As we are now officially in full production of our CRF150R electric start, we are happy to show some more details about the installation and technical aspects !!
Follow the link below for the complete 20 minutes install instructions:
XR650R Electric starter !! ⚡️⚡️⚡️
600EFI 2 Stroke Panthera Motors are getting assembled !
Assembly line of the new 600EFI 2-stroke Panthera Motors is fired up at last !!
SO MUCH WORK, long days and long nights, sweat and blood, have been put in this from our whole team for the last 2 years. We are extremely proud of the MONSTER we have create. Hundreds of different parts and pieces coming in a beatiful harmony of engineering to create a MADE IN CANADA engine 🇨🇦
We want to thank and be so grateful for the extreme patience of all our customers who have reserved this engine package already 🫶
Engines will slowly start to ship to everyone of you as fast as we can cast, machine and assemble them.
CRF 150 R Electric starter !! ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Coming up !!
One of the most intricate casting and part we have done up to now 💪🏼 integrate the oil filter, oil passages, dip stick, stator and all the other e-start component. What a challenge !
Episode 4: We analyze the CR500 dyno runs we did on last episode and talk exhaust timing concepts to explains the variety of our results.
n this 3rd episode : Testing on the dyno the original CR500, versus a few common modifications and the new 560cc Panthera cylinder for the CR500.
All datas will be deeply analyzed and explained in the following episode !
Episode 3: CR500 dyno testing versus Panthera CR560 cylinder - Mad scientist explains
In this 3rd episode : Testing on the dyno the original CR500, versus a few common modifications and the new 560cc Panthera cylinder for the CR500.
All datas will be deeply analyzed and explained in the following episode !
In this 2nd episode : Engine connecting rod ratio, or the impact of the length of the connecting rod versus the stroke of the engine.
Join us in this informative series of video about the engineering and technical explanations of a motorcycle single cylinder two stroke with Panthera Motors !!
Episode 2 - Rod ratio - Mad scientist explains
In this 2nd episode : Engine connecting rod ratio, or the impact of the length of the connecting rod versus the stroke of the engine.
Join us in this informative series of video about the engineering and technical explanations of a motorcycle single cylinder two stroke with Panthera Motors !!
CR500 transmission NOW AVAILABLE !