Tourism Opportunity
The Magic of Ogopogo, and
N’ha-a-itk - Sacred Spirit of the Lake
Creation and Evolution
Creation of the Concept
• Bruce Klippenstein, retired and living in Peachland since 2017, became immersed in the Legend of Ogopogo,
and its reputation as the world’s most credible Sea Serpent, and N.A.’s most famous.
• As Okanagan Town Crier, Bruce was already working to promote Tourism in the Okanagan, and saw many
possibilities for Ogopogo to become a major tourist attraction:
- Ogopogo is the second-best known of the world’s sea serpents, behind Nessie, and is first in number of credible sightings, especially multiple-people viewings.
- Nessie is a major tourist draw and a major contributor to Scotland’s economy. Specifically, Nessie adds over $70 million per year to the economy of the Loch Ness region.
- Ogopogo has a centuries-long, rich & colourful history in Okanagan Lake region, both among First Nations (known as N’ha-a-itk) and the later Western Culture populace (name evolved to Ogopogo).
• After two letters to the Editor of Peachland View about the possibilities, and receiving no response from other
readers, Bruce concluded, “If it is going to be, it will have to be me.”
• Bruce determined that residents loved the idea of promoting Ogopogo (87% in a Peachland survey), and they
felt the “Magic of Ogopogo”, in that they often looked to the lake, “just in case”, and they passed their sense of magic on to the next generations.
• The idea that N’ha-a-itk/Ogopogo could surpass Nessie as a tourism draw was reinforced by a visit to
Loch Ness in 2019, with wife LindaLea, which included meeting with the key promoters of Loch Ness and Nessie Tourism, Willie Cameron and Gary Campbell.
• Bruce determined that the Okanagan had several significant geographical and cultural advantages over the
Loch Ness area:
Loch Ness Lake Okanagan
• Lake Water murky, due to peat clear
• Weather – avg. high temps:
Summer 18 28
Winter 6 1
• Tourism no wineries, limited golf Wineries, Golf, Skiing
only X-Cntry ski, some trails, Water recreation,
minimal non-boat water activity plus Trails galore
• Scenery OK Spectacular!
• Cultural aspect Not promoted Indigenous & Western
From this and other research, Bruce concluded that N’ha-a-itk/Ogopogo could become a successful major
Okanagan Tourist Attraction, bringing over a half-million extra visitors and $75 million added spending.
• Bruce then devised a Strategic Plan that could evolve the Magic of N’ha-a-itk/Ogopogo to become a major
tourist attraction in the Okanagan. The Strategic Plan, from Vision to Action Plan, follows this page.
• Since 2017, Bruce has been striving to implement various elements of the Strategic Plan.