Perfect way to enjoy the Friday night sunset..
Often our guests ask what winter is like up here in Southampton. Like a lot of areas this winter, we had been really lucky.. very little snow up until last weekend. But then winter did arrive a couple days ago! This is a short video of the area down by the flag pole with the infamous large snow banks! It’s a short video cause we have been busy shovelling haha …..
Today’s first Polar Bear Plunge in a very cold lake! And no, we didn’t jump in.. congrats to those that bravely did! Great fundraiser for the local food bank
Not bad for late December! Always peaceful at the lake!
Although it was a rainy windy fall day yesterday, Mother Nature didn’t disappoint with a stunning sunset!
Fantastic way for everyone to enjoy the long weekend!! It’s been a great summer !!
Tonight’s Sunset Piper.. happy this Friday night tradition is back!
The beach is calling you...
Labour Day Sunset in Southampton
Well summer has officially come to an end! We had a fantastic season, meeting many new guests !! We absolutely love reading what people wrote in the guest book, about fun at the lake, hiking, and even birthday celebrations!
Many have already booked for next year, and if you haven’t booked yet, please take a look at calendar and plan on having fun at the beach in 2021!
Here’s tonight’s windy sunset...
Its Beach Time!!
Don’t miss out on summer, sitting on the beach, toes in the sand.. relaxing! Check availability for this summer at one of our family friendly cottages..
The sounds of summer! Last nights sunset was beautiful but guess what made it even more special? The sound of children playing in the sand, families laughing together, music.. looking forward to a fun summer in Southampton!
Seasons change, the shoreline changes, but what will never change is my love of a Southampton sunset!