Personnel Chez-Vous

Personnel Chez-Vous Personnel Chez-Vous is a Montreal, Quebec based recruitment company specializing in the recruitment

Linking Great People to Great Companies

Our mission

WIN - WIN and Personalized Service

BEST MATCH - Find an exceptional match between selected candidates and your organization

QUALITY- The best quality of services your ever had in human resources without having to support it internally

EFFICIENT - The most efficient and speedy fulfillment of your recruitment needs


easoned professionals devoted to finding the best resources for your company

TAILOR-MADE SERVICE - Providing you with a personalized service, specifically meeting your needs

SAVINGS - Saving you money and time offering you an affordable service allowing you to focus on devoting your time to your organization’s growth

CUSTOMIZED COST- Our costs are customized based on your present and future needs

AVAILABLE 7h00 am to 7h00 pm - Available for you when you are


Recruiting, Head Hunting and Strategic Resume Writing

Recruiting in:

IT, Transportation, Bio-tech, Banking, Clothing, Telecommunications,Sales, Aeronautics, Retail, Accounting, Tourism, Health, Recycling, Agriculture, Finance, Medical, Production, Food, Administration, Airlines, Fashion, etc.

FREE RESUME WORKSHOPMonday, August 26 at 5pm EST  Few spots left! RSVP HERE


Monday, August 26 at 5pm EST

Few spots left!


** PLEASE Share this—it could be the greatest gift you give**Our first Resume Workshop was a huge success! Participants ...

** PLEASE Share this—it could be the greatest gift you give**

Our first Resume Workshop was a huge success!

Participants gained a clear understanding of how to write a resume that commands attention and lands interviews.

No more getting overlooked by employers!

We now offer weekly workshops. Reserve your spot here:

By reserving your spot, you'll receive a free resume consultation within one week of attending the seminar.

Please share this! Many people need this help, and it’s my honor to provide it.

My mission is to empower people, help them prosper, and land jobs that bring happiness and success.

We all deserve it. Share this—it could be the greatest gift you give.

À la recherche: PRÉPOSÉ.E DES COMMANDESÀ Saint Leonard. 37.5/semaine - L-V - 9h à 17h - 22$/l'heure.LA FORMATION SERA FO...

À Saint Leonard.
37.5/semaine - L-V - 9h à 17h - 22$/l'heure.


Une entreprise familiale très douce et presque 40 ans en affaire, recherche un.e préposée des commandes de fabrication.

Les responsabilités concernent les tâches de fabrication et d'expédition.
Tâches de fabrication :
• Finaliser le processus de fabrication des portraits commémoratifs – cela signifie :
o Couper les images, faire correspondre l'image au formulaire de commande et placer les images sur une porcelaine vierge.
o Une fois toutes les images transférées sur une porcelaine, elles doivent être chargées sur un support spécial puis placées dans un four qui doit ensuite être allumé et démarré.

Tâches d'expédition :
• Préparer et expédier les portraits commémoratifs à la bonne destination.
o Les portraits doivent être retirés du four, séparés par taille et examinés pour détecter d'éventuels défauts.
o Chaque portrait doit être associé à son formulaire de commande original et trié dans le bon bac en fonction de l'emplacement du client.
o Une fois les colis préparés, la facture doit être placée dans la bonne boîte et fermée pour être expédiée.
o Les étiquettes d'expédition avec Postes Canada et UPS devront être créées, imprimées et collées sur la bonne boîte.

Autres petites tâches (de temps en temps) :
• Utiliser un scanner pour numériser des images.
• Répondre au téléphone en anglais et en français (parfois).
• Répondre aux e-mails en anglais et en français (parfois).

Exigences :
• Doit apprécier travailler au sein d'une entreprise familiale (cette famille est douce et s'entend très bien).
• Organisé, esprit d'équipe et prend des initiatives.
• Aucune formation scolaire requise.

Offre :
• 22 $ de l'heure,
• 37,5 heures par semaine – L-V de 9h à 17h, 30 minutes de pause lunch..
• Parler anglais et français – niveau de base suffisant pour répondre au téléphone


Master Class - Pilot - May 15th was a HUGE SUCCESS! Stay tuned for additional classes this Spring! Thank you to all those who participated!


Command   your qualifications and career journey deserve!Save your spot here Learn how to craft...

Command your qualifications and career journey deserve!

Save your spot here

Learn how to craft a #

Did you get your ticket yet to the May 15th at Noon?

with new , or simply those friends continuously they don't get a for an .

Spots are limited as I shall offer personal time one week after the class to review your resume and help you refine it for the eyes of your desired employers.



Please take a moment. Breathe. Consider this.

Nurture your future opportunities and possibilities.

Believe me, Please.

I understand how tough it can be to deal with toxic work environments.

I've been there myself.

Getting fired, laid off, or targeted unfairly can be incredibly disheartening. I remember feeling hurt when I, a proud Quebecer who attended French school, was unfairly stereotyped at work for my background.

I get it.

But as I've advised my 15-year-old, it's essential to stick with a job for at least a year. He had a part-time job at McDonald's and wanted to quit just after three months because it involved physically demanding labor, frequent burns from hot coffee and frying oil, and consistent verbal abuse.

No one deserves such treatment. Verbal or physical abuse is unacceptable, but that's a topic for another discussion.

However, it's crucial to try to stay in a job for a solid year to three years.


Because it demonstrates to future employers that you're resilient, dedicated, loyal, and committed.

It shows that you're willing to persevere and give your best effort.

You attract what you project. If you project commitment, you'll attract committed employers. On the other hand, if you jump around, give up quickly, and don't put in the effort, you'll likely attract employers who aren't committed to your career development and advancement.


This isn't just my opinion; it's something I observe day in and day out.

Sincerely, your most devoted and sisterly Headhunter - Recruiter - Advisor.


We are so proud of our Candidate Tania. We wish her nothing but continued success with our client WC&Co Brands

I was Hired 😀 and I was FIRED 😡 ( while on Mat leave too! That hurt... ALOT 😢 )Therefore16 years ago, I decided to hire ...

I was Hired 😀 and I was FIRED 😡 ( while on Mat leave too! That hurt... ALOT 😢 )

16 years ago, I decided to hire MYSELF. 😊

The creation of Personnel Chez-Vous - GROUPE PCV INC. was fueled by my MISSION to ensure the RIGHT type of Human:
· Experience
· Talent
· Personality

Was met with the most:
· Deserving
· Kind and
· Encouraging ...
Employers 👨‍💼👨‍🦰👩‍🦰👱‍♀️👨‍🦳👩‍💻

who can deliver to new and their current

· Harmonious work environment
· Opportunity to learn and growth
· Fair wages and perks...and....
· amount of & .

THIS IS MY WHY I am a Proud, Independent Recruiter and Consultant to both Employers and Candidates.

……….. Just in case you didn’t know.


🎄🎁 We at Groupe PCV would like to express our gratitude for your wonderful business this year. As we celebrate and enjoy the holiday season, we look forward to serving you again in the coming year. We wish you a Merry Christmas 🎅and a Happy New Year 🎉!

Thank you once again for choosing Groupe PCV.

If you're seeking to advance in your career, regardless of your current level or stage, we have the expertise to open th...

If you're seeking to advance in your career, regardless of your current level or stage, we have the expertise to open the door to your next level. Contact Personnel Chez-Vous-Groupe PCV Inc. and take the first step towards achieving your goals.

Si vous cherchez à progresser dans votre carrière, quel que soit votre niveau ou votre stade actuel, nous disposons des compétences nécessaires pour ouvrir la porte à votre prochain niveau. Contactez Personnel Chez-Vous-Groupe PCV Inc. et faites le premier pas vers la réalisation de vos objectifs.


Discover a fulfilling career! It's not just about a big salary or a fancy job title, but finding work that brings you jo...

Discover a fulfilling career! It's not just about a big salary or a fancy job title, but finding work that brings you joy. Allow us to assist you in finding your ideal job that will genuinely make you happy.

Découvrez une carrière gratifiante ! Il ne s'agit pas seulement d'un gros salaire ou d'un titre de poste prestigieux, mais de trouver un travail qui vous apporte de la joie. Permettez-nous de vous aider à trouver l'emploi idéal qui vous rendra véritablement heureux.



Discover the exceptional Lora Cerulli Totilo - the renowned founder and president of Personnel Chez-Vous - GROUPE PCV INC.


We've successfully matched candidate qualifications and assets to position requirements for over 14 years, delivering results you can trust.

📞 1-844-HIRE-WEL


Get off that boat of despair. Call ☎ 1-844-HIRE-WEL for your next qualified, motivated talent and Personnel Chez-Vous - GROUPE PCV INC.


Do you have staffing requirements? Look no further than Personnel Chez-Vous - GROUPE PCV INC. We offer a diverse range of staffing solutions tailored to your needs. Get in touch with us today.


Recruiting involves three parties: the recruiter, the client, and the candidate. As the "middle person" between the clie...

Recruiting involves three parties: the recruiter, the client, and the candidate. As the "middle person" between the client and candidate, the recruiter plays a pivotal role in facilitating communication. By maintaining strong relationships and demonstrating commitment, everyone involved can achieve success. Contact us today for your FREE consultation,

Le recrutement implique trois parties : le recruteur, le client et le candidat. En tant que "personne intermédiaire" entre le client et le candidat, le recruteur joue un rôle essentiel en facilitant la communication. En entretenant des relations solides et en faisant preuve d'engagement, toutes les parties concernées peuvent réussir. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour une consultation GRATUITE.


There are numerous benefits in using Personnel Chez-Vous-GROUPE PCV INC for your recruiting, including decreased costs, ...

There are numerous benefits in using Personnel Chez-Vous-GROUPE PCV INC for your recruiting, including decreased costs, saved time, superior hiring practices, an edge over competitors, and enhanced outcomes. Take advantage of these benefits to ensure the success of your business. Book your free consultation today.


Il y a de nombreux avantages à utiliser Personnel Chez-Vous-GROUPE PCV INC pour votre recrutement, y compris la réduction des coûts, l'économie de temps, des pratiques d'embauche supérieures, un avantage sur les concurrents et des résultats améliorés. Profitez de ces avantages pour assurer le succès de votre entreprise. Réservez votre consultation gratuite dès aujourd'hui.

In our line of business, we believe in prioritizing quality over quantity. This is why we meticulously screen through nu...

In our line of business, we believe in prioritizing quality over quantity. This is why we meticulously screen through numerous resumes to ensure that only the best-qualified candidates are recommended to you for your consideration. Contact us to learn more about our process.


Dans notre domaine d'activité, nous pensons que la qualité doit être privilégiée par rapport à la quantité. C'est pourquoi nous examinons méticuleusement de nombreux CV afin de nous assurer que seuls les candidats les mieux qualifiés vous sont recommandés. Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus sur notre processus..

🍁Wishing you a Happy Canada Day and a great long weekend! 🍁🍁Nous vous souhaitons une joyeuse fête du Canada et une excel...

🍁Wishing you a Happy Canada Day and a great long weekend! 🍁

🍁Nous vous souhaitons une joyeuse fête du Canada et une excellente fin de semaine ! 🍁


What makes us different? the answer is simple: WE TAKE IT PERSONNALY! Our mission is to ensure that our candidates find ...

What makes us different? the answer is simple: WE TAKE IT PERSONNALY! Our mission is to ensure that our candidates find the perfect opportunity and our clients find the ideal fit for their open position. Our process guarantees the best match for both our candidates and clients. Contact us today,

Qu'est-ce qui nous différencie ? La réponse est simple : NOUS PRENONS LES CHOSES À CŒUR ! Notre mission est de veiller à ce que nos candidats trouvent l'opportunité idéale et que nos clients trouvent la personne idéale pour leur poste. Notre processus garantit la meilleure adéquation pour nos candidats et nos clients. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui,


Bonne St-Jean à tous Happy St-Jean Baptiste day ☎️1-844-HIRE-WEL💻

Bonne St-Jean à tous
Happy St-Jean Baptiste day


Our clients' testimonials inspire us and motivate us every day. We are grateful for their wonderful feedback.Les témoign...

Our clients' testimonials inspire us and motivate us every day. We are grateful for their wonderful feedback.

Les témoignages de nos clients nous inspirent et nous motivent chaque jour. Nous sommes toujours heureux de connaître leur expérience.



With a track record of serving over 350 Canadian employers, Personnel Chez-Vous-GROUPE PCV INC. founded by Lora Cerulli-Totilo, is the go-to solution for achieving your desired outcomes with confidence. Get in touch with us today.


Avec une expérience de plus de 350 employeurs canadiens, Personnel Chez-Vous-GROUPE PCV INC., fondé par Lora Cerulli-Totilo, est la solution idéale pour atteindre vos objectifs en toute confiance. Communiquez avec nous dès aujourd'hui.



At Personnel Chez-Vous - GROUPE PCV INC., we prioritize collaboration and apply it to every aspect of our operation. We firmly believe that the employer, candidate, and recruiter must work together to achieve the best outcome. Through our consistent effort and dedication, we have forged solid and trustworthy relationships with both employees and employers over the years.


Chez Personnel Chez-Vous, nous priorisons la collaboration et l'appliquons à tous les aspects de nos opérations. Nous croyons fermement que l'employeur, le candidat et le recruteur doivent travailler ensemble pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats. Grâce à nos efforts constants et à notre dévouement, nous avons forgé des relations solides et dignes de confiance avec les employés et les employeurs au fil des ans.

Having a great team is essential for the success of your business. Personnel Chez-Vous can assist you in attracting and ...

Having a great team is essential for the success of your business. Personnel Chez-Vous can assist you in attracting and retaining top talent without any hassle or stress. All you need to do is share your business objectives and hiring plans, and we'll handle the rest. For more information, contact us at:


Avoir une bonne équipe est essentiel pour le succès de votre entreprise. Personnel Chez-Vous peut vous aider à attirer et à retenir les meilleurs talents sans tracas ni stress. Vous n'avez qu'à nous faire part de vos objectifs d'affaires et de vos plans d'embauche, et nous nous occuperons du reste. Pour plus d'informations, contactez-nous à:



Looking to find the perfect candidate for your company? Look no further than Personnel Chez-Vous! Our step-by-step guide ensures that we find the best talent for you:

1- First, we conduct an in-depth needs assessment to understand your company and goals to scope out your ideal candidate.

2- We then conduct an extensive search to find the best talent available.

3- We thoroughly screen potential candidates to ensure they have the right qualifications, work style, and behavior.

4- Only the top candidates make it to you for presentation.

5- We consult with you to evaluate finalists and help you negotiate and finalize the accepted offer.

6- Even after the hire is made, we support the onboarding process to ensure your continued satisfaction.

📅 Book your free consultation today at :

Vous cherchez le candidat idéal pour votre entreprise ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin que Personnel Chez-Vous ! Notre guide étape par étape nous permet de trouver les meilleurs talents pour vous :

1- Tout d'abord, nous effectuons une évaluation approfondie des besoins afin de comprendre votre entreprise et vos objectifs, et ainsi trouver le candidat idéal.

2- Nous menons ensuite une recherche approfondie pour trouver les meilleurs talents disponibles.

3- Nous sélectionnons minutieusement les candidats potentiels pour nous assurer qu'ils possèdent les qualifications, le style de travail et le comportement adéquats.

4- Seuls les meilleurs candidats vous sont présentés.

5- Nous vous consultons pour évaluer les finalistes et vous aider à négocier et à finaliser l'offre acceptée.

6- Même après l'embauche, nous soutenons le processus d'intégration afin d'assurer votre satisfaction continue.


Montreal, QC

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 7pm
Tuesday 7am - 7pm
Wednesday 7am - 7pm
Thursday 7am - 7pm
Friday 7am - 7pm


Be the first to know and let us send you an email when Personnel Chez-Vous posts news and promotions. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.



Our Story

Linking Great People to Great Companies Our mission WIN - WIN and Personalized Service BEST MATCH - Find an exceptional match between selected candidates and your organization QUALITY- The best quality of services your ever had in human resources without having to support it internally EFFICIENT - The most efficient and speedy fulfillment of your recruitment needs EXPERTISE - Seasoned professionals devoted to finding the best resources for your company TAILOR-MADE SERVICE - Providing you with a personalized service, specifically meeting your needs SAVINGS - Saving you money and time offering you an affordable service allowing you to focus on devoting your time to your organization’s growth CUSTOMIZED COST- Our costs are customized based on your present and future needs AVAILABLE 7h00 am to 7h00 pm - Available for you when you are HOPING to HAVE the PRIVILEGE to FIND EXCEPTIONAL CANDIDATES for YOUR ORGANIZATION Specialties: Recruiting, Head Hunting and Strategic Resume Writing Recruiting in: IT, Transportation, Bio-tech, Banking, Clothing, Telecommunications,Sales, Aeronautics, Retail, Accounting, Tourism, Health, Recycling, Agriculture, Finance, Medical, Production, Food, Administration, Airlines, Fashion, etc.

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