We are 100% Maritime owned and operated. Our Mission is to "Improve the quality of life for Maritime people, businesses and communities through promotion, support and networking via the Proud Maritimer Brand"
In short...Maritimers helping Maritimers. We are firm believers of the buy local philosophy. Spending money locally means a greater portion of those funds stay right here in the Maritimes w
here it helps strengthen the economy. The more business that local companies can attract the greater the need to hire more employees. The more jobs created means that less of us Maritimers have to leave to find work. The team behind Proud Maritimer took the simple idea that we live in best part, of the best
country in the world, and we would do anything to stay. Unfortunately for so many of us, the reality is we have to leave our home to find work. The team includes business graduates and friends Max Long, Jude Long, and Jason Horton. In the summer of 2014 we were at the Long family summer cabin enjoying the maritime way of life. While going through an old storage chest we found a registered copywrite from 1983. That copy write was "Proud Maritimer". We asked what it was about. Max and Judes Dad, (Waddie Long) explained that back then he had traveled out west for work for many years and many times. During his travels, like all Maritimers, he got a little homesick. "I had been out west several times, Fort Mac in 1975, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver and Vancouver Island between 1976 and 1983. Everywhere I went I kept running into other Maritimers. I was surprised at how many of us are spread all over Canada and the work we do in this country. One could say that be pretty well built the country! Everyone I met was proud of their maritime roots. That's where I first got the idea. We are all proud Maritimers and we stick together. I registered the name on June 1, 1983. I didn't have the resources to pursue it so I made some T-shirts for myself and wore them proudly getting lots of good comments. I went on to have a successful career in the environmental industry and raised my family. It is exciting to see my boys and their best friend, who are all business graduates, take Proud Maritimer and run with it 31 years later". "The time is right to bring Maritimers together and build on the maritime pride we all hold so dear and to shine a spotlight on maritime people, places and businesses and work together to maintain the lifestyle we all enjoy". "Although it is an idea from some 31 years ago it still holds true today. Proud Maritimer is in good hands and I know they will do wonders with it". He concluded. "The three of us decided to advance the idea so the first thing we did was hire a proud maritime graphic artist to design our new Logo" Said Jason Horton. Sean Martell, lead designer for Mozilla Firefox (the browser people), was honoured to take on the task. The logo Sean designed includes an anchor to represent Maritime Sail, a lighthouse to represent the Maritime Shores and waves to represent the Maritime Sea, coming together to form a beaming, Proud Maritimer face.