正在尋找下一個假期的新去處嗎?別再猶豫,我們有個好介紹給大家。何不去看看世界的另一面呢?不僅可看到美麗的風景,探索不同的文化,還可享受美味佳餚。 入住豪華酒店。 帶回終生難忘的旅行回憶。
下團日期:2025年 6月 03日
保證出發 現尚餘少量位 12月內預訂可享折扣 $200 OFF (每位)
Looking for somewhere new to go for your next vacation? Look no further, we have an interesting and fun tour for you. Why not go to see another side of the world? Not just seeing gorgeous scenery and explore different culture, but also enjoy delicious cuisine. Stay in luxurious hotel too. Bring back unforgettable travel memories that will last a lifetime.
點擊這裡查看中文鏈接 : https://gofun.ca/tour/southafrica2025/
Click here for the English link : https://gofun.ca/tour/southafrica2025-en/?lang=en
#gofun #southafrica #Zimbabwe #victoriafallszimbabwe #victoriafalls #lionfeeding #elephantencounter #helicopter
下次出發 - 2025 年 6 月 3 日
👉 https://gofun.ca/tour/southafrica2025/ (CHINESE)
An up-close elephant experience! In Zimbabwe, elephant riding is no longer offered, but we took part in an amazing elephant encounter program. It was educational, fun, and we’re so happy we did it! Next Departure - June 3, 2025
👉 https://gofun.ca/tour/southafrica2025-en/?lang=en (ENGLISH)
#Zimbabwe #elephantencounter #ElephantEyes #gofundme
I am back to the office now. Brought back many photos. Will share my creations here with u all. Hope you like to see!
2024 Travelgraphy 01 - Lions Feeding Upclose in Zimbabwe
This program is nicely put together - 100% safe and fun watching. I did the lion walk in the past. Since the program is on longer running in Zimbabwe, watching the big cat eating so near is another experience that I can't forget. The whole thing is pleasant for the animals and us.
#Zimbabwe #ZimbabweTravel #lionfeeding #gofun
在葡萄牙和北西班牙度過了一段美好的時光。第4團 已回家了。
下團定於 2025 年 5 月。將與大家深入體驗西班牙和葡萄牙的文化。我們不僅會參觀當地著名的景點、品嚐美味佳餚,還會透過故事分享,讓大家了解西班牙收復失地之前的歷史,並探索兩國之間的關係。我們從摩洛哥出發到西班牙,就像踏入了時光機,重溫當年穆斯林從北非來到伊比利半島。知道這些歷史片段將助我們更理解今天當地人生活方式和價值觀,讓這次旅行變得更加難忘。
在2025 年將有更多精彩內容。增遊 摩洛哥、西班牙 (中南北)、深度遊葡萄牙 共18天 。出發日期:2025年 5月 2日
歡迎來電查詢及報名 😊(604) 278-1668
https://gofun.ca/tour/morocco/ (中文版)
The next one is set for May 20215. The trip will take you on an in-depth journey through the cultures of Spain and Portugal. We will not only visit famous local attractions and enjoy delicious food, but also share stories that reveal the history before Spain's Reconquista and explore the relationship between the two countries. Starting from Morocco to Spain will feel like stepping into a time machine, revisiting the period when Muslims came from North Africa to the Iberian Peninsula. Learning these historical moments will deepen our understanding of the local way of life and values today, making this trip truly unforgettable.
The next group is set for May 02, 2025. Will have more exciting tour contents including Morocco, Spain (central and south), and in-depth travel to Portugal for a total of 18 days.
Welcome your for inquriy and booking:
eHome's Customer VIP Discount - C$100
https://gofun.ca/tour/morocco-en/?lang=en (English Version)
#gofun #morocco #moroccotravel #casablanca #madrid #spaintravel #lisbonportugal