Pelican Utility Sled 82 Trek Sport Otter Pro Resort Eskimo 650xd
Pelican Trek Sport 82 Utility Sled Unboxing
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#pelicansled #pelicanutilitysled #icefishing #icefishingsled #icefishingtent #pelicantreksport82 #lucamadventure #trout #smelts #wintercamping #dieselheater #fishing #stripedbass #stripedbassfishing
First time on the ice this year. Hope we catch some fish 😀
#icefishing #fishing #fishingvideos #rainbowsmelts #newbrunswickcanada
Otter Vortex Pro Resort Review Ice Fishing Tent Insulated Hub
Picked up a new ice fishing tent for our upcoming adventures.
Otter Vortex Pro Resort - Insulated Ice Fishing Tent - 103 sq-ft
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#ottervortexproresort #otterproresort #otteroutdoors #icefishing #icefishingtent #wintercamping #fishing #stripedbass #trout #smelts #pelicansled #besticefishingtent
Striped Bass Fishing Monsters Miramichi New Brunswick 2024 Canada #stripedbass #stripedbassfishing
Striped Bass Fishing Monsters Miramichi New Brunswick 2024 Canada #stripedbass #stripedbassfishing #fishing #fishingvideos
Caught my biggest so far. Now to find bigger. If you enjoyed this video make sure to click like and to follow the page.
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Otter vortex pro resort #icefishing #ottericefishing #otterproresort #rainbowsmelts #rainbowsmelt #troutfishing #icetent #icefishingtent #fishingvideo #fishingislife #fishingtrip
Striped Bass Fishing Miramichi New Brunswick #stripedbass #fishing #fishingvideo #miramichi #canada #newbrunswickcanada
Design the story of your dreams, #lucamadventure #stripedbass #stripedbassfishing #fishingvideos #icefishing #bassfishing #fishing #mackerelfishing #newbrunswick #pennreels #uglystik #personalbest
True meaning of being skunked #stripedbass #stripedbassfishing #fishing #fishingvideos #mackerelfishing
The Lobster Capital Of The World Shediac New Brunswick Drone Video
Trying out the our New DJI Mini 4 Pro Drone. Trying out a few of the features, distance and video quality. Decided I was going to take some video footage of the giant lobster in Shediac New Brunswick Canada and take a little flight over the Shediac Bay.
Shediac New Brunswick Canada is known to being the Lobster Capital Of The World. Nice community, plenty of opportunity for activitie; beaches - boating - local arts and crafts - acadian - fishing - lobster festivals - live music - camping.
If you enjoyed this little clip and would like to see more make sure to click the like button and subscribe to the channel for more.
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#lobster #shediac #shediacnb #giantlobster #lobstercapitaloftheworld #atlanticlobster #lobstershop #parleebeach #fishing #stripedbassfordinner #mackerel #lucamadventure #lobstercruise #captaindans #pointdechene #shediacisland #newbrunswickcanada #touristattraction
Cheap BBQ burger ideas #bbq #lucamadventure #bbqlife #bbqideas #FastFood #suppertime #hambergur #fishing #stripedbassfishing #troutfishing #mackerelfishing
Striped bass fishing on the miramichi, quick evening fish, caught my pb, was fun fishing. #lucamadventure #stripedbass #stripedbassfishing #fishingvideos #fishing #fishingpb #miramichinb #miramichiriver #miramichi
Seeing this off shore power boat coming up the coast line was a site to see as we do not get to see to many around here. Nice to see. Bucket list item and a experience to achieve for sure. Nice boat! #powerboats #powerboatracing #powerboating #shediacnb #shediac #parleebeach #raceboat #mti #outerlimitspowerboats #cigaretteboat #lucamadventure #boating #KawasakiUltra310LX