. Your medals will be perfects!

To show difference in the new undress ribbon policy, there are two sets of the same ribbons, one is the former policy(st...

To show difference in the new undress ribbon policy, there are two sets of the same ribbons, one is the former policy(still valid if member want it) and new policy, 4 ribbons large.

It was fun to make!

Beautiful group of medals, I received alot of Coronation medals before Christmas and now. Thats great !  Notice the Two ...

Beautiful group of medals, I received alot of Coronation medals before Christmas and now. Thats great ! Notice the Two UK version! 🇨🇦🇬🇧

First 4 row ribbon bar, how do you like it?This is according to the new dress and deportment policy.

First 4 row ribbon bar, how do you like it?
This is according to the new dress and deportment policy.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a happy New Year filled with health, wealth, and happiness!The year 2024 was inc...

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a happy New Year filled with health, wealth, and happiness!

The year 2024 was incredibly busy, but no complaints here—it’s always a good sign when you’re busy because it means you’re doing something right! Exciting new projects are on the horizon for 2025, so stay tuned!

This is what the new medals mounting policy look like! Its great, it doesnt change much, it will just be more tricky for...

This is what the new medals mounting policy look like! Its great, it doesnt change much, it will just be more tricky for those with 4 rotation bars
Have a great week!

Effective today, the 12 December, The Canadian Forces' Decoration will now be with the King Charles III effigy. You will...

Effective today, the 12 December, The Canadian Forces' Decoration will now be with the King Charles III effigy.

You will slowly see a change during the next year.

Big news!!!!

Changes to Canadian Armed Forces Medal Court MountingCourt Mountings. Court mounting shall be used. The length from the ...

Changes to Canadian Armed Forces Medal Court Mounting

Court Mountings.
Court mounting shall be used. The length from the top of the medal bar suspender to the bottom edge of the medal shall be 9 cm. In rare cases where a recipient has an especially long insignia (i.e. a foreign award), expansion up to 9.5 cm will be permitted. The ribbons and medals shall be mounted on a panel, its size being determined by the number of ribbons worn. The lower edge of the panel shall be in line with the centre of the medals. Commencing from the lower edge, each ribbon runs up the front of the panel to the top and back down to the medal. The medals shall then be stitched to the panel to prevent them from swinging. This method prevents medals from clinking against each other.

Members who fall under the old 10 cm policy do not have to modify their medals mounting. It should be only done by attrition/new mounting.

Ribbon bars
The number of ribbons worn in a single row is governed by the physique of the individual and the type of garment being worn. The grouping, however, shall respect the following conditions:
ribbons shall not be fully obscured by the lapel of the garment;

a maximum of four ribbons may be worn in a single row on authorized service dress jackets;

up to four ribbons may be worn in a single row on short-sleeved shirts;

where four ribbons cannot be worn in a single row without one becoming fully obscured, ribbons shall be worn in two rows, with three ribbons on the bottom and the senior ribbon centred above;

ribbons shall not be arranged in more rows than are necessary to comply with these instructions;

where more than one row of ribbons is worn, no row shall contain fewer ribbons than the row above;

when more than one row of ribbons is worn, a single ribbon shall not be worn as a lower row;
succeeding rows shall, without fully obscuring any ribbon, be centred above the lower row;

when there is such a significant number of ribbons that centering the two ribbons above or the single ribbon above a full row causes the ribbons to be obscured by the lapel, then the ribbons may be left justified as appropriate; and

where more than one row of ribbons is worn, no row shall contain fewer ribbons than the row above;

when more than one row of ribbons is worn, a single ribbon shall not be worn as a lower row;
succeeding rows shall, without fully obscuring any ribbon, be centered above the lower row;

when there is such a significant number of ribbons that centering the two ribbons above or the single ribbon above a full row causes the ribbons to be obscured by the lapel, then the ribbons may be left justified as appropriate.

Changement au montage et port des ordres, décorations et médailles.

Montage de cour. On doit procéder au montage de cour. La longueur maximale à partir du dessus de la barrette à laquelle la médaille est suspendue jusqu’au bord inférieur de la médaille doit être de 9 cm. Dans les rares cas où le récipiendaire possède un insigne particulièrement longue (par exemple une récompense étrangère), une extension jusqu'à 9,5 cm sera autorisée. Les rubans et médailles doivent être fixés sur un support dont les dimensions dépendent du nombre de rubans portés. Le centre de chaque médaille doit arriver vis-à-vis du bord inférieur du support. Chaque ruban passe sur le devant du support, de bas en haut, puis est rabattu jusqu’à la médaille. Les médailles sont fixées au support au moyen de points de couture, de façon qu’elles ne bougent pas. Ce montage empêche les médailles de tinter les unes contre les autres.


Les membres qui relèvent de l'ancienne politique de 10 cm n'ont pas besoin de modifier le montage de leurs médailles. Cela ne peut se faire que par attrition/nouveau montage.

Rubans de petite tenue. Les rubans de petite tenue sont portés conformément aux dispositions des paragraphes 12. et 13. Lorsqu’on porte les ordres, décorations et médailles de taille normale, les rubans de petite tenue ne doivent pas être visibles. Des barrettes de rubans détachables devraient être utilisées au besoin et retirées avant que les médailles ne soient placées sur la veste.

Ruban large.
Le ruban large des degrés supérieurs de certains ordres du Commonwealth et de pays étrangers est porté par-dessus l’épaule avec l’insigne suspendu au nœud du ruban sur la hanche opposée, normalement de l’épaule droite à la hanche gauche. Les autorités de l’ordre en question fourniront des instructions appropriées. Sur la tunique et la veste de cérémonie, le ruban large passe sous toute patte d’épaule ou épaulette rigide. Sur la tenue de mess ou la tenue de soirée civile, il est porté sous la veste et sur le gilet et, pour les dames, sur la robe de soirée civile. Le port peut être restreint aux occasions où sont présents des représentants du pays qui a décerné la distinction ou durant les visites ou le service dans ce pays. Un seul ruban sera porté, habituellement le plus important, si le militaire en possède plusieurs. Cependant, le choix sera fonction de l’occasion.
Collier de fonction. Le port d’un collier de fonction d’un ordre est limité aux occasions officielles importantes liées à cette fonction ou à l’ordre en question. Le port du collier de fonction d’un ordre exclut le port de tout ruban large ou ruban en sautoir de l’ordre. Le collier n’inclut pas l’insigne de l’ordre. L’insigne est porté suspendu au collier de fonction, le cas échéant, ou sinon à un ruban. Les colliers sont portés sous les pattes d’épaule et pendent à égale distance en avant et en arrière, l’insigne étant suspendu sous le centre en avant.

Something different, Paramedics Medals, and miniature +undress ribbon bar.For all Paramedics, Police, Firefighters, Corr...

Something different, Paramedics Medals, and miniature +undress ribbon bar.

For all Paramedics, Police, Firefighters, Correction and Coast Guard services, I have all your ribbons available to mount your medals.

Thank you for your service 🎖🏅

Finally, last Remembrance day Order completed, its been a really busy two months, over 250 kits were mounted and again, ...

Finally, last Remembrance day Order completed, its been a really busy two months, over 250 kits were mounted and again, sorry for those I couldn't squeeze in.

Thank you all for your service to Canada and I hope you have a good remembrance day!

Medals: CWO(retired) Prendergast

Good day everyone, as remembrance day approaches, there are lots of mountings due for this date, and this year, thanks t...

Good day everyone, as remembrance day approaches, there are lots of mountings due for this date, and this year, thanks to you all, have been more occupied than any others before. I had a slight delay from my habitual timline of mounting.

This being said, the cutoff date for this year will be 15th October, this way I will have time to complete everyone's mounting on time, including the two Canex's, Kingston and Trenton.

I am really fortunate to have you all as a client and to be able to help you and other mounters with their ribbons and miniature/devices purchasing.

To finish, here are two uncommon mountings, One is a set with the US Legion of Merit(LoM) and the USMSM, the other is a set with the Sacrifice Medal added with the OSM-Haiti.

The King Charles III Coronation medal have already started to be given and it shows, if anyone need ribbons, know that we have tons of rolls available.

Have a great week! And thank you all for your service!


I have a love/hate relationship with Legion medals. But when the mounting is complete they are outstanding. Added a Legi...

I have a love/hate relationship with Legion medals. But when the mounting is complete they are outstanding.
Added a Legion medal for merit gold feather
And remounted a WW1 two medal kit

Have a good weekend!

An outstanding RCMP career and the addition of the King's  Coronation medal on this set!

An outstanding RCMP career and the addition of the King's Coronation medal on this set!

Good end of summer everyone! I hope you all had a beautiful summer and charged your batteries for fall!  I am back from ...

Good end of summer everyone! I hope you all had a beautiful summer and charged your batteries for fall! I am back from leave and will start mounting again this week, I am sorry for those that waited longer than usual, if I want to give a great quality work, I need to be at 100% and this is why leaves are important!

I will be more active on social media this year and will show some new products I have been working on!!

I can't thank you enough for all the business you brought to me and how you trust me with your precious medals! Its an honor to serve those who give for their country!

Have a great day!

Some recent mountings!

Some recent mountings!

Something different, Client asked me to clean, remount and reframe his grandfather's medals.  Here is a before and affer...

Something different, Client asked me to clean, remount and reframe his grandfather's medals. Here is a before and affer picture, I laser engraved a plaque and put a black velvet background


Big work weekend!! Alot got done, at least 30 kits were court mounted. Heres a couple pictures. I hope your weekend was ...

Big work weekend!! Alot got done, at least 30 kits were court mounted. Heres a couple pictures.

I hope your weekend was great!

The miniature Charles III Canada Coronation Medal 🇨🇦 is now available for purchase!! 🎖 Look at the quality ! Wow! 15$+ t...

The miniature Charles III Canada Coronation Medal 🇨🇦 is now available for purchase!! 🎖
Look at the quality ! Wow!

15$+ taxes, come with 6 inches of ribbon!

Full size ribbon available too, in foot, meters and rolls! Get yours now!!

Great opportunity! 🤩🤩

🎖🎖🔥Miniature Charles III Coronation medals are now available for purchase and Mounting on miniature sets! 🔥🎖🎖For Mounter...

🎖🎖🔥Miniature Charles III Coronation medals are now available for purchase and Mounting on miniature sets! 🔥🎖🎖

For Mounters, Rolls of full size and miniature ribbon are available to purchase too, can sell in feets and meters too!

😱😱 get yours now!


214 Briceland Street
Kingston, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 8pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 8pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 8pm
Thursday 7:30am - 8pm
Friday 7:30am - 8pm



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