Winter project complete! I tied up a custom 10.5’ mooching rod to my own specs. Lamiglass SI 10 1/2’ medium blank paired with a Sage Spectrum C saltwater 9/10 fly reel. Slick but and foam fore grip. Light and fun was the plan. Thanks to @valleycustomrods for the components and some tips. Looking forward to using it for some of the spectacular Vancouver winter Chinook action happening now. @pursuitsportfishing @lamiglasrods @sageflyfish @valleycustomrod #thanksunclebob
Angry seas today in Ucluelet. We still managed to get 5 boats out salmon fishing inside the sound. Back at ya in 2 hours with a report and photos. @pursuitsportfishing @murphysportfishing #ucluelet #angryseas #hardyguides #saltydogs #tourismbc #shoplocal
Wood River Mountain Range southwest Alaska. Just about to go over the Bering Sea. #alaska #dillinghamalaska #woodrivermountains #beringsea @pursuitsportfishing #787dreamliner #snowcappedmountains #paradise
Offshore Japanese fishing fleet. The fleet was all fishing on the border of Taiwan and Japan and way offshore. Very bright lights even at 34,000 feet. The brightest lights I’m told is a small, floating village. Buyers, fuel and food for the fleet. They may stay out there for weeks, weather dependent. #offshorefishing #japan #taiwan @pursuitsportfishing #fishinglife #boeing787 #thingsyouseeataltitude #theviewfromabove
“Please make sure your seatbelts are fastened. We will be at the fishing grounds very quickly”. @pursuitsportfishing #excessivehorsepower #overkill #holdontight #cabo
Red sky at night, beach volleyball delight. It’s a beautiful California sunset tonight. @pursuitsportfishing #cali #calisunset #southbay #travel #beachvolleyball #emptybeach #california
Sometimes it can be hard to read the guests to see if they’re having a good time or not!
@pursuitsportfishing #partytime #funcrew #travelbc #salmonfishinginvancouver
Fun day flicking dry flies to feisty wild rainbows on a local Creek. @pursuitsportfishing #wildrainbows #rainbowtrout #travel #beautifulbc #dryflies
Pursuit Sport Fishing Chartets
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Cleansing for the soul. The rugged and breathtaking West Coast. @pursuitsportfishing #westcoast #Ucluelet #beautifulbc #travel #britishcolumbia
It wasn’t seals we had to worry about this day. Double header of chinook and an aggressive bald eagle keeping us entertained. @pursuitsportfishing #baldeagle #britishcolumbia #travel #chilliwack #uclueletbc #salmon