Physical distancing on sunny days in Victoria can be tricky. Understandably, lots of people want to get out for exercise so keeping 2 metres sometimes means having to spill over onto the streets or just bike out a bit further. My ride out from Galloping Goose trail start to Roche Cove Regional Park was amazing with friendly people all doing their best to respect each other's attempts to distance.
The Victoria Symphony Splash barge is warming up Symphony starts at 7:30
Show some decency buddy. It’s the west coast. Those should be Birkenstocks with socks.
And over in Oak Bay today was a bit of hail. It sounds really weird in slo mo
The air is super clear in the Crofton Harbour compared to the haze I was in the past couple of days up island
Cooling off at Spider Lake The added bonus is that there's less smoke from forest fires here.