Resolvis: Foreign Language Typesetting/Typographies en langues étrangeres

Resolvis: Foreign Language Typesetting/Typographies en langues étrangeres FOREIGN LANGUAGE TYPESETTING Professionals upon whom you can depend. TYPOGRAPHIES EN LANGUES ÉTRANGERES Des professionnels sur lesquels vous pouvez compter.

At Resolvis we know how to make every foreign language feel at home. Resolvis sait comment faire se sentir
chez soi, toute langue étrangère. When it comes to typographic norms, every language has its own peculiar quirks and eccentricities. These norms tend to vary not only between different languages but also within the same language when it is used by different cultures. Clients expect their typ

esetter to know the difference, especially when the language is not one they are familiar with. It requires more than knowing how to operate a page layout software to get it right. For foreign language typesetting one can trust, there can be no substitute for experience. Partners at RESOLVIS since 1998, Dwight Smith and Robert Viens, former founders/associates of the internationally renowned typesetting studio Les maîtres typographes Zibra (1983-1998), have over two decades of experience providing clients with foreign language documents which are accurate, professional and adhere to high typographic standards. Note: RESOLVIS also offers text revision and translation services in all languages. Lorsqu’il s’agit des normes typographiques, chaque langue présente ses particularités et ses excentricités. Ces normes ont tendance à varier non seulement entre des langues différentes, mais également à l’intérieur d’une même langue quand celle-ci est utilisée par des gens de cultures distinctes. Les clients s’attendent à ce que leurs typographes aient une excellente connaissance de ces différences. Ils doivent leur faire entièrement confiance particulièrement lorsqu’il s’agit d’une langue qui leur est étrangère. Des services professionnels de typographie exigent beaucoup plus que la capacité d’utiliser un logiciel approprié. Lorsqu’il est question de typographie en langue étrangère, rien ne peut remplacer l’expérience. Les partenaires de RESOLVIS depuis 1998, Dwight Smith et Robert Viens aussi fondateurs-associés de la firme de réputation internationale Les maîtres typographes Zibra (1983-1998), possèdent une expérience de plus de deux décennies offrant ainsi à une large clientèle des documents professionnels en langues étrangères répondant aux plus hauts standards de qualité de la typographie contemporaine. Note : RESOLVIS offre également les services de révision et de traduction de textes dans toutes les langues.


I’m working on a Jewish prayer book. Trying to find a Hebrew font that handles cantillation marks. Found one, Schomo, a derivative of Ezra, and seems quite good. If anyone knows of others I should look at let me know. Thanks.


Typography has fascinated me since I was ten years old and published my first homemade magazine, which today would be referred to as a zine or a blog. For the past three decades, issues of typographic legibility, readability and aesthetics have crept into everything I do. I am as intrigued by how typographic characters are arranged on a page as I am in the words that these characters form. As paint is to a painter and sound to a composer, words are a writer's toolbox and the alphabet is the pigment, the individual notes, the architecture of words. No other medium has more dramatically defined who we are as human beings than the alphabet, this ability to transcribe and preserve thought, from Laotse to David Foster Wallace. Equally fascinating is the way in which the style of the characters can enhance or detract from a message.

What attracted me to work with foreign alphabets is the way the letter forms themselves seem to reflect the character of the people who use them. Think Cyrillic then think Russian and you can see what I mean. From Farsi to Chinese to Punjabi to Cree, letter forms themselves speak as loudly about the cultures using them as the words they express. Then there is the Latin alphabet, the great cultural flatlander but that is worthy of an essay for which this is not the place. Suffice it to say that probably the main reason I devoted myself to foreign language typesetting was to have a legitimate excuse to sit and stare at these various alphabets and get paid for it.


Resolvis pulls on over three decades of typographic experience in formatting foreign languages. Our primary goal is to ensure that our clients can deliver a product to their clients in a language that may not be their own and with which they can feel absolute confidence. What remains critical through every stage of our production is that the end reader feels that their language was treated with respect and intelligence.

Heidi Blais taking a walk in Utah 2014. This is what perfection looks like.

Heidi Blais taking a walk in Utah 2014. This is what perfection looks like.


Montreal, QC




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