Hanging out with the gentle giants of Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe and Chobe National Park in Botswana. It is such an amazing experience to spend time and watch these beauties up and close as they go about their business.
Send us an email at info@escapetoafricasafaris to inquire about our October, 2020 Photographic Safari in one of the most beautiful National Parks in Africa. Seven nights with some amazing wildlife, landscapes, morning and evening sunsets. This is one of the photographer's opportunity of a life time!
The little siblings were given some flea medication and food to help them grow. They enjoy spending time together and love to wrestle.
#puppylove #siblings #fleas #wrestle #sweetness #africa #farmlife
It's a winter wonderland in Nelson, but just a few short months ago our group was in Africa enjoying the hot sun and spectacular wildlife. This delightful encounter with elephants took place in Chobe, National Park.
#herdofelephants #guidedtrips #reservefor2019 #nelson #zimbabwe #botswana #africa #safaris #liveinthekoots #bush #tours #explore #travels #landofsun #twoworlds
A beautiful & quiet Christmas....enjoying our time together and being conscientious of un-plugging and less focused on technology. The canyon was worthy of a few moments of video. Merry Christmas.
#nature #water #poolsofwater #kokaneecreek #canyontrail #forest #quiet #snow #freshair #walk #falls #peaceful
Hand feeding a lovely cow named Tayi who has been a part of the family for years. This breed of cow common in Africa is called Brahman.
#feedme #wheat&molasses #friendly #farmlife #moo #zimbabwe #downtime #field #tripstoafrica #africa
Taking off from a small airstrip in Manapools on our way to Victoria Falls. This National Park is over 20,000 km2 and is a haven for wildlife. October is a very dry month and excellent for animal viewing throughout the area.
#manapools #manamagic #nationalpark #wildlife #ourtrips #safari #zimbabwe #dry #october #bushflight #charterplane #fly #overafrica #sky #barren
Some beautiful moments from our recent trip "Journey into Zimbabwe". Our six guests experienced characterful lodging, exciting interactions with wildlife, deep golden sunsets, an array of travel including bush flights and Land Cruiser, & were touched by the magnificent feel of Africa. We are setting up trips for the 2019 season. We guide a minimum of 4 and a maximum group of 10 people on our vintage style safaris.
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/escapetoafrica/?hl=en
Sorry it isn't clearer but so rewarding for the group to see a pack of painted dogs we used to research. The Nyakasanga pack is currently made up of 10 adults and 7 pups. They are highly social and fiercely loyal to eachother.
#Manapools #painteddogs #safari #nelson #zimbabwe #intelligent #loyal #hunters #pups #nyakasanga #followus #bush #africa #survival #pack @escapetoafrica
Guided Safaris with Escape to Africa Safaris....
Turn up your volume and enjoy a glimpse of what we offer!
Escape to Africa Safaris will soon be in Zimbabwe & Botswana, guiding guests throughout 5 National Parks. Now is the best time to plan for your 2019 Safari Trip. In the Vancouver, Victoria or Kootenay area? We are able to meet you in person to discuss your dream Safari destination. Contact us at [email protected] or learn more at www.escapetoafricasafaris.com
A black bear cub with an itch to settle....
Here's a few shakey videos from a few minutes ago. It's not Africa but always neat seeing deer and bears in our garden. Our dog Sadie isn't keen on having black bears in the garden!
#blackbears #Nelson #Kootenays #bears #wildlife #beardog #visitors